A Police officer talks about the Guerena raid

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.

The tactics here are terrible. Why are they standing in front of the door? I wouldn't answer a call for a lost lolcat without standing off to the side. In fact, even today, 10 years later, I still do.

And what's with that last extra shot? "Pop." Did he flinch?

I've also read that they didn't let paramedics in for a while because the scene wasn't secure. The whole point of entries like this is to make the scene secure. Or is it just to play with toys.

I have no idea what kind of guy the dead guy was. And to some extend I don't care. If was so potentially dangerous, why wasn't it no-knock raid? And if it wasn't, why not ring the doorbell? As the old joke goes, "It can't hurt."

When the man inside his own home was shot by police officers who busted down his door, the home owner (OK, maybe he was a renter) was holding a gun. The safety was on. Now I'm not a fan of guns, but if I still had one and somebody busted down my door, damn right I would be carrying it. And my gun didn't have a safety.

Cop in the Hood: Call me old-fashioned...

What Does the SWAT Marine Data Dump Prove? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.

The tactics here are terrible. Why are they standing in front of the door? I wouldn't answer a call for a lost lolcat without standing off to the side. In fact, even today, 10 years later, I still do.

And what's with that last extra shot? "Pop." Did he flinch?

I've also read that they didn't let paramedics in for a while because the scene wasn't secure. The whole point of entries like this is to make the scene secure. Or is it just to play with toys.

I have no idea what kind of guy the dead guy was. And to some extend I don't care. If was so potentially dangerous, why wasn't it no-knock raid? And if it wasn't, why not ring the doorbell? As the old joke goes, "It can't hurt."

When the man inside his own home was shot by police officers who busted down his door, the home owner (OK, maybe he was a renter) was holding a gun. The safety was on. Now I'm not a fan of guns, but if I still had one and somebody busted down my door, damn right I would be carrying it. And my gun didn't have a safety.

Cop in the Hood: Call me old-fashioned...

What Does the SWAT Marine Data Dump Prove? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

cmon now----what the hell are the small time dealers gonna do for a living?
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.
While it might not kill us all it certainly is turning America into a police state one incremental step at a time.

The unnecessary SWAT raid that should have put an end to unnecessary SWAT raids turned out to be called the Waco Massacre, which is exactly what it was. There was absolutely no need to do what the BATF did there. All they had to do was pick Koresh up on the road, which they could have done any morning. But they chose to dress up like commandos and engage in an operation called "Showtime." But it lasted 59 days and in the end 21 innocent children died hideous deaths -- along with a lot of adults who had harmed no one.

How necessary was the Guerena SWAT raid? Could the police not have waited until Guerena left the house and arrest him right on the street?

Anyone who doesn't realize just how commonplace and how serious this SWAT raid activity is becoming should go here: Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.

The tactics here are terrible. Why are they standing in front of the door? I wouldn't answer a call for a lost lolcat without standing off to the side. In fact, even today, 10 years later, I still do.

And what's with that last extra shot? "Pop." Did he flinch?

I've also read that they didn't let paramedics in for a while because the scene wasn't secure. The whole point of entries like this is to make the scene secure. Or is it just to play with toys.

I have no idea what kind of guy the dead guy was. And to some extend I don't care. If was so potentially dangerous, why wasn't it no-knock raid? And if it wasn't, why not ring the doorbell? As the old joke goes, "It can't hurt."

When the man inside his own home was shot by police officers who busted down his door, the home owner (OK, maybe he was a renter) was holding a gun. The safety was on. Now I'm not a fan of guns, but if I still had one and somebody busted down my door, damn right I would be carrying it. And my gun didn't have a safety.

Cop in the Hood: Call me old-fashioned...

What Does the SWAT Marine Data Dump Prove? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

We don't need to end shit, and that isn't what this guy was saying either. He was saying the same thing I say. Too many poorly trained LEOs serving high risk warrants.

ESPECIALLY in the case of no knocks.
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.

The tactics here are terrible. Why are they standing in front of the door? I wouldn't answer a call for a lost lolcat without standing off to the side. In fact, even today, 10 years later, I still do.

And what's with that last extra shot? "Pop." Did he flinch?

I've also read that they didn't let paramedics in for a while because the scene wasn't secure. The whole point of entries like this is to make the scene secure. Or is it just to play with toys.

I have no idea what kind of guy the dead guy was. And to some extend I don't care. If was so potentially dangerous, why wasn't it no-knock raid? And if it wasn't, why not ring the doorbell? As the old joke goes, "It can't hurt."

When the man inside his own home was shot by police officers who busted down his door, the home owner (OK, maybe he was a renter) was holding a gun. The safety was on. Now I'm not a fan of guns, but if I still had one and somebody busted down my door, damn right I would be carrying it. And my gun didn't have a safety.
Cop in the Hood: Call me old-fashioned...

What Does the SWAT Marine Data Dump Prove? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

We don't need to end shit, and that isn't what this guy was saying either. He was saying the same thing I say. Too many poorly trained LEOs serving high risk warrants.

ESPECIALLY in the case of no knocks.

That is not what he said.

He said that these people are idiots, and that the raid was unnecessary. Even if everything the Pima County Sheriff is saying about this guy is true it was not necessary to break into his house and kill him. We need to end the militarization of the police which is justified solely because we are trying to end a problem that did not exist before we made it one.

Not to mention that the cops are obviously lying about everything.

We don't need to end shit, and that isn't what this guy was saying either. He was saying the same thing I say. Too many poorly trained LEOs serving high risk warrants.

ESPECIALLY in the case of no knocks.

That is not what he said.

He said that these people are idiots, and that the raid was unnecessary. Even if everything the Pima County Sheriff is saying about this guy is true it was not necessary to break into his house and kill him. We need to end the militarization of the police which is justified solely because we are trying to end a problem that did not exist before we made it one.

Not to mention that the cops are obviously lying about everything.

I completely discount this based on the fact that you are ALWAYS claiming that LEOs are ALWAYS lying.
We don't need to end shit, and that isn't what this guy was saying either. He was saying the same thing I say. Too many poorly trained LEOs serving high risk warrants.

ESPECIALLY in the case of no knocks.

That is not what he said.

He said that these people are idiots, and that the raid was unnecessary. Even if everything the Pima County Sheriff is saying about this guy is true it was not necessary to break into his house and kill him. We need to end the militarization of the police which is justified solely because we are trying to end a problem that did not exist before we made it one.

Not to mention that the cops are obviously lying about everything.

I completely discount this based on the fact that you are ALWAYS claiming that LEOs are ALWAYS lying.

Look at the evidence here and form your own opinion, there are links to everything.

The police claim the officers were separated right after the shooting and had no chance to consult about the events that occurred during the raid, yet the audio released by the sheriff clearly indicates them talking about the events in the house and how he "lunged out" at them when they breached the door.

The police reports say they arrived with sirens blaring for at least 4 or 5 minutes, yet the audio clearly shows that the sirens were on for less than 30 seconds.

The lawyer for the police claims this guy was arrested before and flipped on his suppliers, which would have made him a CI, so why did they literally go in with guns blazing?

Cops do not always lie, but I will trust tape over cops every single day of the week.
So you support the asinine task of hunting down people doing nothing other than getting high and putting them in prison for a crime that has no victims? Why?

Name ONE good thing that comes from the vaunted war on drugs. Want to know what it would be like if drugs were legal? Look at alcohol. It PROVED beyond a shadow of a doubt that legal control beats illegal confiscation any day of the week.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana
video here

I, for one, can't here them announce themselves when they break in. They did blare a siren outside for a few seconds, but hearing a siren outside is not unusual.

Can you them announce that they were police when they went in?

Also, where the fuck is that music coming from?
Items found in Jose Guerena's house included: a Colt .38-caliber handgun, paperwork, tax returns, insurance papers, bank statements and a bank card, reports showed.

wicked shit...
Another report said detectives found body armor in a hallway closet

Wow, a military vet with body armour...

lots of ppl have vests; last I heard, it was perfectly legal

Krygier's version of events explains why the elite public safety unit failed to allow Guerena any medical assistance for more than an hour after shooting him 60 times. They were waiting for a camera-enabled robot to film and probe Guerena's lifeless body

Since they had no cameras on their helmets or anything...

Sound to me like they decided 'let him die'
During this delay, Guerena's four-year-old son, who as the SWAT team knew was hiding in a bedroom, left his hiding place, walked out through a home Krygier describes as being splattered with Guerena’s blood, brain matter and bone fragments, and delivered himself to the police through the breached front door.

So they can't even search a house for hiding persons? How fucking incompetent are these people?
Vanessa Guerena’s 911 call and interrogation transcript support an important claim made by the police: Jose Guerena did pick up a weapon when the raid began


I can't hear them announce who they are in the video they released

Unidentified men kick in my door? Better believe I'm going for my weapon- better hope I don't get to it before you see me
We need to end the "War on Drugs" before it kills us all.
While it might not kill us all it certainly is turning America into a police state one incremental step at a time.

Which is the entire point

the CIA brings in coke

the borders remain open

There's the problem

People freak over rampant drug use and related street violence

There's your reaction

They offer a solution: more SWAT, no-knock warrants, militarized police, random searches, more surveillance, and more control
The two dispatchers spend about four minutes talking to each other and calling out for Guerena while trying to figure out if the call is coming from the same residence where the warrant was served.

Was it a landline? If so, shouldn't they have had the address within a minute of connecting?
The Sheriff's Department dispatcher said she had not received any requests for medical help from deputies on scene
As I said, they decided 'let the motherfucker die'.
the department now says it was a misfire by one of the deputies that caused this deadly group panic inside a home containing a woman and a toddler:
A deputy's bullet struck the side of the doorway, causing chips of wood to fall on his shield. That prompted some members of the team to think the deputy had been shot, [PCSD spokesman Michael] O'Connor said.

Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Wait, why'd he discharge his weapon in the first place?
The Arizona Daily Star comes through again--with, as before, reporter Fernanda Echevarri at the tip of the spear. Excerpts from her most recent article, each followed by my commentary:
The man shot and killed by Pima County SWAT officers was linked to a home-invasion crew, the attorney representing the officers said Thursday.
Let's remember, the first version of the fairy tale was that the officers found "drugs and money". That changed to "oversized drug paraphernalia" which, the Department spokesman admitted under a reporter's questioning, was found in another residence entirely, not Guerena's. Now we're being asked to believe this full-time night shift mine worker was "linked" to a home invasion crew.
How does the earlier statement that one S.W.A.T. team member's gun "misfired" (which no doubt means he yanked the trigger when he shouldn't have) and blasted chips from the doorframe--which then landed on one guy's shield and convinced the other's he'd been hit--fit into the arrangement? This just gets curiouser and curiouser.
Iraq Veteran Gunned Down At Home : Coverup?
2a. Is "Bang bang bang!" an indicator that S.W.A.T. already knew they were going in to shoot somebody, or simply what they always say before a home invasion? (If the latter, it's still disturbing, as it would indicate a general mindset that's not exactly comforting to anyone who might end up on the business end of a raid.)

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