A New Realm of Misogyny?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
Well, apparently displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’ (adult female) is hate speech which makes transgenders feel threatened and ‘unsafe’ :uhoh3:
We women are now having our gender appropriated by confused men and even talking about it is bigoted?

Feminist’s poster removed after complaint from transgender activist

The poster featured only six words: “Woman, women, noun, adult human female.” Yet they were still deemed too dangerous by one transgender activist who has branded the poster, which carries the dictionary definition of woman, as hate speech in an “absurd” and “Orwellian” row.


The giant poster in Liverpool quoted the definition of woman, according to the Google dictionary.

It survived for about a week before it was removed under pressure from Adrian Harrop, a Twitter activist and NHS doctor, who complained that it made transgender people feel unsafe.

The poster was taken down by the billboard company, which offered an apology after a complaint from Adrian Harrop, a Twitter activist
He successfully demanded its removal after lobbying the chief executive and senior directors of the billboard company, Primesight, on social media, accusing them of being complicit “in the spread of transphobic hate speech”....

We’re in a new realm of misogyny when the word ‘woman’ becomes hate speech,” said Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, a mother of four who blogs under the name Posie Parker.

She raised £700 to put up the poster for 14 days, coinciding with the Labour Party conference in the city. “I wanted it to be a conversation starter but this is a new level of absurd,” she said.

The government is consulting on expanding the legal definition of a woman so that it includes biological males who declare themselves to be female. The move is supported by transgender activists who say that trans women are women and that those who do not agree are bigots...

If the word ‘woman’ can mean anything, then women lose their sex-based protections and nobody is protected. Women are getting really, really fed up. Every single organisation that capitulates, paves the way for the next one to do the same. This is what trans activists do. This is how they silence women. I hope this will help people wake up to what’s going on.”...

Feminist’s poster removed after complaint from transgender activist

Silencing society for the sake of the mentally ill
~Survival of the Weakest~

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