A Near LIFE LONG Republican Speaks

Trump is the President because 2 mil life long democrat
blue collar workers voted for him.

WOW.....had those 2 million voted their party, Hillary would have beaten Trump by popular votes by FIVE million..................LOL

If "their party" had given a shit about them...those blue collar union workers would have voted for Clinton! Since it's obvious they don't...they went with the guy who promised he'd make their lives better. Oh and by the way...Trump has kept that promise! Just saying...
Trump is the President because 2 mil life long democrat
blue collar workers voted for him.

WOW.....had those 2 million voted their party, Hillary would have beaten Trump by popular votes by FIVE million..................LOL
it wasn't 2 million anyway...

it was 70,000 vote total, in 3 specific states, that won him the electoral college....
What exactly, aside from hate for Trump and a desperate desire to reclaim their elitist ruling class status, are the Democrats running on?

Raising Taxes
Eliminating Jobs
Eliminating higher wages, raises, and bonuses
A return to higher Obama-level unemployment...and dependency on the govt/democrats again
Driving manufacturing jobs back overseas
Impeachment of Trump and Kavanaugh, evidence or not
Lack of civility, more violence, more violent intolerance until the Dems retake power
Rigged elections, cheating in debates, being TOLD who your criminal candidate will be

So someone .. anyone … is trying to make the argument that this election is about the direction our country is going in regarding civility, tolerance, etc.....and are trying to claim that the Democrats are the ones who represent a path to civility and tolerance...?

After Hillary and her team were caught funding thugs to go to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies during the 2016 election … after all the Leftist, Russian/Soros funded Antifa/Baltimore/Ferguson/Charlottesville violence...after the Democrats despicable personal attack against Kavanaugh and his family...after a snowflake inspired by violent Liberal Democrat Politician rhetoric attempted to assassinate GOP politicians and succeeded in gunning down Scalise....after Hillary just recently called for an abandonment of civility and an increase in Leftist violence and violent intolerance until they retake power….?

Really.....? :p
Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

You're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Democrats this midterm. 54% of Republicans did not vote for Trump in the primary. The only reason he became the nominee of the party is that votes were being split between an unheard of 17 GOP candidates. Trump floated to the top.

You have the "never" Trumper's along with millions of other disgruntled Republicans who have witnessed over the last 2 years that he has not changed, and they may say--Hey--I've had enough of this guy. It's time to clean house. Because that's really the only way to save the party of Lincoln & Reagan, or reduce it to a minority party of angry old white men, & right wing bigoted extremists. And that's exactly what will happen if Republicans (moderates) don't stand up here, and say NO MORE. To do that they're going to have to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.


And if they do that--holy sheeeeskiiiii Women are coming out in numbers we've never seen before--they along with minorities. All in all it's looking very bad for Republicans all over this country.


Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

You're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Democrats this midterm. 54% of Republicans did not vote for Trump in the primary. The only reason he became the nominee of the party is that votes were being split between an unheard of 17 GOP candidates. Trump floated to the top.

You have the "never" Trumper's along with millions of other disgruntled Republicans who have witnessed over the last 2 years that he has not changed, and they may say--Hey--I've had enough of this guy. It's time to clean house. Because that's really the only way to save the party of Lincoln & Reagan, or reduce it to a minority party of angry old white men, & right wing bigoted extremists. And that's exactly what will happen if Republicans (moderates) don't stand up here, and say NO MORE. To do that they're going to have to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.


And if they do that--holy sheeeeskiiiii Women are coming out in numbers we've never seen before--they along with minorities. All in all it's looking very bad for Republicans all over this country.


7 in 10 voters polled say they're voting to send a message to Trump.

Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

You're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Democrats this midterm. 54% of Republicans did not vote for Trump in the primary. The only reason he became the nominee of the party is that votes were being split between an unheard of 17 GOP candidates. Trump floated to the top.

You have the "never" Trumper's along with millions of other disgruntled Republicans who have witnessed over the last 2 years that he has not changed, and they may say--Hey--I've had enough of this guy. It's time to clean house. Because that's really the only way to save the party of Lincoln & Reagan, or reduce it to a minority party of angry old white men, & right wing bigoted extremists. And that's exactly what will happen if Republicans (moderates) don't stand up here, and say NO MORE. To do that they're going to have to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.


And if they do that--holy sheeeeskiiiii Women are coming out in numbers we've never seen before--they along with minorities. All in all it's looking very bad for Republicans all over this country.


7 in 10 voters polled say they're voting to send a message to Trump.

You've got to stop getting all your news from CNN and MSNBC, Oreo! You're starting to sound just as ridiculous as them!
Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.


---- three people who were long dead before the Republican Party --- which is the younger of the two --- existed.

aaaand we're back to Special Ed and his brain-on-fire claim that Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party 28 years after his own death.

Those who ignore their own history are condemned to be mocked on internet message boards for the ludicrous shit they post from Googly Images. Abraham Lincoln said that.
Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

You're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Democrats this midterm. 54% of Republicans did not vote for Trump in the primary. The only reason he became the nominee of the party is that votes were being split between an unheard of 17 GOP candidates. Trump floated to the top.

You have the "never" Trumper's along with millions of other disgruntled Republicans who have witnessed over the last 2 years that he has not changed, and they may say--Hey--I've had enough of this guy. It's time to clean house. Because that's really the only way to save the party of Lincoln & Reagan, or reduce it to a minority party of angry old white men, & right wing bigoted extremists. And that's exactly what will happen if Republicans (moderates) don't stand up here, and say NO MORE. To do that they're going to have to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.


And if they do that--holy sheeeeskiiiii Women are coming out in numbers we've never seen before--they along with minorities. All in all it's looking very bad for Republicans all over this country.


7 in 10 voters polled say they're voting to send a message to Trump.

Love that blue wave pic, Oreo!
Unfortunately it's WaPo which means you have to subscribe and/or you get a small allowance every month, so many of us can't read it. If some salient passages could be quoted it would help. TIA

Excellent, thank you :clap2: That tells me a lot. He's quite passionate especially about the concepts of Responsibility and Respect. No wonder the GWVs, when asked why they "lost respect for Capt. Sullenberger", can only go "humma humma humma" ---- they're swimming in the soup of Personality Cult and can't find the balls to get themselves out. So thanks, knowing what they're objecting to ---- leadership, responsibility, respect, civic duty ---- tells as much about them cultists as it does about Sullenberger.

I kind of miss the mustache though.

"I could not let my silence or civility connote acquiescence". Well said.
Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.
Let us ALL hope that each of us votes as Americans.
Here you go, Pogo . I had a free read left since it's the beginning of the month.

We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

US Airways Flight 1549, which suffered bird strikes, lost thrust in the engines and was forced to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River. Some called it “the Miracle on the Hudson.” But it was not a miracle. It was, in microcosm, an example of what is needed in emergencies — including the current national crisis — and what is possible when we serve a cause greater than ourselves.

On our famous flight, I witnessed the best in people who rose to the occasion. Passengers and crew worked together to help evacuate an elderly passenger and a mother with a 9-month-old child. New York Waterway took the initiative to radio their vessels to head toward us when they saw us approaching. This successful landing, in short, was the result of good judgment, experience, skill — and the efforts of many.

But as captain, I ultimately was responsible for everything that happened. Had even one person not survived, I would have considered it a tragic failure that I would have felt deeply for the rest of my life. To navigate complex challenges, all leaders must take responsibility and have a moral compass grounded in competence, integrity and concern for the greater good.

I am often told how calm I sounded speaking to passengers, crew and air traffic control during the emergency. In every situation, but especially challenging ones, a leader sets the tone and must create an environment in which all can do their best. You get what you project. Whether it is calm and confidence — or fear, anger and hatred — people will respond in kind. Courage can be contagious.

Today, tragically, too many people in power are projecting the worst. Many are cowardly, complicit enablers, acting against the interests of the United States, our allies and democracy; encouraging extremists at home and emboldening our adversaries abroad; and threatening the livability of our planet. Many do not respect the offices they hold; they lack — or disregard — a basic knowledge of history, science and leadership; and they act impulsively, worsening a toxic political environment.

As a result, we are in a struggle for who and what we are as a people. We have lost what in the military we call unit cohesion. The fabric of our nation is under attack, while shame — a timeless beacon of right and wrong — seems dead.

This is not the America I know and love. We’re better than this. Our ideals, shared facts and common humanity are what bind us together as a nation and a people. Not one of these values is a political issue, but the lack of them is.

This current absence of civic virtues is not normal, and we must not allow it to become normal. We must rededicate ourselves to the ideals, values and norms that unite us and upon which our democracy depends. We must be engaged and informed voters, and we must get our information from credible, reputable sources.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.

When I volunteered for military service during wartime, I took an oath that is similar to the one our elected officials take: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I vowed to uphold this oath at the cost of my life, if necessary. We must expect no less from our elected officials. And we must hold accountable those who fail to defend our nation and all our people.

After Flight 1549, I realized that because of the sudden worldwide fame, I had been given a greater voice. I knew I could not walk away but had an obligation to use this bully pulpit for good and as an advocate for the safety of the traveling public. I feel that I now have yet another mission, as a defender of our democracy.

We cannot wait for someone to save us. We must do it ourselves. This Election Day is a crucial opportunity to again demonstrate the best in each of us by doing our duty and voting for leaders who are committed to the values that will unite and protect us. Years from now, when our grandchildren learn about this critical time in our nation’s history, they may ask if we got involved, if we made our voices heard. I know what my answer will be. I hope yours will be “yes.”
Capt. Sullenberger: I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

I’ve never been more concerned about this country’s future

Opinion | We saved 155 lives on the Hudson. Now let’s vote for leaders who’ll protect us all.

For the first 85 percent of my adult life, I was a registered Republican. But I have always voted as an American. And this critical Election Day, I will do so by voting for leaders committed to rebuilding our common values and not pandering to our basest impulses.


---- three people who were long dead before the Republican Party --- which is the younger of the two --- existed.

aaaand we're back to Special Ed and his brain-on-fire claim that Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party 28 years after his own death.

Those who ignore their own history are condemned to be mocked on internet message boards for the ludicrous shit they post from Googly Images. Abraham Lincoln said that.

1.The ideology and principles of the Founders have never changed, and those are the principles of conservatives today: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

It is interesting to note that the iniquity of the Democrats never changed, either.

Even the times before the Civil War found the Democrats espousing socialism and slavery.

Today, it is the defining principle of the Democrat Party.

2. Today, "[t]he most striking difference between Democrats and Republicans is not their views on #MeToo, affirmative action, or the Supreme Court: It’s how they view the economy. Republicans deplore socialism. More than half of Democrats, though, view socialism favorably, according to Gallup.

3. The Democratic Party’s left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates protest that our economic system is unjust and needs an overhaul.

4. ...Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers control of 40% of corporate-board seats and a veto over many decisions. It would also compel boards to focus on murky “community and societal factors” instead of maximizing profitability. Investors won’t put their money into an enterprise under those conditions."
Socialism Tops Agenda Of D'crats

5. In the above we see the results of allowing the Left to control our institutions of learning, and replace learning with indoctrination.

6. Case in point.....government school never told you what a failure socialism/communism/Progressivism has been everywhere it has been instituted.

7. Here's something else they never taught you.

George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

8. " What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”

Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

9. The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made an interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.” Fitzhugh, George (1854Sociology for the South, p. 48)

And, they remain, the party of slavery and of socialism.

Take notes, Stinky....and then slither away.
Trump is the President because 2 mil life long democrat
blue collar workers voted for him.

WOW.....had those 2 million voted their party, Hillary would have beaten Trump by popular votes by FIVE million..................LOL

I see you've come out of the shadows. You are not smart enough to understand that America has never elected a President by a popular vote.

Popular vote is worthless as a whole. Just statewide does it count
Trump is the President because 2 mil life long democrat
blue collar workers voted for him.

WOW.....had those 2 million voted their party, Hillary would have beaten Trump by popular votes by FIVE million..................LOL
it wasn't 2 million anyway...

it was 70,000 vote total, in 3 specific states, that won him the electoral college....

That total seems to keep going down. When are one of you assholes
gonna respond to Hillary winning 4 states by only 96K votes?

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