A New Anti-Masonic Party

Was CIA operative "Jackie" Lee Oswald? The CIA had to be involved in the repatriation of Lee Oswald. How else could a traitor who renounced his citizenship during the coldest part of the Cold War be welcomed back with his new bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer? The CIA hasn't gotten anything right since Wild Bill Donovan created the OSS
Masons dominate most nations, and organizations like the CIA, FBI, and Dallas police, who had important roles in JFK's assassination. Israel is ultra-masonic btw - Netanyahu is a high ranking Mason for example.

They also founded this nation.
Is Obama a Mason?

He is half free mason, the othe half is unfree.


No, President Obama is most assuredly not a Freemason.

Oh, and here's a fun little fact, for anyone interested:

Adolf Hitler hated Freemasonry.

As has usually been the case throughout world history when a nation's/ republic's/ empire's economy has gone sour, people have always needed someone to blame for their woes. (See the years of the Bubonic Plague, when anti-Semitism skyrocketed. See the Spanish Inquisition, when Jews were told to accept Christianity or die. And of course, see the 20th Century Holocaust.)

More often than not, the Jews have been the singular ethnicity who have been the scapegoats of history's greatest civilizations.

At the end of World War I, Germany was an absolute hellish disaster, caused by a number of factors such as inflation, unemployment and a devastated military.

Germans needed someone to blame.

Hitler loved conspiracy theories, and to him, Freemasonry was essentially a front for Judaism.

Many people don't know how many Freemasons were brutalized and killed by the Third Reich. Here:

Freemasons killed in The Holocaust

Though my dad is a 32nd-Degree Scottish Rite Mason, I'm not myself especially fond of some of the things for which I'm afraid they stand, whom they worship.

But I'm well read enough about the Third Reich to know that usually when we see conspiracy theories about Freemasonry, the ones who start the theories tend to be folks who aren't particularly fond of Jews.

Imagine that.
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Jordan, Adidas, Mitsubishi, Citgo, Cat, Marlboro, Camel, Reebok, AOL, & alot more mass produced goods all use triangles as a logo. even CAUTION! signs are triangles. The pyramid is only on the one dollar bill because corporate conglomerates DONT see 1s, they wipe their asses with hundreds. The pyramids were built by slaves. Slaves controlled by a small group of somewhat 200-2000 pharaohs. how many people is that compared to the masses of slaves. The pyramid is on American currency because the masses are building up masonic companies, while they sell our souls with the enormous amount of propaganda that promotes infidelity, the few companies that own the media feed us. Viacom, Time Warner, Disney, & ClearChannel.
CocaCola, Disney, General Electric, & even Taco bell (owned by pepsi) all have 666 hidden in their logos.
Poison the american government gets $$$ off of taxing (Major cigarette & alcohol products) all have *crowns* which symbolized royalty. which the consumer is not.
Marlboro, Pall Mall, Smirnoff, Corona, Budweiser, Monteclair, & many many more have crowns.
but.. burger king has a crown. its poison.
Jack in the Box, business man with no face
Mcdonalds, Golden M (mason), we're all clowns.
Taco Hell is a serpents eye.
Obama is a black faced white puppet.
Every in our Government is owned by Special Interest (P.A.C.s) from major corporations.. endorsements.

Adolf Hitler was an Anti Semetic. Arabic people are Semetic. Muslims support AntiMasonry. Walt Disney was a 33rd degree freemason. Walt Disney knew Adolf Hitler personally. Henry Ford was a 33rd degree Freemason. Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer. Jews believe that God doesnt want them to establish a Jewish nation until the messiah comes. yet they established Israel RIGHT after WWII, in Palestinian land, killing how many Palestinians in the process?, practically wiping out an entire race WITH AMERICAN WEAPONS.
Masons dominate most nations, and organizations like the CIA, FBI, and Dallas police, who had important roles in JFK's assassination. Israel is ultra-masonic btw - Netanyahu is a high ranking Mason for example.

Along with George Washington doorknob.
Was CIA operative "Jackie" Lee Oswald? The CIA had to be involved in the repatriation of Lee Oswald. How else could a traitor who renounced his citizenship during the coldest part of the Cold War be welcomed back with his new bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer? The CIA hasn't gotten anything right since Wild Bill Donovan created the OSS


the people Oswald hung out with were American Marxists, like the paines.
father paine was a famous Marxist in new York, ...look it up.

these people were never investigated, why? because our government was turning marxist

famous picture of Oswald , handcuffed, flashes masonic sign of distress.


photo taken from the Moorman photo, during the kennedy assassination.
man is standing in a traditional masonic sign of distress pose.
may have been one of the last things jfk saw
Hello everyone,

I am convinced that satanic masons killed JFK, and have been undermining America ever since.

We need a new Anti-Masonic Party, to reintroduce many of JFK's policies, and save the Western World.
Playing footsie with RINO masons will achieve nothing.

Copy and paste the following terms into a search engine, to find my article about the above:-

CIA Agent Jackie Killed JFK by John Kimber.

The article contains many shocking discoveries about the assassination of JFK.

And down the rabbit hole we go...
Masons dominate most nations, and organizations like the CIA, FBI, and Dallas police, who had important roles in JFK's assassination. Israel is ultra-masonic btw - Netanyahu is a high ranking Mason for example.

OMG, you are just not right in the head, now are you.

The Freemasons were a band of CHRISTIAN merchants to pulled their talents and resources in order to avoid piratry of the 1600s.

Jews are rarely, if ever, seen among the Freemasons.

When you see your therapist next, tell him to up the voltage.
I am convinced that satanic masons killed JFK, and have been undermining America ever since.
Why are you so convinced? The Freemasons have no reason to have done such a crime.

Plus, Freemasonry is not Satanic.

We need a new Anti-Masonic Party, to reintroduce many of JFK's policies, and save the Western World.
What policies of JFK were anti-Masonic?
There's no point in protecting a closed mind...
So speaketh the kettle.

Masons dominate most nations, and organizations like the CIA, FBI, and Dallas police, who had important roles in JFK's assassination. Israel is ultra-masonic btw - Netanyahu is a high ranking Mason for example.
Then prove it.

If Freemasons are so intrusive into these areas, post names, give stats, something. Why is it anti-Masons speak in such generalities and vagueness?

Our members come from all walks of life, to include government, but the fraternity has no say so into what job one has nor how they perform in that job.

They serve Satan.
No we don't. I've joined around 20-different orders of Freemasonry, over half of them invitation-only bodies, and I can say wholeheartedly that your accusations are baseless and Freemasonry is the antithesis to this slander.

The fun arrives when they attack their fellow CTs (like Icke and Jones) for being tools of the conspiracy. :cuckoo:
Fundamentalists and extremists are often so blinded by their hatred and ignorance that they eat each other; the ends justify the means.

Is Obama a Mason?

Though my dad is a 32nd-Degree Scottish Rite Mason, I'm not myself especially fond of some of the things for which I'm afraid they stand, whom they worship.
Well in Freemasonry we don't worship. The particulars of one's faith is left to them
The pyramid is on American currency because the masses are building up masonic companies, while they sell our souls with the enormous amount of propaganda that promotes infidelity, the few companies that own the media feed us. Viacom, Time Warner, Disney, & ClearChannel.
Except it wasn't a Mason who proposed the pyramid or the one who ultimately designed the Great Seal of the US.

Plus symbols are arbitrary and ambiguous. The symbols could be the same or very similar, but the author's intent could different from that of another or the interpretation of the audience change from person to person based upon their perceptions, their knowledge, and their beliefs.

Mcdonalds, Golden M (mason), we're all clowns.
Examples like this are illogical and nothing more than conjecture.

famous picture of Oswald , handcuffed, flashes masonic sign of distress
No he's not.

photo taken from the Moorman photo, during the kennedy assassination.
man is standing in a traditional masonic sign of distress pose.

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