A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela?

No. I seriously think they would build launch sites in Venezuela and launch from there.
But you do bring up the possibility of dirty bombs. They'll fit in backpacks. And Iran would probably provide them.
Why would they need to? They can already hit D.C. and all major cities from Beijing, and they can park 1000 of them just off our coast in submarines, Hunt-For-Red-October-Style.

We should let Venezuela eat its own self-created shit burger and mind our own fucking business.
ok, drop the argument I was using.
Back to my original question on this issue. Is Venezuela a shithole because they are socialist or is it because we sanctioned them? If it's because we sanctioned them for being a socialist country then we owe them one. And we need to go in and do a regime change.
No. I seriously think they would build launch sites in Venezuela and launch from there.
But you do bring up the possibility of dirty bombs. They'll fit in backpacks. And Iran would probably provide them.
Why would they need to? They can already hit D.C. and all major cities from Beijing, and they can park 1000 of them just off our coast in submarines, Hunt-For-Red-October-Style.

We should let Venezuela eat its own self-created shit burger and mind our own fucking business.


The thing is that this is NOTHING to do with honorable intentions to save Venezuelan's population. This isn't about China or Russia. This isn't about the Monroe Doctrine.

This is about oil.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - proved reserves — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

American neocons want to control Venezuelan oil reserves.

If Venezuela suddenly had zero oil reserves...you would never hear Trump, Pompeo or ESPECIALLY that neocon poster boy John Bolton mention Venezuela again.
ok, drop the argument I was using.
Back to my original question on this issue. Is Venezuela a shithole because they are socialist or is it because we sanctioned them? If it's because we sanctioned them for being a socialist country then we owe them one. And we need to go in and do a regime change.

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

im with ya mcbentover

NO war for failed democratic socialist
let em starve and die,,or fight their way out of it
Same old shit..AP promoting the MIC, wanting the US to get mired in Venezuela. Let them fail and deal with it themselves.

There doesn't need to be any Russian or Chinese intervention either, though.
No. I seriously think they would build launch sites in Venezuela and launch from there.
But you do bring up the possibility of dirty bombs. They'll fit in backpacks. And Iran would probably provide them.
Why would they need to? They can already hit D.C. and all major cities from Beijing, and they can park 1000 of them just off our coast in submarines, Hunt-For-Red-October-Style.

We should let Venezuela eat its own self-created shit burger and mind our own fucking business.


The thing is that this is NOTHING to do with honorable intentions to save Venezuelan's population. This isn't about China or Russia. This isn't about the Monroe Doctrine.

This is about oil.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - proved reserves — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

American neocons want to control Venezuelan oil reserves.

If Venezuela suddenly had zero oil reserves...you would never hear Trump, Pompeo or ESPECIALLY that neocon poster boy John Bolton mention Venezuela again.

Many people were hella pissed that Chaves socialized the oil industry. I wonder how much that cost Americans who invested in Venezuela exploration and production. They are fucking pissed that Chaves basically ripped them off via nationalizing (stealing) the oil industry.

That's not our (America's) problem. Shit happens. We don't need to go to war because a few Americans lost their investments.

Same old shit..AP promoting the MIC, wanting the US to get mired in Venezuela. Let them fail and deal with it themselves.

There doesn't need to be any Russian or Chinese intervention either, though.

they Russians and chinks could care even less all they want is their money back
No need for a nuclear war. Venezuela's army would fold in a week if we decided to free that nation.
America has no business interfering in the internal politics of Venezuela.

If the people there want regime change bad enough.

Then it's up to them to make it happen. .... :cool:
They don´t want regime change. They want their country to be respected.
pretty sure right now they just want to eat on any given day.
And a war will help? The crisis is overestimated but it could become worse with the new sanctions.
Sanctions would be stupid. We need to move in an occupying force.
For what reason?

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

It is none of Russian and China business either but they are keeping their puppet regime in place so they can exploit resources like oil from Venezuela...

Either way you look at it we are going to get involved because of the oil...
I think we can all agree (except the fucking commies) that we can never let what happened in Venezuela happen here. We cannot allow an American version of Hugo Chaves to live. We must kill all fuckers who would attempt what Hugo did. Must kill them dead, resurrect them, and kill them again.

Kill all commies for mommy.

That explains why there is no God? Why so many people believe in religion? Why Trump is so stupid? How the universe was formed? When life begins?
No, it explains why you post ridiculous shit like I'm responding to in this post. You're a nut case, dude, a total nut case.

A 'nut case' with a government-tested IQ of 125 who proudly served in the reserves who has never worked for anyone else since he was 25 while owning over a dozen homes in major, upscale, urban/suburban areas (not all at once, of course - but most of them new).

And you are nothing but a troll.

A loser who comes into chat forums to stir up shit to try and make up for their lousy lif

Have a nice day.
sounds like projection to me.

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

The Monroe Doctrine is one of our oldest doctrines.

90% of Venezuelans want a U.S. Marine invasion:

An overwhelming majority of Venezuelans would support a foreign military intervention to oust socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro and believe that the rogue regimes in Russia and Cuba have colonized their country, the national polling firm Meganálisis found in a survey published Monday.

Asked if the federal legislature, the National Assembly, should authorize foreign military missions in the country, 89.5 percent of Venezuelans said yes. Another 91.2 percent said they did not believe it was possible for Venezuelans to remove Maduro without foreign military intervention. About 88 percent said they did not trust the nation’s armed forces.

Venezuela's top democracy fighters, people who have put their lives on the line in the streets such as Maria Corina Machado, have said this was the only option they could see left. Two top exiled leaders, Ricardo Hausmann at Harvard University, and former Caracas governor and United Nations Security Council president, Diego Arria, have supported her. Arria, in fact has cited the United Nation humanitarian intervention in Bosnia in the early 1990s as a valid reason for sweeping out the dictatorship in Caracas. Another prominent Latin American (from Uruguay), Luis Almagro, who leads the Organization of American States, has said intervention could be 'justified by international law.' One thing is certain about all of these leaders from Venezuela: They themselves are extremely popular among Venezuelans and it's unlikely they would be if they were calling for something unpopular.

Wars cost U.S. blood and treasure with quagmires always a risk, and people can be ungrateful. The poll does tell us a bit about rising sentiment in favor of foreign intervention. But it's not enough to justify intervention. Hopefully there are other ways we can help resolve Venezuela's intractable crisis.

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