A picture that is an example of White Supremacy

At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


Hot Air....run by the nut job, Michelle Malkin.....is full of shit.......Stop listening to opinionated bloggers for your "education."

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. It was not Michelle Malkin that accused the baby holding an American flag of being a symbol of White Supremacy. . It was those Libtard asshole Moon Bats from the ACLU. You know, just like you.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. It was not Michelle Malkin that accused the baby holding an American flag of being a symbol of White Supremacy. . It was those Libtard asshole Moon Bats from the ACLU. You know, just like you.

I'm not here to defend the ACLU as most of your ilk are here to defend the KKK membership.....All that I am stating is that any asshole (like you) who follows right wing bloggers for their "education" will always remain assholes...No offense....LOL
I wouldn't call it a great example of white supremacy.

The US flag is great.
I like the T-shirt.
But the hair is way too long
and the stuffed toy gotta go.
A toy gun or sword would be more appropriate.

For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.

Obama was a disaster for this country. Not only did he foster racial division and have a terrible weak foreign policy but he increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously grew the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. He is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Crooked Hillary had the potential to be even more of a disaster. Thanks goodness she wasn't elected. Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to anybody the Democrats have.

Just for fun.....read this.....

Obama as Job Creator

Obama is one of the biggest job-creating President in U.S. history. His policies put 22.309 million people to work from the depths of the recession in January 2010 to the end of his term. That's because unemployment continued to rise even after the recession ended in 2009. It takes a few months of economic growth before businesses are confident enough to begin hiring again.

Since the beginning of his term, he placed 17.267 million people to work. That makes him the second best job-creator, following Bill Clinton.

Job gains would have been even better if Congress had approved Obama's proposed Americans Jobs Act.
To prevent racism and placate the stupid snowflake Moon Bats we should all boycott the State of Washington because of the name of the state and the picture on the flag.

George Washington was a slave owner and his granddaughter married Robert E. Lee. Blatant symbol of racism.

Lets stop racism. The state of Washington should change its name to Columbia and the flag should have a river on it, or something. In the meantime lets boycott the state.


For about the thousandth time on this board, I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. I've always been an Independent and I vote like one.
So as much as I'd like to see both parties behave better (damned Repubs have a LOT of 'splainin to do, electing that Orange pigheaded fool) I don't have a whole lot to say about who the Democrats nominate or what they develop for a platform, except to correspond with my Democratic representatives in Congress. In my state, I'm not even allowed to vote in the primaries.

The Democrats have a lot of 'splaining to do electing that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and then nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest shithead like Crooked Hillary.
I liked Obama. I didn't agree with everything, but having a bit of an academic bent myself, I could appreciate the Professor President. I got how he was thinking.
Hillary might have been a possibility in 2008 but promising her 2016 and honoring that promise was the biggest mistake the Democrats have made in a long time. Way too much baggage by then. I never liked her, anyway, but Holy Toledo, that was some smoke-filled backroom politics there, and they paid for it big time.
Obama is the strongest speaker/leader they have had in a long while, and now that he's gone, there's nothing left but shallow ghosts way past their prime. At least so far, that I've seen.
I hated his politics, and his Marxist Socialist Bent, but he was charming and smooth. No one should say otherwise, but his policies were so Reckless, so Ill Conceived, DANGEROUS even, that I sometimes wonder if he was THAT INCOMPETENT, or INTENTIONALLY UNDERMINING AMERICA IN ANY WAY HE COULD.
Seems to me we survived him and his reckless, ill conceived and dangerous policies like the ACA, banking control, environmental regulations and a successful pushback against ISIS --- just fine. Trump is still basking in the glow of taking credit for a lot of his successes.
But as a conservative, you would feel differently. I don't think any of those things were perfect, but neither will a Republican's presidency be.

You do realize that when you deposit YOUR money into the Bank it is no longer considered YOUR money, right?
I just read an article about an effort to take down Lord Nelson's statue. Under the comments section, one young black commenter wrote: "take it down, end racism in my lifetime."

Taking down these statues amounts to turf-marking. The morph from "anti-white supremacy" to "anti-white" is happening faster than expected. Get ready to be raped, and NEVER forget the primary role Jews have played and are continuing to play in this catastrophe.
Lord Nelson? Wrong war, wasn't it?
Any relation?
Very distant relations. From the part of the family that spells the family name incorrectly. So common!

But seriously, the post illustrates my contention that these monuments coming down have nothing to do with slavery or the Civil War. Lord Nelson, as you point out, is associated with a different war, not to mention a different country. But he does share one important attribute with Robert E. Lee.

Any white person who supports removing a Lee statue is a dupe at best.
I just read an article about an effort to take down Lord Nelson's statue. Under the comments section, one young black commenter wrote: "take it down, end racism in my lifetime."

Taking down these statues amounts to turf-marking. The morph from "anti-white supremacy" to "anti-white" is happening faster than expected. Get ready to be raped, and NEVER forget the primary role Jews have played and are continuing to play in this catastrophe.
Lord Nelson? Wrong war, wasn't it?
Any relation?
Very distant relations. From the part of the family that spells the family name incorrectly. So common!

But seriously, the post illustrates my contention that these monuments coming down have nothing to do with slavery or the Civil War. Lord Nelson, as you point out, is associated with a different war, not to mention a different country. But he does share one important attribute with Robert E. Lee.

Any white person who supports removing a Lee statue is a dupe at best.
I thought the post showed that the kid who said "take it down, end racism.." had gotten his history mixed up. A mistake. Kinda funny; I thought it was amusing.

No one's going to get raped and of course Jews have something to do with it--they are being threatened by the same racist organizations that are calling for keeping the Confederate statues.

If the statues of confederate generals come down, I could care less. It's not worth the energy to argue it one way or the other. I can see why southerners would be sad about seeing them go--even southerners who aren't racists. In some of our larger towns, there are a few Union soldier monuments, and people are probably proud of them because of the role we played in the Civil War. It makes sense to me that southerners would feel the same about their soldiers. But now it's been completely, 100% equated with the slavery issue, so forget it. If you want to see a statue stay standing, you are automatically an insensitive oaf if not a downright racist. Drop mic, end of statement.

If communities don't want them up anymore, it is up to them locally to decide it, not you or me.
If communities don't want them up anymore, it is up to them locally to decide it, not you or me.
Unless it is a Christmas display. Then it is a federal issue.
You are an endless font of shit to argue over, aren't you?
I ain't talkin about Christmas. It's still August and I'm holding on to summer with all my might.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.

Who's outraged?
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


Those ACLU "idiots" helped the NaziKlanners secure their permit in Charlottesville shoog.

........ secure their first amendment rights.

Fixed it for you.

Like I said, glad you got it.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


You and your PINO are being flushed down the toilet by the nation.

Enjoy the ride into the sewer.



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