A Partisan Divide in the Face of Our National Shame


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Buffalo. NY
Very good article about reaction on the torture issue.
The situation with CIA report shows to us, how corrupt are our officials. Instead of real investigation, most of them, just whispered something unintelligible and continue to do their "work". Instead of real actions, they continued to excuse themselves. They are trying to say that everything okay and they also trying to do everything, to absolve themselves of responsibility! Instead of real actions, they continue their election campaigns and also they are trying(not successfully) to hide people which they are sponsored by!
Sincere or Strategic Lobbyists Give Big OpenSecrets Blog
More Corruption Lobbyists Becoming Congressional Staffers Economy In Crisis
And in this pursuit for power, they forget about real troubles. By this temps, man who will win the elections, will get not powerful and mighty country, but something like a "bomb"!
So, if what the CIA did is a "NATIONAL SHAME" would cowering to Muslims be National Pride?

The national shame is that a sanctimonious quisling like Diane Feinstein can and does hold a high office while betraying the country that chance and while her abuse of power clearly shows that she is out for personal glory and fame but too ignorant to realize that it will only lead to embarrassment and historical shame.
So what you are saying is that we should be more like our enemies? I find that shameful. You people that defend torture are no differant than the people we are fighting. We really don't need you in this nation. You are a shame to all Americans.

We can win this fight very easily by being what we idealize. We do not need to torture, and we do not need to defend those who do.

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