A picture that is an example of White Supremacy


For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.
I hated his politics, and his Marxist Socialist Bent, but he was charming and smooth. No one should say otherwise, but his policies were so Reckless, so Ill Conceived, DANGEROUS even, that I sometimes wonder if he was THAT INCOMPETENT, or INTENTIONALLY UNDERMINING AMERICA IN ANY WAY HE COULD.
Seems to me we survived him and his reckless, ill conceived and dangerous policies like the ACA, banking control, environmental regulations and a successful pushback against ISIS --- just fine. Trump is still basking in the glow of taking credit for a lot of his successes.
But as a conservative, you would feel differently. I don't think any of those things were perfect, but neither will a Republican's presidency be.

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.
I hated his politics, and his Marxist Socialist Bent, but he was charming and smooth. No one should say otherwise, but his policies were so Reckless, so Ill Conceived, DANGEROUS even, that I sometimes wonder if he was THAT INCOMPETENT, or INTENTIONALLY UNDERMINING AMERICA IN ANY WAY HE COULD.
Seems to me we survived him and his reckless, ill conceived and dangerous policies like the ACA, banking control, environmental regulations and a successful pushback against ISIS --- just fine. Trump is still basking in the glow of taking credit for a lot of his successes.
But as a conservative, you would feel differently. I don't think any of those things were perfect, but neither will a Republican's presidency be.
banking control? You know he renegged on that right? That was one of the few things i was glad and he did and the retarded asshole got rid of it. Apparently, more things were important. Although, i cant remember what they were.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
so getting mad at a baby is "getting there"?

we don't need to demonize whites, esp babies, in order to "get there" and i don't feel we ever need to be so sensitive where a simple pic of a baby now becomes political.
Would you re-read my post, please, and point out where I demonized that beautiful little boy. Did you get my point at all? Getting there includes opening our definition to MORE than whites. It is finally happening. There is nothing in my position that is in anyway negative or critical of white people. I'm white people. I was just making a point that sensitivity to inclusion is GOOD.
if you read the follow up on that post from others - yes in fact people *are* demonizing white people in general and now mad because the ACLU didn't get pissed a white baby somehow got promoted through *their* group.

so when i say "getting there" i am talking about us as a culture. US AS A CULTURE can't be "getting there" if we can make horrific comments to this child in order to prove we're equal.

the ACLU went from "what we want to see" to white supremacy is everywhere in 2 posts. the commentary that follows and discussions from there are far from "getting there" unless your "there" is a pile of hate for anyone NOT you.

so if you are saying "Getting there" gets this kind of reaction "from our culture" then i will disagree and say OUR CULTURE is far from it.

wasn't referring to you directly just disagreeing *we* are getting anywhere positive when people can trash a baby in defense of their views.
Okay. Overreaction, if that's what's happening, is not productive either. I haven't read all the posts because I'm not that interested in listening to a bunch of hyper partisan bullshit about the subject on both sides. It's minor. I was defending MY point against people who were trying to treat me like one of the enemy when I wasn't there.

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.

Democratic Implosion Continues As DNC Fundraising Hits 14 Year Low

DNC Fundraising for April 2017 Lowest Since 2009

DNC adds to debt after falling behind RNC in June fundraising

Analysis | The Democratic National Committee’s abysmal fundraising

Sanders sent $100,000 to DNC in May

RNC July fundraising numbers are nearly three times that of DNC

The numbers are striking. In June, the RNC raised $13.5 million to the DNC's $5.5 million. For 2017 so far, the RNC has raised $75.4 million to the DNC's $38.2 million.

The RNC started the year with $25.3 million in cash-on-hand. Now it has $44.7 million. The DNC started the year with $10.5 in cash-on-hand. Now, that has fallen to $7.5 million.

As of June 30, the RNC reported $0 in debt. The DNC reported $3.3 million in debt.

A look inside the numbers is even worse for the DNC. Looking at collections from small donors -- that is, those who contributed less than $200 -- the RNC raised $10.5 million in the months of May and June. The DNC raised $5.3 million from small donors in the same time period.

The RNC's money total is a record -- more than was raised in any previous non-presidential election year. That is true for June, and for all of 2017 as well. The $75.4 million raised this year compares to $55.4 million for the same period in 2015; to $51.2 for the same period in 2014; to $41.1 million for the same period in 2013, and so on going back.

No money for Resistance

At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
so getting mad at a baby is "getting there"?

we don't need to demonize whites, esp babies, in order to "get there" and i don't feel we ever need to be so sensitive where a simple pic of a baby now becomes political.
Would you re-read my post, please, and point out where I demonized that beautiful little boy. Did you get my point at all? Getting there includes opening our definition to MORE than whites. It is finally happening. There is nothing in my position that is in anyway negative or critical of white people. I'm white people. I was just making a point that sensitivity to inclusion is GOOD.
if you read the follow up on that post from others - yes in fact people *are* demonizing white people in general and now mad because the ACLU didn't get pissed a white baby somehow got promoted through *their* group.

so when i say "getting there" i am talking about us as a culture. US AS A CULTURE can't be "getting there" if we can make horrific comments to this child in order to prove we're equal.

the ACLU went from "what we want to see" to white supremacy is everywhere in 2 posts. the commentary that follows and discussions from there are far from "getting there" unless your "there" is a pile of hate for anyone NOT you.

so if you are saying "Getting there" gets this kind of reaction "from our culture" then i will disagree and say OUR CULTURE is far from it.

wasn't referring to you directly just disagreeing *we* are getting anywhere positive when people can trash a baby in defense of their views.
Okay. Overreaction, if that's what's happening, is not productive either. I haven't read all the posts because I'm not that interested in listening to a bunch of hyper partisan bullshit about the subject on both sides. It's minor. I was defending MY point against people who were trying to treat me like one of the enemy when I wasn't there.
been on the receiving end of that from you - so it happens at times. i likely have done the same to you w/o realizing it just trying to defend my own points.

i don't think our culture micro-analyzing race in every situation as getting anywhere but frustrated and even more resentful of other races. i also believe that the attention around it makes people LOOK for racial issues so they can be the social hero we all seem to worship today.

when we can just see a kid holding a flag, we're getting somewhere. when we make it about race, we're so far from home, to me, i question if we're not taking steps back vs. forward in times like these.

that's all.

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.
family income actually went up a bit but i think everything else is correct. I dont think he was the worst, but he ranks in the top!

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.
I hated his politics, and his Marxist Socialist Bent, but he was charming and smooth. No one should say otherwise, but his policies were so Reckless, so Ill Conceived, DANGEROUS even, that I sometimes wonder if he was THAT INCOMPETENT, or INTENTIONALLY UNDERMINING AMERICA IN ANY WAY HE COULD.
Seems to me we survived him and his reckless, ill conceived and dangerous policies like the ACA, banking control, environmental regulations and a successful pushback against ISIS --- just fine. Trump is still basking in the glow of taking credit for a lot of his successes.
But as a conservative, you would feel differently. I don't think any of those things were perfect, but neither will a Republican's presidency be.
banking control? You know he renegged on that right? That was one of the few things i was glad and he did and the retarded asshole got rid of it. Apparently, more things were important. Although, i cant remember what they were.
Well, the tiny bit I know about that banking stuff is that now and then they mention getting rid of some of those controls, so I guessed they were put on during Obama's admin in response to the recession. But good to know.
and obama wasnt a dern professor :rolleyes:
Yeah, he taught at some university for a bit, TN.
he lectured at a university for a few years. Calling him a professor is incorrect.
Okay, enough out of you this morning, TN. It is a term, a label in widespread use calling him the "professor President." You don't have to play literal autistic man this morning. STFU for a bit, would ya?

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.
He had a recession dumped in his lap by our last Republican president which was the worst economic disaster this country has experienced short of the Great Depression. You don't suppose any of those things during his term had anything to do with that, do you? Do you remember it? I do.
and obama wasnt a dern professor :rolleyes:
Yeah, he taught at some university for a bit, TN.
he lectured at a university for a few years. Calling him a professor is incorrect.
Okay, enough out of you this morning, TN. It is a term, a label in widespread use calling him the "professor President." You don't have to play literal autistic man this morning. STFU for a bit, would ya?
Quit being so goddamn wrong all the time, dummy :thup:

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.
He had a recession dumped in his lap by our last Republican president which was the worst economic disaster this country has experienced short of the Great Depression. You don't suppose any of those things during his term had anything to do with that, do you? Do you remember it? I do.
it was a WORLDWIDE recession. What a stupid thing to say.
That is just as stupid as blaming obamas economic failure solely in his lap.
The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.
I hated his politics, and his Marxist Socialist Bent, but he was charming and smooth. No one should say otherwise, but his policies were so Reckless, so Ill Conceived, DANGEROUS even, that I sometimes wonder if he was THAT INCOMPETENT, or INTENTIONALLY UNDERMINING AMERICA IN ANY WAY HE COULD.
Seems to me we survived him and his reckless, ill conceived and dangerous policies like the ACA, banking control, environmental regulations and a successful pushback against ISIS --- just fine. Trump is still basking in the glow of taking credit for a lot of his successes.
But as a conservative, you would feel differently. I don't think any of those things were perfect, but neither will a Republican's presidency be.
banking control? You know he renegged on that right? That was one of the few things i was glad and he did and the retarded asshole got rid of it. Apparently, more things were important. Although, i cant remember what they were.
Well, the tiny bit I know about that banking stuff is that now and then they mention getting rid of some of those controls, so I guessed they were put on during Obama's admin in response to the recession. But good to know.
they were and then he got rid of them on behalf of "negotiating"
Of course, he is a corporatist so it didnt surprise me. Just let me down.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


Hot Air....run by the nut job, Michelle Malkin.....is full of shit.......Stop listening to opinionated bloggers for your "education."
and obama wasnt a dern professor :rolleyes:
Yeah, he taught at some university for a bit, TN.
he lectured at a university for a few years. Calling him a professor is incorrect.
Okay, enough out of you this morning, TN. It is a term, a label in widespread use calling him the "professor President." You don't have to play literal autistic man this morning. STFU for a bit, would ya?
Obama a Constitutional Law Professor? - FactCheck.org

seems it's a term he gave himself.

we have bill nye the science guy also who's not much of a scientist.

fancy, misleading labels - how clever.

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.
He had a recession dumped in his lap by our last Republican president which was the worst economic disaster this country has experienced short of the Great Depression. You don't suppose any of those things during his term had anything to do with that, do you? Do you remember it? I do.
Why do you all brainwashed tools always blame Bush and republicans for the recession?

Why do I have to repeat about who took over both houses of Congress in 2007? Here is a hint. It was the democrats. Took over the Senate and House of Representatives. Nothing to it?

Why do I need to repeat about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act at the end of 2000, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. You may need to read that again.

How about the rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act which put added pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods? Those were both clinton.

Why do I need to repeat myself with you? Why are you so damn misled? You are a bucket of clichés and that is it.

Facts are never on your side.

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