A New Legal Argument For Impeachment

The author of the article FLAT-OUT LIES:

"The most important developments in the hearings were that Mueller more clearly stated that the reason he did not consider indicting the president was because of Justice Department policy that prohibits indictment of a sitting president and his statement that Trump could be indicted after he leaves office."

Mueller made it a point to go back and correct earlier testimony during the hearing to make sure it was clear that his decision NOT to indict President Trump for Obstruction was NOT due to the OLC - IT WAS BECAUSE THEY DID NOT FIND EVIDENCE TO DEFINITIVELY DETERMINE OBSTRUCTION OCCURED!

"In Mueller's opening statement that came later before the House Intelligence Committee, the former special counsel said he wanted to "correct the record" on his exchange with Lieu.

"That's not the correct way to say it," Mueller said. "We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime."
-- Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump

They are sticking with that lie. It's all over the Democrats news sites.
Of course they are. They have 3 years and a lot of 'credibility' invested in that lie.
Every commie that questioned Mueller kept repeating "No one is above the law", fucking hypocrites. No one is above the law unless you're a fucking illegal alien, then laws don't apply and they'll do everything they can to aid and abet illegals to evade the law. Of course the MSM will never call them out on their hypocrisy.

Why do they need a new legal argument? Do they concede that the old legal argument was bogus since the Mueller hearings didn't go as well as they thought?

I don't think the Dims are after any legal argument at all. While I'm sure many of them WANT to impeach Trump, those with a brain like Pelosi, know that they haven't the legal grounds to pull it off and the Senate will never go through with it. You DON'T impeach a president just because he says unpopular stupid shit like:
  • I love WikiLeaks
  • I hope the Russians find Hillary's emails
Truth be told, the Russians provided a service and brought to the public fore awareness of bad stuff the Dims were doing that the public deserved to know! You can't impeach Trump for firing the FBI director whom, is his to hire and fire at will, you can't read into Trump's desire for loyalty the same as he might expect out of a corporate officer, and you can't impeach Trump for wanting Mueller gone, a guy he had bad blood with and had just turned down as FBI director to replace Comey, was a friend of Comey's (Mueller has finally admitted that), and who ran an investigation that stopped short anywhere democrats were involved, had a team full of democratic sycophants and went after anyone on his team so matter how loosely involved and no matter how old or unrelated the crime with the jaws of a saber-toothed cat.

While the Dems spent the day buttering up and praising Mueller both trying to influence him while apologizing for his having to go through an 8 hour ordeal all of their making, there really was only ONE POINT to the entire Mueller Hearing:

To get those sound bites out there into the media, into the public psyche, that: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, hoping that the insertion of this from here through the election that Trump is a
  • criminal,
  • a law breaker
  • covering up concealing wrongdoing
all the while continuing the rhetoric that Trump was loose with the Ruskies to throw the election for personal profit and gain and therefore NEVER WAS THE RIGHTFUL WINNER stealing it from Hillary, will sour him in the minds of enough voters to finally give the Left the edge to get their creep into office.

But all it really comes down to is that Trump had a potential business deal to build a hotel in Russia before he was elected because, after all, that IS his thing, and hit with the partisan investigation the minute he got into office, fought it because not only was he innocent of collusion and conspiracy, but he knew it was just the democrat's way of thwarting his administration.

And even the Democrats know they are on very thin ice trying to impeach a president just over that.
Impeachment? Oh Yes, I agree

I think they are wonderful with cream.



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