A New Scam on Conservatives.


VIP Member
Feb 29, 2012
On the Chris Hays show last night there was a discussion of a new scam that is being used against the base of the republican party.
A phony fund raising group attaches it self to some right wing politician. They then send out mailers claiming that their politician promises to impeach Obama and kick him out of the White House. He also promises to repeal ACA and to send all the illegals home. All that is needed is money to help get him elected. The suckers in the base cheerfully send in donations feeling that they are doing God's work.
Here is what often happens to those donations:
1) The fund raising company is not offering its services for free. Some of the fees are as much as 96%. In other words the candidate sees little of the donated money.
2) Sometimes the politican drops out of the race and merely pockets the money. They are under no obligation to return it. Think of trump, gingrich, and cain. This is exactly what they did in 2012. Trump's website was a masterpiece of deception. If you went to the trump site you saw a message asking for donations to encourage trump to run. In other words he was never a candidate but people sent money to him which he pocketed.
3) There have even been cases where the money donated to one candidate ends up going to their opponent.
The thing is all of the above is perfectly legal. There are no election laws that cover the above actions. Some time ago bobby jindal said that the republican party has to stop being the "stupid" party. I have three words for bobby jindal: It's to late!

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