A New Underground Railroad?

It's not a lie, bozo; your lies are either pathological or intentional to support something way out of touch with compassion and empathy. Each of your posts on abortion are indications that you hate women and hate me since what I post are never lies. I may make mistakes, but as a human being that is normal - you acknowledge one truth, you really are and oddball [that's only one of the flaws of your character].
The LAW has a six week window where abortion is "safe and legal".....That is the fact, you fucking psychotic lying chunk of shit.
Would you like to know how anyone with a brain knows you're an idiot? There is nothing that makes Conservatives and Republicans like the Taliban. The fact that you can so blithely type such a stupid comparison says a A LOT about your lack of any real intellectual/mental acuity.
Republicans are being more and more like the Taliban every day.
You do realize there are only two real cities in SD and it is sparsely populated don't you?

Seems far cheaper in the long run either way if folks having sex agree ahead of time agree they don't want a baby and take proper precautions.
It is less an issue of population or "major cities" and more about how far some women have to drive to get to that ONE clinic. Just how many women do you think have the transportation and the means to drive 5 hours to reach a clinic and then pay for 3-5 days in a hotel to satisfy the 72 hour waiting period?

The trip is often longest for women in rural areas, with some in South Dakota driving more than 330 miles, according to Jonathan Bearak, a senior research scientist with Guttmacher and lead author of the report.​
Surprised at liberal outrage over Texas outlawing Infanticide?

If you are....perhaps your real problem is that you're really upset that your partents didn't abort you when they had the time!
It's not infanticide. But if a fetus is a baby at 6 weeks, we need to adjust ALL laws that involve babies after born to babies at 6 weeks.......................like child support. Even birthdays.
Surprised at liberal outrage over Texas outlawing Infanticide?

If you are....perhaps your real problem is that you're really upset that your partents didn't abort you when they had the time!

Clown ^ If my parents had aborted me I wouldn't have had the slightest idea that they did. But if I had, I'd have applauded them for not bringing me into the world as an unwanted child.

Unwanted children more often than not, end up as criminals, in prison, or as wards of the state collecting your much-hated "free stuff".

Your supposedly conservative/ religious principles expose an underbelly of rank hypocrisy and stupidity.
Stance on Gays. Oh you mean, what happens behind closed doors is none of our business? Those gays? Or the fucking queers who must indoctrinate children into the fudge packing diseased way of life, that we see day in and day out with the fags out there shoving their shit in our faces? Yeah, those queers...

No.....They can get an abortion within the six-week window like anyone else.

Therefore, you are blatantly lying out your psychotic ass.

Right - And forgetting about the fact that many women don't know if they're pregnant in six weeks, how many do you think a clinic is going to accommodate even at THREE weeks, knowing that there are vigilante kooks out there looking to sue for ten grand a pop even on borderline cases?
We had a glimpse that dark days were coming when rules and laws were passed forbidding free speech on abortion and forcing doctors to read a government-written script to their patients. Fascism seems to be on the rise all over the world, and it certainly is here in the U.S. The U.S. Supreme Court certainly has announced its arrival here, with its refusal to enjoin the implementation of a law that brazenly violates free speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the right to physical autonomy, and rewards people for spying on their neighbors and turning them in to the government for daring to assert their rights.

Our responsibilities are two-fold: making sure that Texans are able to reach a free state in a timely manner, and making sure that this atrocious law does not survive and nothing like it is ever permitted again. Unless we do the latter, the U.S. Constitution is dead. I wish this was hyperbole, but it's not. It's reality.

thanks to all who are donating and hitting the streets.
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We’ll see a situation similar to that prior to the Civil War: organizations and efforts in repressive, authoritarian Republican-controlled states helping women travel to free states to exercise their right to privacy.

The authoritarian right will respond with Federal measures seeking to ‘ban’ abortion.

Yep, there are minimally 13 other states looking to duplicate what Texghanistan just did. And Dana7360 is correct, there will be horror stories about women dying. Bad look for the GOP in midterms.
It's not infanticide. But if a fetus is a baby at 6 weeks, we need to adjust ALL laws that involve babies after born to babies at 6 weeks.......................like child support. Even birthdays.
And if they are considered viable humans, shouldn't they also have a right to vote - - - From the womb? :)
It's not a lie, bozo; your lies are either pathological or intentional to support something way out of touch with compassion and empathy. Each of your posts on abortion are indications that you hate women and hate me since what I post are never lies. I may make mistakes, but as a human being that is normal - you acknowledge one truth, you really are and oddball [that's only one of the flaws of your character].
It's a total lie, lying psychotic chunk of shit.

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