A New Underground Railroad?

You continue to deny that modern technology can prevent many of the abortions that you oppose so much. We humans have a tradition of developing tools to help us to avoid problems. I, personally, was a recipient, of the Salk vaccine and never came down with polio. I used contraception and never got pregnant when I didn't want to. Americans built the Hoover Dam. Please provide an explanation of why you are against our use of technology to avoid problems before they happen.
You progressive slaves, just love it when people like Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner and other immoral assholes take advantage of young girls, then want to have the child aborted. That is why you have pushed for child sex education in kindergarten. Also allowing illegal migrant children to cross the southern border without their parents so Hollyweird and those Dems on the hill can just take the children without any records and rape the shit out of them.....
Dana7360 just outed herself as an Antifa terrorist. Most impressive. She now compares radical Islamists to Texas. This could be the stupidest thread ever on USMB.


And how is she mistaken exactly?

Look at it from the woman's point of view.

There is the rape defense. I was six months pregnant before I realized I was raped.

Incest is.... I was in labor before I realized the baby daddy was my uncle.
I spent five years listening to women who have been abused; I wrote two VAWA grants and supervised the Domestic Violence Unit; I managed these grants which included private sector employees, two supervisors in my agency and ten deputies (six of the deputies were women).

I do look at the point of view of women. Now, STFU and leave your trailer and volunteer in one of the shelters where women have been physically and mentally abused.
And how is she mistaken exactly?

Come on Doc.

— Taliban literally treats women as objects. They do not allow schooling post the age of nine, rape, violence and death is acceptable. They literally hate and torture dogs. Voting isn’t allowed. They despise Jews. They are murderous assholes. Your little picture is hyperbole. What legal rights do I have that a black man or woman in Texas does not? Also if you don’t like it in Texas you may move. Not so in Afghanistan. If you don’t like the laws, vote in new legislators. You leftists are fucking insane and instead of debating you put people on ignore and sit in your echo chambers. At least you had the balls to take me off ignore. When Dana figures out what gender she/he is maybe she can do the same?
Come on Doc.

— Taliban literally treats women as objects. They do not allow schooling post the age of nine, rape, violence and death is acceptable. They literally hate and torture dogs. Voting isn’t allowed. They despise Jews. They are murderous assholes. Your little picture is hyperbole. What legal rights do I have that a black man or woman in Texas does not? Also if you don’t like it in Texas you may move. Not so in Afghanistan. If you don’t like the laws, vote in new legislators. You leftists are fucking insane and instead of debating you put people on ignore and sit in your echo chambers. At least you had the balls to take me off ignore. When Dana figures out what gender she/he is maybe she can do the same?

Oh hey, I agree that they are far more rigid, weirdly religious (Sharia Law) and cruel than US Evangelicals. However, I think most of the points in the meme still stand.
Oh hey, I agree that they are far more rigid, weirdly religious (Sharia Law) and cruel than US Evangelicals. However, I think most of the points in the meme still stand.
People can move from TX. Look how many left Cali and NY cause they hate their laws. You avoided the point that leftists here put people on ignore in order to sit in their echo chambers. How do you excuse that?
People can move from TX. Look how many left Cali and NY cause they hate their laws. You avoided the point that leftists here put people on ignore in order to sit in their echo chambers. How do you excuse that?

I don't defend putting people on ignore necessarily, but it's a personal decision. When I first started posting here I was appalled by the insults and overt racism. The other boards I've been on don't tolerate calling people fucking idiots so it took me awhile to adapt. I now have one poster on ignore - a loony bird so vacuous that he makes my brain hurt. ;)
And how is she mistaken exactly?

This is spot on.

For more than 50 years Republicans have pursued an agenda hostile to the rights and protected liberties of minorities, women, and immigrants.

The religious right has pursued an agenda hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

And in recent months we’ve witnessed the authoritarian right enact measures hostile to transgender Americans and in violation of the First Amendment rights of private social media.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation, the actual threat to individual liberty.
I don't defend putting people on ignore necessarily, but it's a personal decision. When I first started posting here I was appalled by the insults and overt racism. The other boards I've been on don't tolerate calling people fucking idiots so it took me awhile to adapt. I now have one poster on ignore - a loony bird so vacuous that he makes my brain hurt. ;)
That’s fine. But people like Dana7360 are inexcusable
I think she's a very nice, civil lady. You're not near as bad as some around here. I'll see if I can talk her into a de-ignore. But if I succeed, ya gotta be nice. :)
It’s not about being “Nice” it’s about being polite. I am always polite unless provoked.
The thing is, people like the one you replied to don't want to prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. They want to prevent any abortion.

Abortion is only 3% of PP business. The rest is other medical needs including contraception. They prevent countless unplanned pregnancies and abortions each year.

People like the one you replied to knows those facts. They've been posted many times.

By shutting down PP, they have cut off reliable contraception to millions of women.

Which is the whole point.

If people like the one you replied to actually wanted to prevent and stop abortion they would be leading the charge to make sure everyone had reliable contraception. They would be handing it out on street corners.

Yet they do the exact opposite. Make it as hard as possible for women to get contraception. Shoot, when Obamacare mandated that contraception was available without a copay people like the one you replied to had hissy fits. They sure didn't want women to have access to reliable contraception and for free with their insurance covering it.

It's about making sure women can't get contraception, get pregnant and are forced to give birth to raise the child. Against the woman's will.

It's as simple as that.
Shut up you lying coward. If assholes like you ever pulled your heads out of your collective asses maybe you’d actually find reality. Can’t get contraception? You can’t go to the the corner store or gas station and get condoms? Or get free birth control at your local health department? You’re an idiot. Simple as that.

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