A New Underground Railroad?

It is perfectly legal to assist someone to get out of Texghanistan to get a procedure.

But anyone providing such assistance can still be sued.

That such a suit is devoid of merit and will be thrown out isn’t the point – the point is to intimidate.

And one is still required to initially respond to a meritless lawsuit, which costs both time and money.
Personal responsibility is the first thing that comes to mind. Abortion is entirely preventable in the cases of consensual sex.
Not my fault they can't find a ride across the barren wasteland to the one urban center that actually has a clinic. Quite sure there is access to birth control in every drug store of the state however.
Or get in there during the first six weeks......They're acting as though the time frame is six minutes.

Residents of Texas are adversely affected by this reprehensible law; their rights and protected liberties are being violated.

The states don’t have the authority to violate citizens’ Constitutional rights simply because they’re residents of that state.

Yawn. Nobody, certainly me, buys your garbage, Jones

Learn it, then live it. Got it?

We’ll see a situation similar to that prior to the Civil War: organizations and efforts in repressive, authoritarian Republican-controlled states helping women travel to free states to exercise their right to privacy.

The authoritarian right will respond with Federal measures seeking to ‘ban’ abortion.

It already exists.

I've been donating to it since the bush boy years.

More organizations will be established so that the network is more wide spread and easier for women to access.

This shouldn't be happening in the United States of America but it is.
It seems Oddball has a singular generic; calling everyone a moron, stupid or worse. He has not once proved that the law in Texas, and supported by six members of the Supreme Court, has opened the flood gates (not speaking Climate Change Floods, but the Death Party will continue to deny it's a hoax, the same as the Pandemic and Shall not be Infringed) to make abortion illegal all of the time.
Somebody upset they cant kill their own children?
A child is born, a fetish is in development and the law states that an abortion on "the decision on whether a woman should have an abortion up to three months of pregnancy should be left to the woman and her doctor to decide."

Jerks such as you pretend a fetish is a child is an outright lie.

Your post (likely you won't comprehend this) is a logical fallacy, an Appeal to Emotion.
Having your rapist executed is some comfort after being forced to carry his baby. Thanks for giving the women of |txas that comforting thought - asshole.
I got an idea, next time a black man goes out and murders someone, we execute his children...Sound like a plan? That is exactly what women do to the innocent child, by the rapist.

Punish the innocent to protect the guilty...
The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has regressed, and now, intentionally and not wise, has become ultra conservative, i.e. opposed to democracy, misogynistic, racist and Xenophobic. The statement of comparison with the Taliban is correct.

The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable - punishing the girl or women for an event that was not their doing; those six members of the Supreme Court who rejected R. v. W. seem to ignore the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th Amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

Sorry son, you too show an extreme aversion to reality.

But anyone providing such assistance can still be sued.

That such a suit is devoid of merit and will be thrown out isn’t the point – the point is to intimidate.

And one is still required to initially respond to a meritless lawsuit, which costs both time and money.

Well I guess, you can sue a ham sandwich as the old saying goes, but not those who assist in women’s health decision helping her to get out of state for a legal abortion.

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