A Permission Slip From The U.N.


Sep 23, 2010
Has anybody related the Iran Deal to the penetrating questions Senator Sessions’ asked Panetta and Dempsey in March 2012:

The way the Chicago Sewer Rat & Company are talking they already got a permission slip for Iran to go ahead with its nuclear ambitions:

Earnest on Iran We Don t Need Congress To Approve This Deal Video RealClearPolitics

“We just need Congress not to screw it up.” Josh Earnest

Permission to give Iran the green light is in the United Nations Resolution the president sought —— and got —— before he went to Congress.

If the Iran Deal should be voted down, the president’s expected veto will follow. The one question that should be on everyone’s mind is this: What becomes of the UN Resolution should the Congress override the sewer rat’s veto? My only comment is that Josh Earnest meant “We just need Congress not to screw the United Nations.”
Has anybody related the Iran Deal to the penetrating questions Senator Sessions’ asked Panetta and Dempsey in March 2012:

The way the Chicago Sewer Rat & Company are talking they already got a permission slip for Iran to go ahead with its nuclear ambitions:

Earnest on Iran We Don t Need Congress To Approve This Deal Video RealClearPolitics

“We just need Congress not to screw it up.” Josh Earnest

Permission to give Iran the green light is in the United Nations Resolution the president sought —— and got —— before he went to Congress.

If the Iran Deal should be voted down, the president’s expected veto will follow. The one question that should be on everyone’s mind is this: What becomes of the UN Resolution should the Congress override the sewer rat’s veto? My only comment is that Josh Earnest meant “We just need Congress not to screw the United Nations.”

I know a president can veto a yes vote but can't recall one ever able to veto a no vote.
I know a president can veto a yes vote but can't recall one ever able to veto a no vote.
To DarkFury: There was never any doubt of United Nations control over Congress. The Iran Deal was a foregone conclusion. The Chicago sewer rat, and one of the foulest pieces of garbage that ever served in the Senate, John Kerry, are the face of the Iran Deal, but it was Republican scum who guaranteed enactment:

Published on Apr 22, 2015

Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."​

Upchuck Schumer, a Democrat Jew, pulled a Corker; that is appear to stand for one thing, while supporting the opposite. Upchuck wanted to look like he was for this country after getting permission from the United Nations to vote against the Deal. Bottom line: Schumer knows damn well one vote short of 67 is enough to uphold the veto.

Bottom line: Every senator with Schumer’s influence among Democrats is actually voting to NUKE ISRAEL if he does not use that influence to insure that the Senate overrides the veto:

Before anyone would think this as some altruistic endeavor concerned about the safety of the Jewish State, I would direct your attention to:

…”A White House official suggested Thursday that Schumer’s announcement of opposition came only after enough Democratic support was assured to keep the plan intact”…​

Schumer is, after all, the most transparent weasel amid the nest of DC weasels. (Apologies to the weasel species)

After Getting White House Permission Chuck Schumer Announces Intent To Vote Against Iran Deal…
Posted on August 7, 2015 by sundance

After Getting White House Permission Chuck Schumer Announces Intent To Vote Against Iran Deal The Last Refuge

One question for Upchuck: After Iran nukes Israel do you expect Americans to fight for you when the United Nations gives Muslims permission to come for New York Jews?

Republicans are saying we don't have any allies because we don't respect them and don't care what they say. Which is consistent with how the treat this country.
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
How does the President veto a bill that ever reaches his desk?
To M14 Shooter: By not signing it.

When a bill is passed by both the House and Senate, it is sent to the president for his signature. All bills and joint resolutions, except those proposing amendments to the Constitution, must be signed by the president before they become law. Amendments to the Constitution, which require a two-thirds vote of approval in each chamber, are sent directly to the states for ratification. When presented with legislation passed by both houses of Congress, the president is constitutionally required to act on it in one of four ways: sign it into law within the 10-day period prescribed in the Constitution, issue a regular veto, let the bill become law without his signature or issue a "pocket" veto.

Regular veto
When Congress is in session, the president may, within the 10-day period, exercise a regular veto by sending the unsigned bill back to the chamber of Congress from which it originated along with a veto message stating his reasons for rejecting it.

About the Presidential Veto
By Robert Longley

About the Presidential Veto

Can you imagine presidents giving out pens when they veto a bill!

When President Obama sat down to sign the health care bill into law, he warned: "This is gonna take a little while" — because the president used 22 pens to affix his signature to that one document, jotting down one tiny portion of a letter at a time. The president then began handing those pens out as souvenirs — many of them to legislators who helped steer the bill through. Melissa Block talks to Jim Kratsas, of the Gerald R. Ford Museum, about the tradition of giving away presidential signing pens.​

A History Of The Presidential Signing Pen
March 23, 2010 3:00 PM ET

A History Of The Presidential Signing Pen NPR

Corker & Company deliberately screwed up the Iran Deal so much, I am not certain what happens in the unlikely event Congress shoots down the Iran Deal. Maybe Ban Ki-moon has the authority to veto Congress?
How does the President veto a bill that ever reaches his desk?
To M14 Shooter: By not signing it.
When a bill is passed by both the House and Senate...
You aren't p[paying attention...
If the Iran Deal should be voted down, the president’s expected veto will follow.
How does the President veto a bill that ever reaches his desk?
A bill that is "voted down by congress" never makes it to the President's desk.
How doea the President veto a bill that does not make it to his desk?
To M14 Shooter: The fact that Republicans reversed the veto procedure to save the United Nations only means that the Iran Deal still requires a presidential veto should Congress object with 67 no votes. Should the sewer rat ignore the 67 no votes —— in effect challenge the Constitution —— by refusing to go back to Congress and try to get 67 yes votes —— as he should have done had the Iran Treaty been submitted as a treaty he will create a mess that will be settled by the court. Whether or not that nest of traitors in the Senate, and on the Supreme Court, will stand up to the United Nations is another question.
Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."
One question for Upchuck: After Iran nukes Israel do you expect Americans to fight for you when the United Nations gives Muslims permission to come for New York Jews?
Bad luck for Senator Schumer who can no longer help the president by double-talking his position. It is worst luck for the Iran Deal because the lies are getting harder to tell. Most of all it is bad luck for John Kerry who made a fool of himself when he told Congress:

“Under the United States' initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."​

On the bright side it is always good luck for Americans whenever the United Nations is exposed for the fraud it is:

Exclusive: Quds Force commander Soleimani visited Moscow, met Russian leaders in defiance of sanctions
By Jennifer Griffin, Lucas Tomlinson
Published August 06, 2015

Exclusive Quds Force commander Soleimani visited Moscow met Russian leaders in defiance of sanctions Fox News
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
A bill that is "voted down by congress" never makes it to the President's desk.
How doea the President veto a bill that does not make it to his desk?
To M14 Shooter: The fact that Republicans reversed the veto procedure to save the United Nations only means that the Iran Deal still requires a presidential veto should Congress object with 67 no votes. Should the sewer rat ignore the 67 no votes —— in effect challenge the Constitution —— by refusing to go back to Congress and try to get 67 yes votes —— as he should have done had the Iran Treaty been submitted as a treaty he will create a mess that will be settled by the court. Whether or not that nest of traitors in the Senate, and on the Supreme Court, will stand up to the United Nations is another question.
Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."
Now you're talking out of your paranoid ass.... again......
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
Oh oops let me change that to loony republicans and a few foolish Democrats.
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
Oh oops let me change that to loony republicans and a few foolish Democrats.
Soooo, why are they foolish.......? Evil Jews?
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
Oh oops let me change that to loony republicans and a few foolish Democrats.
Soooo, why are they foolish.......? Evil Jews?
Because the other countries are not going to drop out of the deal, so whatever congress says will have no impact. It's nothing more than grandstanding. And most of the planet agrees with the deal.
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
Oh oops let me change that to loony republicans and a few foolish Democrats.
Soooo, why are they foolish.......? Evil Jews?
Because the other countries are not going to drop out of the deal, so whatever congress says will have no impact. It's nothing more than grandstanding. And most of the planet agrees with the deal.
I'd actually have to look at the deal...... If only I cared any longer......
Though it's sadly funny how the west still deals with Islamic nations while still mired in western thought....... attributing that thought to the Islamic nations.......
If congress succeeded in pulling America out of the agreement, it would not change anything. The other countries involved aren't going to suddenly drop out and convince the UN to reinstitute sanctions just because the loony republicans in the US are up to their old antics again.
Yup, Schumer, Sherman, Engel and other republicans...... Oh yeah, They're not republicans. So why would they be opposed? Could it be that they're evil Jews or will be portrayed as such by the right wing..... Oops, left wing?
Oh oops let me change that to loony republicans and a few foolish Democrats.
Soooo, why are they foolish.......? Evil Jews?
Because the other countries are not going to drop out of the deal, so whatever congress says will have no impact. It's nothing more than grandstanding. And most of the planet agrees with the deal.
I'd actually have to look at the deal...... If only I cared any longer......
Though it's sadly funny how the west still deals with Islamic nations while still mired in western thought....... attributing that thought to the Islamic nations.......
They can deal with Islamic nations however they want. I would prefer that America leave them to it, and worry about our own backyard instead of the other side of the planet.

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