A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
ANd in all honesty I hope I do die alone that means my wife won't have to mourn for me and I will do anything to spare her pain

You hoping your wife dies first? So you can die alone? That's kinda fucked up. What is it you are willing to do to make that happen? Seeing as how you have a gun and will do anything to spare her pain.

So you want to die first so you can leave your wife alone to fend for herself. That's fucked up.

And since you don't know me I'll ignore that fucking idiotic inference that I would shoot my wife
So you want to die first so you can leave your wife alone to fend for herself. That's fuc

Really? You married a woman that needs you to take care of her?

I didn't. I married an extremely competent, self assured woman who will do just fine when I am dead. And I do think I will die first. Actuarial tables show that as well.
So you want to die first so you can leave your wife alone to fend for herself. That's fuc

Really? You married a woman that needs you to take care of her?

I didn't. I married an extremely competent, self assured woman who will do just fine when I am dead. And I do think I will die first. Actuarial tables show that as well.
She doesn't need me to but I do it anyway.

I never said what I think will happen I said I would rather I live with the pain of her loss than she live with the pain of my loss

But you obviously don't get that
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

This is well known. I'm shocked you don't know this. If you work, you lose your benefits.

Yeah, if you don't pay your insurance premiums, you don't get coverage. If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it.

Again, it's not insurance. It's a welfare program.

Name one other type of insurance, whose premiums magically increase, and magically decrease in relation to your wages? You ever seen a life insurance policy, that magically increases premiums because you got a raise at work?

Because it's not a premium. It's a tax.

And by the way, name one insurance policy that pays out less proportionally to the "premiums"?

If I earn $20,000 a year, my SS check would be $859 a month. If I earned $40,000, I would get just $1,229 a month. If I earned $80,000, I would only get $1,970 a month.

Double how much I pay in, and get less and less proportionally.

It's a welfare system, not insurance. In real insurance, when you pay double, you get double the benefits, or more.


$14.40 = $100,000. And the premium doesn't go up, because you earned more.
$19.50 buys $250,000.
$31.20 buys $400,000.
$70 buys $1,000,000.

You don't pay more and more, to get less. If this was social security, you'd pay in $140, and end up with $500,000.

Again, I don't care what the "I" in SSDI stands for. It's not insurance.
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

This is well known. I'm shocked you don't know this. If you work, you lose your benefits.

Yeah, if you don't pay your insurance premiums, you don't get coverage. If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it.

Again, it's not insurance. It's a welfare program.

Name one other type of insurance, whose premiums magically increase, and magically decrease in relation to your wages? You ever seen a life insurance policy, that magically increases premiums because you got a raise at work?

Because it's not a premium. It's a tax.

And by the way, name one insurance policy that pays out less proportionally to the "premiums"?

If I earn $20,000 a year, my SS check would be $859 a month. If I earned $40,000, I would get just $1,229 a month. If I earned $80,000, I would only get $1,970 a month.

Double how much I pay in, and get less and less proportionally.

It's a welfare system, not insurance. In real insurance, when you pay double, you get double the benefits, or more.

View attachment 80358

$14.40 = $100,000. And the premium doesn't go up, because you earned more.
$19.50 buys $250,000.
$31.20 buys $400,000.
$70 buys $1,000,000.

You don't pay more and more, to get less. If this was social security, you'd pay in $140, and end up with $500,000.

Again, I don't care what the "I" in SSDI stands for. It's not insurance.

"If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it."

Not true.
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

This is well known. I'm shocked you don't know this. If you work, you lose your benefits.

Yeah, if you don't pay your insurance premiums, you don't get coverage. If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it.

Again, it's not insurance. It's a welfare program.

Name one other type of insurance, whose premiums magically increase, and magically decrease in relation to your wages? You ever seen a life insurance policy, that magically increases premiums because you got a raise at work?

Because it's not a premium. It's a tax.

And by the way, name one insurance policy that pays out less proportionally to the "premiums"?

If I earn $20,000 a year, my SS check would be $859 a month. If I earned $40,000, I would get just $1,229 a month. If I earned $80,000, I would only get $1,970 a month.

Double how much I pay in, and get less and less proportionally.

It's a welfare system, not insurance. In real insurance, when you pay double, you get double the benefits, or more.

View attachment 80358

$14.40 = $100,000. And the premium doesn't go up, because you earned more.
$19.50 buys $250,000.
$31.20 buys $400,000.
$70 buys $1,000,000.

You don't pay more and more, to get less. If this was social security, you'd pay in $140, and end up with $500,000.

Again, I don't care what the "I" in SSDI stands for. It's not insurance.

"If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it."

Not true.

Sort of. I meant if you quit paying anything into Social Security you still get it.

If I quit paying my premiums into my car insurance, and I crash my car, do I get anything? No.

If I quit working, and for the next 5 years pay nothing into the system, do I get SS? Yes I do. It's a welfare system, not insurance.

Equally, if I pay my insurance premium this month, and crash my car, they will cover me this month.

If I only pay into Social Security for 3 years in my entire life, I get zero. In fact most benefits require 10 years of work to get anything. Name one insurance policy where you pay into it for 9 years and 11 months of premiums, and get zero?

It's not insurance. It's not premiums, and it's not benefits. It is a TAX and a WELFARE program. Period. And a very horrible one at that.
The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

This is well known. I'm shocked you don't know this. If you work, you lose your benefits.

Yeah, if you don't pay your insurance premiums, you don't get coverage. If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it.

Again, it's not insurance. It's a welfare program.

Name one other type of insurance, whose premiums magically increase, and magically decrease in relation to your wages? You ever seen a life insurance policy, that magically increases premiums because you got a raise at work?

Because it's not a premium. It's a tax.

And by the way, name one insurance policy that pays out less proportionally to the "premiums"?

If I earn $20,000 a year, my SS check would be $859 a month. If I earned $40,000, I would get just $1,229 a month. If I earned $80,000, I would only get $1,970 a month.

Double how much I pay in, and get less and less proportionally.

It's a welfare system, not insurance. In real insurance, when you pay double, you get double the benefits, or more.

View attachment 80358

$14.40 = $100,000. And the premium doesn't go up, because you earned more.
$19.50 buys $250,000.
$31.20 buys $400,000.
$70 buys $1,000,000.

You don't pay more and more, to get less. If this was social security, you'd pay in $140, and end up with $500,000.

Again, I don't care what the "I" in SSDI stands for. It's not insurance.

"If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it."

Not true.

Sort of. I meant if you quit paying anything into Social Security you still get it.

If I quit paying my premiums into my car insurance, and I crash my car, do I get anything? No.

If I quit working, and for the next 5 years pay nothing into the system, do I get SS? Yes I do. It's a welfare system, not insurance.

Equally, if I pay my insurance premium this month, and crash my car, they will cover me this month.

If I only pay into Social Security for 3 years in my entire life, I get zero. In fact most benefits require 10 years of work to get anything. Name one insurance policy where you pay into it for 9 years and 11 months of premiums, and get zero?

It's not insurance. It's not premiums, and it's not benefits. It is a TAX and a WELFARE program. Period. And a very horrible one at that.

Thank you for clearing that up. You can blow just so much smoke before I have to call you on it.

The number of people over 65 that do not get SS is in single digits. SS is a government Insurance program. It is not like car insurance since everyone does not own a car, but everyone that lives long enough will get some or all of the money back that was taken from them when they worked.
Your examples are valid, just as the person that pays all his working life and dies at age 64. Just bad luck, huh!
No, actually they agreed. Because he really WAS brilliant, and a great CEO.

The problem with people like you.... you are so angry and bitter, and cruel, that only other angry bitter cruel people hang around you. Thus you think everyone is that way.

But I have worked at numerous places where there were many people that thought very highly of their CEO. And people like me, tend to hang around other positive, appreciative people.

Oh, so you hang out with the other brownnosers.... You are like the guy who hopes the Cannibals eat you last.

LOL.... Sorry I missed this post.

What's funny about you saying that, is that the CEO of that company, who I was talking about.... started out in the position I was in. He was an hourly worker. Now he's CEO.

Apparently, he didn't believe the left-wing "Cannibal" crap you morons spew, and that's why he's CEO and people like you, are whiny poor cry babies, who lose all their money and blame the 1% for it.

Like I said, the people who are like me, are the ones who end up rich. I know, because they do. The people like you, who constantly look for someone to blame for every bad choice you make, stay poor, and bitter. And rightfully so. You deserve it.

It's people like us, that carry this economy, so people like you don't starve to death. Go read Atlas Shrugged. If all of us left, you people on the left would starve and die. And when Social Security runs out of money, and you are on here screaming because you can't eat.... don't expect much sympathy.
First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.

Semantics, premium or tax. I agree you are required to pay it if you are employed, because it is the law. If you break the law, you pay the consequences.

"Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working?"

I did not know that you forfeit soc sec if you earn too much working. I would appreciate a link to confirm that.

"For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough?"

If you don't pay the insurance premium, you forfeit your benefits. The amount you get in Soc Sec benefits is determined by how much you made over a period of years.

What did you expect from an Insurance policy that was written and enforced by the federal government?

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

This is well known. I'm shocked you don't know this. If you work, you lose your benefits.

Yeah, if you don't pay your insurance premiums, you don't get coverage. If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it.

Again, it's not insurance. It's a welfare program.

Name one other type of insurance, whose premiums magically increase, and magically decrease in relation to your wages? You ever seen a life insurance policy, that magically increases premiums because you got a raise at work?

Because it's not a premium. It's a tax.

And by the way, name one insurance policy that pays out less proportionally to the "premiums"?

If I earn $20,000 a year, my SS check would be $859 a month. If I earned $40,000, I would get just $1,229 a month. If I earned $80,000, I would only get $1,970 a month.

Double how much I pay in, and get less and less proportionally.

It's a welfare system, not insurance. In real insurance, when you pay double, you get double the benefits, or more.

View attachment 80358

$14.40 = $100,000. And the premium doesn't go up, because you earned more.
$19.50 buys $250,000.
$31.20 buys $400,000.
$70 buys $1,000,000.

You don't pay more and more, to get less. If this was social security, you'd pay in $140, and end up with $500,000.

Again, I don't care what the "I" in SSDI stands for. It's not insurance.

"If you don't pay anything into social security, you still get it."

Not true.

Sort of. I meant if you quit paying anything into Social Security you still get it.

If I quit paying my premiums into my car insurance, and I crash my car, do I get anything? No.

If I quit working, and for the next 5 years pay nothing into the system, do I get SS? Yes I do. It's a welfare system, not insurance.

Equally, if I pay my insurance premium this month, and crash my car, they will cover me this month.

If I only pay into Social Security for 3 years in my entire life, I get zero. In fact most benefits require 10 years of work to get anything. Name one insurance policy where you pay into it for 9 years and 11 months of premiums, and get zero?

It's not insurance. It's not premiums, and it's not benefits. It is a TAX and a WELFARE program. Period. And a very horrible one at that.

Thank you for clearing that up. You can blow just so much smoke before I have to call you on it.

The number of people over 65 that do not get SS is in single digits. SS is a government Insurance program. It is not like car insurance since everyone does not own a car, but everyone that lives long enough will get some or all of the money back that was taken from them when they worked.
Your examples are valid, just as the person that pays all his working life and dies at age 64. Just bad luck, huh!

Well exactly... that's horrible. If you allowed people to opt-out of 'government insurance' in favor of real insurance.... not a single person in this entire country would still be in the government plan, within 20 years. If that long.

Because if I pay into my IRA.... and I live to retirement.... I'll be a millionaire, or close to it. If I live off government, I'll be impoverished until I die.

If I die before I retirement, my wife, or my kids, or my relatives will get all the money I worked so hard to earn. If I go with government, they get very little, or zero.

Government tax and welfare, is the most horrific poor creating system in the world. It ruins people, creates impoverishment, and destroys wealth.

If I truly HATED the poor.... HATED the working class..... HATED the lower class..... and the politicians in government gave me the task of finding a way to harm the poor and lower-class the most, while at the same time getting them to vote for them, I would come up with "Federal Insurance Contributions" and FORCE people to be in it.

That's is exactly what it is. It's way to harm the poorest people in our country the most, and get them to vote for the politicians who are doing it.

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