A Political Argument Based on the Talmud About Trump

OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.

compared to the TALMUD which is a comprehensive and very INCLUSIVE work spanning centuries------the "summa theologica" is a piece of dog shit and of no philosophical or historical value
What's 'Talmudic' about the idea? Most Jews aren't religious, and aren't covered under the OT covenants, i.e. they aren't the 'Chosen' of the OT, they're secular refugees, and Israel was formed as a result of Arab idiocy and genocidal thievery combined with the dire need for a safe haven for Jews in their own tribal homelands.

Israel is a tiny country. No need for the "s." Just say homeland.

There are more than just one tribe, and it's a homeland for more than one of them and more than one sect, hence the plural.

there is only ONE people called "THE JEWS"-----they are the descendants of the people that WAS called "THE KINGDOM
OF JUDAH" in the days following the return of the people who
were called THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ---following the
Babylonian captivity. During the time of the roman occupation---
the whole land---including that which at one time was called
came to be called JUDEA. Now da joooos is da joooos.
My tribe, for example, is not JUDAH----but I am still a JOOO ----
Jesus was, according to the NT----of the Tribe of JUDAH----he was
a jooo too. like me. Your semantics and sophistry is STRAINED

OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.

compared to the TALMUD which is a comprehensive and very INCLUSIVE work spanning centuries------the "summa theologica" is a piece of dog shit and of no philosophical or historical value

Oh my, time for your meds, dear. You've obviously been missing your therapy classes, too.

Pic is stumped again
The idea is that Obama cursed Israel and God put a thumb on the scales to get Trump elected in order to spank Obama. The implication is that Trump blessed Israel as to US embassy location and therefore he is going to get an even greater blessing. Remember to keep it clean and come out swinging.
Doesn’t the Talmud also say Jesus is boiling in feces for eternity? What an amusing work of fiction.

no-----the Talmud does not say that Jesus is boiling in feces for
eternity. In fact, there is no mention of Jesus or any mention of
anyone "boiling in feces" in the Talmud. Your fellow islamo Nazis
invented that idea as an excuse for murdering tens of millions of
people for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT and for the glory of the
filth of your "god"
My God? Which work of fiction are you referring to?
The idea is that Obama cursed Israel and God put a thumb on the scales to get Trump elected in order to spank Obama. The implication is that Trump blessed Israel as to US embassy location and therefore he is going to get an even greater blessing. Remember to keep it clean and come out swinging.
Doesn’t the Talmud also say Jesus is boiling in feces for eternity? What an amusing work of fiction.

no-----the Talmud does not say that Jesus is boiling in feces for
eternity. In fact, there is no mention of Jesus or any mention of
anyone "boiling in feces" in the Talmud. Your fellow islamo Nazis
invented that idea as an excuse for murdering tens of millions of
people for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT and for the glory of the
filth of your "god"[/QUOTE

My God? Which work of fiction are you referring to?

try again, an entity named "the old Nazi bitch" stated

"Doesn’t the Talmud also say Jesus is boiling in feces for eternity? What an amusing work of fiction"

that vile piece of crap should CHECK the teachings of its
sunday school, or catechism teacher before farting them into cyberspace. Your sunday school teacher was never in the \
same room with a volume of the Talmud----neither was your other
"god" adolf-----but he was highly influenced by his catechism
teacher too

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