A New Underground Railroad?

No it doesn't. A woman knows by six weeks if she's PG.... you're just a pretend woman most likely so you wouldn't know

So your contention is that ALL women know they are pregnant at six weeks?
And if they DO know at say four weeks, they can make an appointment for a procedure in the nick of time??
And that a clinic would risk it knowing that an idiot governor or vigilante can sue them assuming a borderline situation???

We a glimpse that dark days were coming when rules and laws were passed forbidding free speech on abortion and forcing doctors to read a government-written script to their patients. Fascism seems to be on the rise all over the world, and it certainly is here in the U.S. The U.S. Supreme Court certainly has announced its arrival here, with its refusal to enjoin the implementation of a law that brazenly violates free speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the right to physical autonomy, and rewards people for spying on their neighbors and turning them in to the government for daring to assert their rights.

Our responsibilities are two-fold: making sure that Texans are able to reach a free state in a timely manner, and making sure that this atrocious law does not survive and nothing like it is ever permitted again. Unless we do the latter, the U.S. Constitution is dead. I wish this was hyperbole, but it's not. It's reality.

thanks to all who are donating and hitting the streets.
Another pearl clutching loon, who seriously needs to get the fuck over themself.
So your contention is that ALL women know they are pregnant at six weeks?
And if they DO know at say four weeks, they can make an appointment for a procedure in the nick of time??
And that a clinic would risk it knowing that an idiot governor or vigilante can sue them assuming a borderline situation???


Meh, you're clueless, the signs of pregnancy are unmistakable. I should know.

Now go bother some leftist cuck you can snow
Another pearl clutching loon, who seriously needs to get the fuck over themself.

You certainly aren't reality-based, are you. Americans should not, and will not allow our rights to be taken away from us and be ruled over by a minority of lunatics. I guess that you think that the Boston Tea Party and the Revolution were brought about by pearl clutchers.
What the author of this article doesn't know, that underground railroad was established decades ago.

I learned about it in the bush boy years.

There are many of them but the one I have been contributing to since the bush boy years is one that all they do is raise money to fund abortions for those who need one but can't afford it. They also pay for a woman to get out of the red state she's in to travel to a blue state like mine that has the services she needs. They also pay for lodging in that blue state.

Up until now, it was mostly women who lived in South Dakota who needed those services since there's only 1 clinic in the state.

I won't put the name of the organization in the open message box to protect their privacy from crazy people but if anyone wants their name and how to donate to them send me a PM and I'll give you the information.

There are many more organizations like the one I know of. Women have been organizing to establish these organizations for decades.

Republicans have handed a wonderful gift to the democrats. Women will come out in droves to vote these republicans out of office. If you don't believe that, you weren't paying attention in 2018.

A New Underground Railroad?

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why would they need an underground railroad when they ca simply drive themselves?

if they disagee with the law i hope they vote the folks out, i would if i lived in texas
Maybe they should tell their rapist that they dont want a baby. That way he can go to the shops and buy some protection.
Everybody is happy then.
Back in the day, a rapist would be executed, but since 1/2 the Democrat party are rapists, they decided to ban capital punishment, so they can continue with their raping, just ask Joe Biteme..
You certainly aren't reality-based, are you. Americans should not, and will not allow our rights to be taken away from us and be ruled over by a minority of lunatics. I guess that you think that the Boston Tea Party and the Revolution were brought about by pearl clutchers.
Oh, blow it out your ass, loon.....It's as though your holy sacrament has been taken away.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.

  1. Republicans are not the Taliban, jerkoff.
  2. Abortion is not banned, just brought under control.
  3. Gay marriage is not outlawed.
  4. Doing any of the above has nothing to do with any rejection of science. Show me the "science" in unrestricted fetal murder or sexual perversion?
  5. Plenty of people in Texas took the vaccine, they just want the freedom not to have it SHOVED DOWN THEIR THROAT.
  6. There is no precept in our founding documents for separating church and state. All that is mandated is that the State not interfere in YOUR choice of religion! Nothing was ever said that the State itself had to be divorced from all theism itself.
  7. Why shouldn't some religion be taught in schools if it is something to be learned and is desired by the local community?
Back in the day, a rapist would be executed, but since 1/2 the Democrat party are rapists, they decided to ban capital punishment, so they can continue with their raping, just ask Joe Biteme..
Having your rapist executed is some comfort after being forced to carry his baby. Thanks for giving the women of |txas that comforting thought - asshole.
It is less an issue of population or "major cities" and more about how far some women have to drive to get to that ONE clinic. Just how many women do you think have the transportation and the means to drive 5 hours to reach a clinic and then pay for 3-5 days in a hotel to satisfy the 72 hour waiting period?

The trip is often longest for women in rural areas, with some in South Dakota driving more than 330 miles, according to Jonathan Bearak, a senior research scientist with Guttmacher and lead author of the report.​
Personal responsibility is the first thing that comes to mind. Abortion is entirely preventable in the cases of consensual sex.
Not my fault they can't find a ride across the barren wasteland to the one urban center that actually has a clinic. Quite sure there is access to birth control in every drug store of the state however.

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