A New Underground Railroad?

I got an idea, next time a black man goes out and murders someone, we execute his children...Sound like a plan? That is exactly what women do to the innocent child, by the rapist.

Punish the innocent to protect the guilty...
Like all cowardly fuck ideas it is a shit idea.
The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has regressed, and now, intentionally and not wise, has become ultra conservative, i.e. opposed to democracy, misogynistic, racist and Xenophobic. The statement of comparison with the Taliban is correct.

The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable - punishing the girl or women for an event that was not their doing; those six members of the Supreme Court who rejected R. v. W. seem to ignore the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th Amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

So RYE, if we are Nazi's or Tollybon why don't you pick up a weapon and come for us?
Clown ^ If my parents had aborted me I wouldn't have had the slightest idea that they did. But if I had, I'd have applauded them for not bringing me into the world as an unwanted child.

Unwanted children more often than not, end up as criminals, in prison, or as wards of the state collecting your much-hated "free stuff".

Your supposedly conservative/ religious principles expose an underbelly of rank hypocrisy and stupidity.
It’s nice to know that 90% of children in Black slums aren’t wanted.
Further proof that anti-choice laws such as in Texas have nothing to do with ‘ending’ abortion, and everything to do with conservatives seeking more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Women have been having abortions for thousands of years – whether legal or illegal – and ‘bans’ aren’t going to stop that from happening.

“But we have laws making murder illegal and people still commit murder, why not get rid of laws making murder illegal because they obviously don’t work?”

That fails as a false comparison fallacy – murder concerns criminal law, the right to privacy concerns civil law.

Murder is the taking of a life entitled to Constitutional protections; an embryo/fetus is not a ‘person’ as a fact of law and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Yes, women in authoritarian, repressive states like Texas will simply travel to free states to exercise their right to privacy – or otherwise find providers in authoritarian, repressive states at the risk of their health and safety.

Again, conservatives are in no manner ‘pro-life.’
The women who feel like living in Democrat Shithole states can always move out of Texas any time they get ready.
Oh, blow it out your ass, loon.....It's as though your holy sacrament has been taken away.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.

What "holy sacrament"? You are nuts. You seem to live in a very weird fantasy world. Maybe we should pass laws that govern your speech, your association with others, your religious choices and affiliations, ban your religion, and reward your neighbors for spying on you.

You have quite the mouth on you.
  1. Republicans are not the Taliban, jerkoff.
  2. Abortion is not banned, just brought under control.
  3. Gay marriage is not outlawed.
  4. Doing any of the above has nothing to do with any rejection of science. Show me the "science" in unrestricted fetal murder or sexual perversion?
  5. Plenty of people in Texas took the vaccine, they just want the freedom not to have it SHOVED DOWN THEIR THROAT.
  6. There is no precept in our founding documents for separating church and state. All that is mandated is that the State not interfere in YOUR choice of religion! Nothing was ever said that the State itself had to be divorced from all theism itself.
  7. Why shouldn't some religion be taught in schools if it is something to be learned and is desired by the local community?

What does bringing abortion "under control" mean? Abortion has always been "under control" as much as anything else is. A person who has decided to have an abortion has to make an appointment and see a doctor, and all medical clinics, including facilities in which abortions are performed and facilities in which other medical procedures are performed, are regulated and subject to inspection.

There must be a separation of church and state in order to preserve religious liberty and ensure that the government does not force one brand of religion on everybody, including practitioners of other religions and people who choose not to have a religion. There is no single church or single religion.

Moreover, religion may be taught in survey courses as long as no particular religion is endorsed. Schools are open to students of every religious background. Teaching their parents' preferred religion is up to the parents.

Abortion is not the business of government.
That must be why the government gives over 360 million in funding each year tI'm o Planned Parenthood. Then PP gets over 70 million more in Title X finding as well as another nearly 300 million in Medicaid funding, which is all state and federal money! :auiqs.jpg:

PP is the foremost provider of contraceptives in the country. PP is the leader in preventing abortions. You right-wingers should encourage it. Why don't you believe in preventing abortion? What is it about the fact that no pregnancy=no abortion that you don't understand? I think that you people definitely have an ulterior motive that you are hiding. What is it? I'm thinking that you people have a perverted view of human sexuality and that an unwanted pregnancy should be a punishment for women who have sex because you think that females should not have sex. This is pure misogyny.
What the author of this article doesn't know, that underground railroad was established decades ago.

I learned about it in the bush boy years.

There are many of them but the one I have been contributing to since the bush boy years is one that all they do is raise money to fund abortions for those who need one but can't afford it. They also pay for a woman to get out of the red state she's in to travel to a blue state like mine that has the services she needs. They also pay for lodging in that blue state.

Up until now, it was mostly women who lived in South Dakota who needed those services since there's only 1 clinic in the state.

I won't put the name of the organization in the open message box to protect their privacy from crazy people but if anyone wants their name and how to donate to them send me a PM and I'll give you the information.

There are many more organizations like the one I know of. Women have been organizing to establish these organizations for decades.

Republicans have handed a wonderful gift to the democrats. Women will come out in droves to vote these republicans out of office. If you don't believe that, you weren't paying attention in 2018.

A New Underground Railroad?

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More bullshit from one of the biggest slingers of shit here. You should be ashamed of yourself for the blatant lies you spout on a daily basis. But libtards seem to be incapable of feeling shame of embarrassment at their lunacy.
It's not a lie, bozo; your lies are either pathological or intentional to support something way out of touch with compassion and empathy. Each of your posts on abortion are indications that you hate women and hate me since what I post are never lies. I may make mistakes, but as a human being that is normal - you acknowledge one truth, you really are and oddball [that's only one of the flaws of your character].
No, you have done nothing but lie this whole thread. Six week window retard. Learn to read.
Yep, there are minimally 13 other states looking to duplicate what Texghanistan just did. And Dana7360 is correct, there will be horror stories about women dying. Bad look for the GOP in midterms.
You wish. Though the fact that morons like you HOPE for this tells us all we need to know about you Gomer.
The left sure is rabid their Holy Grail is in jeopardy
Amazing. They give no fucks about Americans trapped in Afghanistan or the fact that Xiden has us on the road to ruin. Tell them they can’t kill their unborn child after 6 weeks and they start screaming from the rooftops about their “right”.
A child is born, a fetish is in development and the law states that an abortion on "the decision on whether a woman should have an abortion up to three months of pregnancy should be left to the woman and her doctor to decide."

Jerks such as you pretend a fetish is a child is an outright lie.

Your post (likely you won't comprehend this) is a logical fallacy, an Appeal to Emotion.
Hey moron, what does your sick FETISH have to do with anything? A FETUS is a child. A FETISH is what a sick pervert like you does with his boyfriend behind closed doors.
More bullshit from one of the biggest slingers of shit here. You should be ashamed of yourself for the blatant lies you spout on a daily basis. But libtards seem to be incapable of feeling shame of embarrassment at their lunacy.

You continue to deny that modern technology can prevent many of the abortions that you oppose so much. We humans have a tradition of developing tools to help us to avoid problems. I, personally, was a recipient, of the Salk vaccine and never came down with polio. I used contraception and never got pregnant when I didn't want to. Americans built the Hoover Dam. Please provide an explanation of why you are against our use of technology to avoid problems before they happen.

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