A peek into the much-awaited Repeal and Replace machinations...

Of course not, The repubs have lied repeatedly and run away when the vote REALLY matters. They could have ended this debacle but they're spineless.

Republicans know that causing tens of millions of mostly Republican voters to lose health insurance is not a winning move, even if they think anti-Obamacare rhetoric is winning speech.

Still, I hope this latest bill passes. It punts Obamacare to the states, rather than repeal it. But, turning it over to the states allows opportunity to improve it, with each state being a little laboratory tweaking it their way.
Still, I hope this latest bill passes. It punts Obamacare to the states, rather than repeal it. But, turning it over to the states allows opportunity to improve it, with each state being a little laboratory tweaking it their way

Although I agree, I would also expect many poor citizens from some bright red states to relocate to a better HC environment........

However, if that happens, the good news may be less House representatives from red states.

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