A Political Argument Based on the Talmud About Trump

WTF is a "messianic rabbi"? Did the "messianic rabbi" state his

Messianic Judiasm is a hybrid of Judaism and Christianity. Basically, it's a form of Judaism that believes Jesus was the messiah. Their practices, beliefs, and rituals are fundamentally Jewish in nature and are distinct from traditional forms of Christian worship. A Messianic rabbi is a rabbi from a Messianic Jewish synagogue.
WTF is a "messianic rabbi"? Did the "messianic rabbi" state his

Messianic Judiasm is a hybrid of Judaism and Christianity. Basically, it's a form of Judaism that believes Jesus was the messiah. Their practices, beliefs, and rituals are fundamentally Jewish in nature and are distinct from traditional forms of Christian worship. A Messianic rabbi is a rabbi from a Messianic Jewish synagogue.

My question was really ------how does one obtain this credential?
Is there an educational program----some sort of accepted way to
achieve the credential. Catholic priests have "requirements"----so
do the rabbis ----usually
So this God you speak of has actual thumbs that it uses to meddle around in human affairs with?

Surely the Orange one is the spawn of the other major God or Supernatural Being dedicated to hedonistic ways of luxury, (and an occasional Big Mac)?
WTF is a "messianic rabbi"? Did the "messianic rabbi" state his

Messianic Judiasm is a hybrid of Judaism and Christianity. Basically, it's a form of Judaism that believes Jesus was the messiah. Their practices, beliefs, and rituals are fundamentally Jewish in nature and are distinct from traditional forms of Christian worship. A Messianic rabbi is a rabbi from a Messianic Jewish synagogue.

My question was really ------how does one obtain this credential?
Is there an educational program----some sort of accepted way to
achieve the credential. Catholic priests have "requirements"----so
do the rabbis ----usually

the girl at the trophy shop can engrave you a desk/door name and title plate/
WTF is a "messianic rabbi"? Did the "messianic rabbi" state his

Messianic Judiasm is a hybrid of Judaism and Christianity. Basically, it's a form of Judaism that believes Jesus was the messiah. Their practices, beliefs, and rituals are fundamentally Jewish in nature and are distinct from traditional forms of Christian worship. A Messianic rabbi is a rabbi from a Messianic Jewish synagogue.

My question was really ------how does one obtain this credential?
Is there an educational program----some sort of accepted way to
achieve the credential. Catholic priests have "requirements"----so
do the rabbis ----usually

the girl at the trophy shop can engrave you a desk/door name and title plate/

I don't want to BE anything
My question was really ------how does one obtain this credential?
Is there an educational program----some sort of accepted way to
achieve the credential. Catholic priests have "requirements"----so
do the rabbis ----usually

So....you want to know how to become a rabbi?
My question was really ------how does one obtain this credential?
Is there an educational program----some sort of accepted way to
achieve the credential. Catholic priests have "requirements"----so
do the rabbis ----usually

So....you want to know how to become a rabbi?

no----I was interesting in how the messianic rabbi came
to be a rabbi and how he found Donald Trump to be the
object of a discussion in the Talmud or even how he
attributed is own discussion of Donald Trump to the
no----I was interesting in how the messianic rabbi came
to be a rabbi

You're not making sense. You want to know how someone becomes a rabbi, but you're not asking how someone becomes a rabbi.

your question was "you want to become a rabbi" to which I answered no. I know how rabbis become rabbis----but I do not
know how the specifically designated "messianic rabbis" become
rabbis. I don't know how Baptist ministers become Baptist
minsters either. The Talmud is a very difficult study---It requires
a very good understanding of both Hebrew and Aramaic and the
New Testament ALSO requires Greek
What's 'Talmudic' about the idea? Most Jews aren't religious, and aren't covered under the OT covenants, i.e. they aren't the 'Chosen' of the OT, they're secular refugees, and Israel was formed as a result of Arab idiocy and genocidal thievery combined with the dire need for a safe haven for Jews in their own tribal homelands.

Israel is a tiny country. No need for the "s." Just say homeland.

There are more than just one tribe, and it's a homeland for more than one of them and more than one sect, hence the plural.
The idea is that Obama cursed Israel and God put a thumb on the scales to get Trump elected in order to spank Obama. The implication is that Trump blessed Israel as to US embassy location and therefore he is going to get an even greater blessing. Remember to keep it clean and come out swinging.
Doesn’t the Talmud also say Jesus is boiling in feces for eternity? What an amusing work of fiction.
OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Well, there are over 100 OT prophecies, and several scenarios for the Messiah, not just one, and few people know them all, much less their relative contexts, so don't expect a message board discussion to be all that enlightening outside of maybe offering some hints for further study by those who might want to go into it all further. The type of scholars who are well versed in all this stuff are just going to go ahead and write their book about the topic than wade through typical message board arguments among assorted crazies about what the 'meaning of ' is' is, even though they don't have any idea what they're babbling about.

A better OP would just ask about some of aspect of theology you're interested in and see if anyone had some suggestions for further study. One poster made one very sensible suggestion, take a look at the Torah; you will also find that Jesus's ministry itself follows one of the patterns found in the Torah as well, so that's a valuable hint right there all by itself.
The idea is that Obama cursed Israel and God put a thumb on the scales to get Trump elected in order to spank Obama. The implication is that Trump blessed Israel as to US embassy location and therefore he is going to get an even greater blessing. Remember to keep it clean and come out swinging.
Odin loves those of Norse decent because they are his children. Trump (of Norse decent) is blessed by Odin, therefore, Trump is president.

Praise to Odin.

Valhalla, I am coming.

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OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.
What's 'Talmudic' about the idea? Most Jews aren't religious, and aren't covered under the OT covenants, i.e. they aren't the 'Chosen' of the OT, they're secular refugees, and Israel was formed as a result of Arab idiocy and genocidal thievery combined with the dire need for a safe haven for Jews in their own tribal homelands.

Israel is a tiny country. No need for the "s." Just say homeland.

There are more than just one tribe, and it's a homeland for more than one of them and more than one sect, hence the plural.

there is only ONE people called "THE JEWS"-----they are the descendants of the people that WAS called "THE KINGDOM
OF JUDAH" in the days following the return of the people who
were called THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ---following the
Babylonian captivity. During the time of the roman occupation---
the whole land---including that which at one time was called
came to be called JUDEA. Now da joooos is da joooos.
My tribe, for example, is not JUDAH----but I am still a JOOO ----
Jesus was, according to the NT----of the Tribe of JUDAH----he was
a jooo too. like me. Your semantics and sophistry is STRAINED
OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.

compared to the TALMUD which is a comprehensive and very INCLUSIVE work spanning centuries------the "summa theologica" is a piece of dog shit and of no philosophical or historical value
Israel is just another screwed up ME theocracy which the US supports due to it's its ability to do our dirty work there, and be our 'gun runners' , which in return we play 'big stick' for....

All the evangelists in America go on and on about God & Country always make sure it's inclusive of Israel , turn our backs on Israel and God will condemn the USA they say....

The US lacks the ability to be objective in it's its view of Israel , because they are the most powerfully funded lobbyists to ever grace the halls of Congress ,


If These Brave and Smart People Hadn't Wanted a Nation That Spoke Hebrew, We'd Be Speaking Arabic

Israel is our shield and decoy. Without the martial vigor of Likud, they're licked. And so, eventually, will we be.
The idea is that Obama cursed Israel and God put a thumb on the scales to get Trump elected in order to spank Obama. The implication is that Trump blessed Israel as to US embassy location and therefore he is going to get an even greater blessing. Remember to keep it clean and come out swinging.
Doesn’t the Talmud also say Jesus is boiling in feces for eternity? What an amusing work of fiction.

no-----the Talmud does not say that Jesus is boiling in feces for
eternity. In fact, there is no mention of Jesus or any mention of
anyone "boiling in feces" in the Talmud. Your fellow islamo Nazis
invented that idea as an excuse for murdering tens of millions of
people for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT and for the glory of the
filth of your "god"
OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.
wade through typical message board arguments among assorted crazies about what the 'meaning of ' is' is, even though they don't have any idea what they're babbling about.f.
The Ally of Survival

Israel is the opposite of what the meaning of ISIS is.
OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.

compared to the TALMUD which is a comprehensive and very INCLUSIVE work spanning centuries------the "summa theologica" is a piece of dog shit and of no philosophical or historical value
What's 'Talmudic' about the idea? Most Jews aren't religious, and aren't covered under the OT covenants, i.e. they aren't the 'Chosen' of the OT, they're secular refugees, and Israel was formed as a result of Arab idiocy and genocidal thievery combined with the dire need for a safe haven for Jews in their own tribal homelands.

Israel is a tiny country. No need for the "s." Just say homeland.

There are more than just one tribe, and it's a homeland for more than one of them and more than one sect, hence the plural.

there is only ONE people called "THE JEWS"-----they are the descendants of the people that WAS called "THE KINGDOM
OF JUDAH" in the days following the return of the people who
were called THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ---following the
Babylonian captivity. During the time of the roman occupation---
the whole land---including that which at one time was called
came to be called JUDEA. Now da joooos is da joooos.
My tribe, for example, is not JUDAH----but I am still a JOOO ----
Jesus was, according to the NT----of the Tribe of JUDAH----he was
a jooo too. like me. Your semantics and sophistry is STRAINED

OK the argument was made on the show "Christ in Prophecy" by a messianic rabbi promoting his new book. I thought this would get a wild but relatively civil debate going.

Again, the Talmud is a 'late' work, and not 'scriptural' or canon; it's sort of like a Jewish version of Thomas of Aquina's Summa Theologica, only a lot less sane than Thomas's work and not nearly as brilliant, given that it appears almost any idiot could get a few a lines in one of them and hardly anything is known about any of its contributing writers, plus there are more than one, and there are differences between them. IT does offer the occasional interesting arguments and logical exegeses, so is still worth study for those so inclined. The Summa Theologica is a much better choice in that line of teaching texts, though, by far.

compared to the TALMUD which is a comprehensive and very INCLUSIVE work spanning centuries------the "summa theologica" is a piece of dog shit and of no philosophical or historical value

Oh my, time for your meds, dear. You've obviously been missing your therapy classes, too.

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