New defense bill mandates Selective Service registration for women

Draft all those "preachy" Palestinian females who keep destroying America's universities.
I get this picture of a bunch of 8-9 month pregnant females with guns to their heads being forced into the concentration camps so they can be registered in to fight wars.

Other women showing up with 2-3 kids in tow; everybody crying non-stop.:206:
I'm not hearing anything about this. I think it's disgraceful. Here is the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act the Senate Arms Services Committee put forward for a vote. From page 3 -

• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

There is only one reason to require selective registration.
Oh the injustice of 18 year old girls having the burden of filling out a pointless form that 18 year old boys do. Whatever is this world coming to.
So respect for American womanhood means nothing to you, that you would want to send chicks into battle while guys like the Bidens stay home?

Not very manly of an attitude.
there is no such thing as "Manly" anymore as hoes are just as masculine as men. They want equality,,,,,
I knew about this, but have confidence in the ability of Rep. Chip Roy to defeat this atrocity.

Why do libs want to see foxes in fox holes , dying for the country?

Libs are sick pups, particularly as Sleepy Joe avoided dying in Nam with a fake asthma complaint.
You know there are republicans on that committee as well, right?
We go to war to protect our women and children. A lot of husbands and fathers are going to have a big problem if the government ever forces women into the military.

When the shit gets real, we need to stop pretending.

Hey, half of them want to identify as men, so let them identify with selective service.

Let's see how long it takes them to go back to "I'm really a woman."
because women are not the same as men moron .. women that have the strength and gumption to fight are allowed to join voluntarily ... Dems want a mass flood of women to be forced into the military ... Dems are insane .

If we ever need the draft again, it's going to be for a massive fight. Women can do certain jobs in the military just as easily as men.

aircraft pilots, logistics, intelligence, merchant marine, etc.

Leave the infantry, armor and artillery to the guys and the women that want to do it.
So respect for American womanhood means nothing to you, that you would want to send chicks into battle while guys like the Bidens stay home?

Not very manly of an attitude.

Yet women, politicians, corporations, media and so on always are beating the drum of demanding equal rights for women, demanding all women can do anything a man can do, talk about how they don't need men and so on have done this to women. The demand for female power has put them in this situation.

Ok, if you're going to say you're equal to a man in all ways then you should be expected to do everything a man does. If you can't then you aren't really equal. And if you aren't equal you should be able to be realistic and admit that.

You're also glossing over the fact that just because you're in the military means your dragging your wounded ass across a exploding battlefield. There are shit lots of supporting roles women could do. Everything from being a radio operator on a aircraft carrier or hundreds of miles from a battle, fueling planes, be an MP on a base, clerical, something. They have other uses in the military than getting shot at
I'm not hearing anything about this. I think it's disgraceful. Here is the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act the Senate Arms Services Committee put forward for a vote. From page 3 -

• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

There is only one reason to require selective registration.
People oppose women being drafted or serving in the military for the same reasons that drives the anti trans hysteria. It is basically an appeal to tradition logical fallacy. Logical fallacies are invoked whenever there is not actual, rational argument to be made to defend a position. The fact is-simply put- is that they are hung up on traditional gender roles that largely no longer exist in modern society. There are few if any jobs that women- either in the military, or in civilian life cannot do.

The issues range from how women and men define their rolls in and out of the home, to how gender is defined and expressed. People need to face the fact that gender is not longer defined by a persons roles, and the role does not define gender. Likewise, there needs to be an acceptance of the fact that everyone does not identify strictly along traditional definitions of gender on the biological, psychological or social criteria, and that should not be seen as a threat.
“The president said to my baby
Come here, sweetheart
You can stop a war
Before it even starts
We know the enemy
Won’t pull the trigger
When you walk out on the front line
And they see your fine figure
Cuz you tough
Ooh, ooh, ooh she’s tough
My baby’s tough
She’s rough and tough
And that’s tough enough”

Jerry McCain
‘She’s Tough’
I knew about this, but have confidence in the ability of Rep. Chip Roy to defeat this atrocity.

Why do libs want to see foxes in fox holes , dying for the country?

Libs are sick pups, particularly as Sleepy Joe avoided dying in Nam with a fake asthma complaint.
It doesent have to be that

Serving in combat can be voluntary for women

There are plenty of jobs behind and off the battlefield that women could do
Neither men or women will be drafted anyway

What difference does it make?
There are few if any jobs that women- either in the military, or in civilian life cannot do.

Technically my grandmother could serve on the front line, but that doesn't mean she would as effective as an 18 year old male. On average women are not capable of performing that the same level physically as men. We need the best and most capable, not just people that can simply perform the job at some capacity. GI Jane is a fictional movie. That being said, I think there are plenty of non-physical jobs that women could perform in the military, freeing up men to do the physically demanding jobs where women aren't as adept.
Technically my grandmother could serve on the front line, but that doesn't mean she would as effective as an 18 year old male. On average women are not capable of performing that the same level physically as men. We need the best and most capable, not just people that can simply perform the job at some capacity. GI Jane is a fictional movie. That being said, I think there are plenty of non-physical jobs that women could perform in the military, freeing up men to do the physically demanding jobs where women aren't as adept.
many, many, many MOSs that women are filling in the military
Technically my grandmother could serve on the front line, but that doesn't mean she would as effective as an 18 year old male. On average women are not capable of performing that the same level physically as men. We need the best and most capable, not just people that can simply perform the job at some capacity. GI Jane is a fictional movie. That being said, I think there are plenty of non-physical jobs that women could perform in the military, freeing up men to do the physically demanding jobs where women aren't as adept.
Inane dishonest codswallop. No one is saying that a grandmother-or grand father for that matter- is comparable to an 18 year old. But it is plausible that ans 18 year old female can be as capable as an 18 year old male. Those who are not can fulfill other roles, but none of this has anything do do with the draft which is the subject of this thread
But it is plausible that ans 18 year old female can be as capable as an 18 year old male.

It is highly unusual for an 18 year old female to be as capable as an 18 year old male in physical roles. You can believe what you want, but that is just a fact.

There is no draft, this is about registering for selective service at 18. I have no problem with women registering. They can certainly relieve some of the men from non-combat roles.

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