A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela?

America has no business interfering in the internal politics of Venezuela.

If the people there want regime change bad enough.

Then it's up to them to make it happen. .... :cool:
They don´t want regime change. They want their country to be respected.
They are marching and dying in the streets because they want respect?

Are you really that stupid?
Hoologans ain´t opposition.
The pro-Maduro crowds are way larger anyway.
If they all want to be commies, fine. We should not interfere

They can fuck off on "respect." They wanted this type of government. They deserve the shit bag they are holding.

Had the people not given up their weapons in Venezuela................................
They aren’t allowed to own guns in Russia. And yet Russia gives tons of money to the NRA. Go figure.

The N.R.A. Spent $30 Million to Elect Trump. Was It Russian Money?
So, the Russians want us to be able to defend ourselves from all threats, foreign and domestic, but not their own people?

Who would have guessed?


It's a strange world in rdean world .

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

I remember back in the 1980's that there would be a Nuclear War if the "movie star" was elected president. This was the scare tactic of the left because they knew they couldn't beat Ronald Reagan on policies. Notice that there was no war, the Commies were defeated and the US was a better place for a while. Shame history is repeating itself again.

Which policy do you want to debate? Like most men Ronald wasn't all good or bad. Reagan and the expansion of liberal executive powers? His fear of Communism which ended in the ACLU saving Ollie North and us in Afghanistan instead of the U.S.S.R.? The loss of credibility of the Repubs in any speech they give against deficit spending?

When talking about deficit spending if I remember correctly it was Tipp O'Neil who was in charge of Congress, as those with a brain know control the purse strings...

Ok. So congress is continuing the Obama recovery, got it.

If the Dimwitocraps weren't blocking President Trump at every turn, just imagine what really would be going on for the US, but alas, when you put pussies and dicks , like Nancy and Chuck, in charge, obstruction is all they know.
Our dedication to the Monroe Doctrine has to be renewed. That means every tin dick tyrant in central and south America has to go....from Cuba on down. When Trump has China begging for mercy, Iran in ruins, and the Wall built, I'd hate to be a commie in his cross-hairs. He is relentless and he has the full weight of a now-loyal CIA and US Armed Forces behind him. We can't allow Russia or China to gain a south American warm water port and Venezuelan oil...that simply can't be tolerated..

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

I remember back in the 1980's that there would be a Nuclear War if the "movie star" was elected president. This was the scare tactic of the left because they knew they couldn't beat Ronald Reagan on policies. Notice that there was no war, the Commies were defeated and the US was a better place for a while. Shame history is repeating itself again.

Which policy do you want to debate? Like most men Ronald wasn't all good or bad. Reagan and the expansion of liberal executive powers? His fear of Communism which ended in the ACLU saving Ollie North and us in Afghanistan instead of the U.S.S.R.? The loss of credibility of the Repubs in any speech they give against deficit spending?

When talking about deficit spending if I remember correctly it was Tipp O'Neil who was in charge of Congress, as those with a brain know control the purse strings...

Ok. So congress is continuing the Obama recovery, got it.

If the Dimwitocraps weren't blocking President Trump at every turn, just imagine what really would be going on for the US, but alas, when you put pussies and dicks , like Nancy and Chuck, in charge, obstruction is all they know.

Darn checks and balances. Amazing the liberal hate for the power of congress or the court in fighting the kingship.
Our dedication to the Monroe Doctrine has to be renewed. That means every tin dick tyrant in central and south America has to go....from Cuba on down. When Trump has China begging for mercy, Iran in ruins, and the Wall built, I'd hate to be a commie in his cross-hairs. He is relentless and he has the full weight of a now-loyal CIA and US Armed Forces behind him. We can't allow Russia or China to gain a south American warm water port and Venezuelan oil...that simply can't be tolerated..
The empire strikes back...
I remember back in the 1980's that there would be a Nuclear War if the "movie star" was elected president. This was the scare tactic of the left because they knew they couldn't beat Ronald Reagan on policies. Notice that there was no war, the Commies were defeated and the US was a better place for a while. Shame history is repeating itself again.

Which policy do you want to debate? Like most men Ronald wasn't all good or bad. Reagan and the expansion of liberal executive powers? His fear of Communism which ended in the ACLU saving Ollie North and us in Afghanistan instead of the U.S.S.R.? The loss of credibility of the Repubs in any speech they give against deficit spending?
When talking about deficit spending if I remember correctly it was Tipp O'Neil who was in charge of Congress, as those with a brain know control the purse strings...

Ok. So congress is continuing the Obama recovery, got it.
If the Dimwitocraps weren't blocking President Trump at every turn, just imagine what really would be going on for the US, but alas, when you put pussies and dicks , like Nancy and Chuck, in charge, obstruction is all they know.

Darn checks and balances. Amazing the liberal hate for the power of congress or the court in fighting the kingship.
Your whole argument just sucks, like your politician Butigeg or however you spell it.
America has no business interfering in the internal politics of Venezuela.

If the people there want regime change bad enough.

Then it's up to them to make it happen. .... :cool:
They don´t want regime change. They want their country to be respected.
pretty sure right now they just want to eat on any given day.
And a war will help? The crisis is overestimated but it could become worse with the new sanctions.
America has no business interfering in the internal politics of Venezuela.

If the people there want regime change bad enough.

Then it's up to them to make it happen. .... :cool:
They don´t want regime change. They want their country to be respected.
pretty sure right now they just want to eat on any given day.
And a war will help? The crisis is overestimated but it could become worse with the new sanctions.
where did i say it would?
You can't make this stuff up. Democrats tried to impeach President Reagan for diverting funds to defend Central America from communist infiltration. The left wing media managed to call it "Iran-Contra" and the democrat majority at the time made headlines with congressional hearings. Lt. Col Ollie North was given immunity to testify and it turned out to make Ollie a hero and the democrat dupes the goats. It's incredible that the left wing idiots are still using the same strategy even after their favorite president was caught with his pants down and bombed freaking Europe.

As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

So you think there would be a nuclear war over that? Really!

Wow, I heard some fairytales in my time, but yours takes a cake. No, it takes the whole bakery!

NOBODY but some clown in the Middle East, would launch a nuclear weapon in the name of another country to defend a regime. Now you let them get in there and set up a puppet, then maybe.

You better grow some political chops there dude.

Let me ask you something------------->suppose either of the Iraq wars would have gone the other way. Do you think either GW or HW would have launched nukes? The truth is------------>unless someone tries to invade the homeland of someone, no nukes are coming out. It is mutual destruction. That is why the NK wants its own nuclear arsenal, and Israel has one, along with most every nation in NATO. The threat is-------->you step foot on this soil, and I will turn you to glass!

Does Venezuela have nukes? NOPE!

One more thing---------->if that is what you really believe, why have an army, navy, marines? Won't be any fighting, just nukes are going to be thrown no matter what happens! Also, consider this------------------->Russia is no longer the Soviet Union with a massive land mass. Their whole culture would disappear; over Venezuela?

I though Putin was smart...………..so smart, he stole an American election, lol.

Nah, you are blowing smoke, and as usual, afraid of everything that means anything. Let them get a satellite in our hemisphere, and they MIGHT do it. Even JFK knew that. History teaches all things, and I guess you and Ron Paul ignore history. Ignore it at your own peril!
As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.
That explains everything.


That explains why there is no God? Why so many people believe in religion? Why Trump is so stupid? How the universe was formed? When life begins?


Another post from the Trumpbot troll. He appears to commit to nothing. He just runs around trying to stir up shit to take himself out of his unhappy existence.

The life of a troll.

Have a nice day.
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As usual, I agree 100% with Dr. Ron Paul on U.S. foreign policy.

Outside of MAJOR genocide...what goes on in Venezuela is NONE of America's business.

So you think there would be a nuclear war over that? Really!

Wow, I heard some fairytales in my time, but yours takes a cake. No, it takes the whole bakery!

NOBODY but some clown in the Middle East, would launch a nuclear weapon in the name of another country to defend a regime. Now you let them get in there and set up a puppet, then maybe.

You better grow some political chops there dude.

Let me ask you something------------->suppose either of the Iraq wars would have gone the other way. Do you think either GW or HW would have launched nukes? The truth is------------>unless someone tries to invade the homeland of someone, no nukes are coming out. It is mutual destruction. That is why the NK wants its own nuclear arsenal, and Israel has one, along with most every nation in NATO. The threat is-------->you step foot on this soil, and I will turn you to glass!

Does Venezuela have nukes? NOPE!

One more thing---------->if that is what you really believe, why have an army, navy, marines? Won't be any fighting, just nukes are going to be thrown no matter what happens! Also, consider this------------------->Russia is no longer the Soviet Union with a massive land mass. Their whole culture would disappear; over Venezuela?

I though Putin was smart...………..so smart, he stole an American election, lol.

Nah, you are blowing smoke, and as usual, afraid of everything that means anything. Let them get a satellite in our hemisphere, and they MIGHT do it. Even JFK knew that. History teaches all things, and I guess you and Ron Paul ignore history. Ignore it at your own peril!

Ahhh....the baseless, paranoid-based cry of the neocon. Few/no facts to back up their claims. Just insults, fear and misinformation.

You people never change.

Have a nice day.
This isn't about Venezuela...

This is about the Monroe Doctrine...

And whether we still have the balls to enforce it...
This isn't about Venezuela...

This is about the Monroe Doctrine...

And whether we still have the balls to enforce it...

Spoken like an ignorant neocon.

The Monroe Doctrine was a policy...not a law.

And it was from almost 200 years ago.

So your justification for invading Venezuela is a 200 year old policy?

Useless neocons.

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