A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah a whole 1300 a month instead of over 7500 a month and money left when you croak to leave to your family

Only you would think that's a good option

Again, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 as a reminder of how stupid trusting the Wall Street Casino is.

And, as you know, if you had remained calm and kept your money in the market, it would now be higher than ever.
Yeah a whole 1300 a month instead of over 7500 a month and money left when you croak to leave to your family

Only you would think that's a good option

Again, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 as a reminder of how stupid trusting the Wall Street Casino is.

And, as you know, if you had remained calm and kept your money in the market, it would now be higher than ever.
I don't think he knows that
It's ironic that you bring up AIG, because everything the government did, was illegal, and even AIG itself, was against what happened.

Maybe you don't know this but AIG sued the government, and won.


You can read the legal judgement here. The whole thing was wrong.

No, guy, the only thing that was wrong was that we didn't take the crooks who ran AIG and put htem into the nastiest prisons in the system, with a large black man and a jar of vasoline.

That's the thing that was wrong.

Instead, none of these crooks went to jail and they got to keep their bonuses, while the rest of us ended up with busted 401K' and underwater mortgages.

But being the good "Battered Housewife Conservative" you are, you are all good with this because they are Right With Jesus.

Fucking idiots.
And, as you know, if you had remained calm and kept your money in the market, it would now be higher than ever.

Yup. Except for the ruined credit scores and huge penalties I would have had to pay for not paying my bills... things would have been just fine. So it's kind of "pick your poison", wasn't it?

I don't think he knows that

I've explained my reasoning pretty well, but you are too busy being a horrible human being to understand.

You do realize you're a horrible human being. I do pity you.
You know what you can do with your pity don't you?

I don't pity you. I just think you need help, or you are going to end up dying all alone beccause no one can stand to be around you.
You said you did earlier didn't you or was that yet another one of Little Joey's lies?

And FYI everyone dies alone.

ANd in all honesty I hope I do die alone that means my wife won't have to mourn for me and I will do anything to spare her pain

You I couldn't give less of a flying fuck about

You I couldn't give less of a flying fuck about

You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself, that's your problem.

You'd rather burn money than let a poor person have it.

I care about my wife more than any person on this earth after her I care about my dogs more than any person on this earth.

And I'll wager I give more money than you to the local food bank or to St Jude's or the VFW.

How about your local fire dept?

Police Charities?

come put your money where your big fat mouth is
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.
See you don't give anything to anyone you just tell other people what to do

I'm not the one doing the exploiting and the abusing of the poor. That would be the beloved 1 percenters.

But even if I were so inclined, i wouldn't give it to charities, most of which are affliated with religion. Religion is something we need to get rid of.

Finally, the problem with Charities is that they avoid the problem. The problem is inequality. Charity doesn't cure it, it just masks the symptoms.
Oh the poor companies ! When an employee gets hurt on the job , thy pay out a little work comp, then let the taxpayers take care of the employee forever thru SS disability payments . What a raw deal !

The I in SSDI stands for INSURANCE. You pay the premium, you collect the benefits according to the terms of the policy. Unfortunately, for the taxpayers, lawyers have found so many loopholec in the government SSDI policy, it is being seriously abused.

First, it's not a premium. I can refuse to pay premiums. And insurance companies do not send people with guns to your home, and drag your butt off to jail, if you refuse to pay your premiums. It's not a premium... it's a TAX. You doubt that? Refuse to pay it for a bit, and see who shows up. It's not an insurance agent asking if you would like to reinstate your policy. It's the IRS. If the IRS ever shows up because you didn't pay something, it's not a "premium"... it's a TAX. PERIOD

Second, the "terms of the policy" are insane. You can say it's benefits, but in the real world, you don't lose your benefits for things outside the scope of a policy.

For example, name one insurance policy that you forfeit your benefits, if you didn't work long enough? Where's that policy? Real insurance, if you pay the premiums, and you become disabled, then you get the money. The insurance company does not show up and say "Oh, you only worked 3 years. You had to work 5 years. You get nothing now".

If I end up in a car crash, and end up with my arm chopped off, I'll get some insurance money. If I find employment that doesn't require that arm.... do I magically lose my insurance money for losing the arm? No, you don't.

With government, which is not running an insurance program, but rather a welfare program.... you do. You lose your 'benefits'. It's a welfare program, not insurance.

It's just like Social Security. Name one retirement fund, that you forfeit your retirement if you earn too much working? Name one!!! ONE!!! Give me ONE EXAMPLE! You can't. None of you can. Because real retirement funds, and real insurance policies, never act that way.

Both work exactly like Welfare. The harder you work, the less you get, and it's actually worse than that, because while you are working, you are paying taxes into these programs, to provide benefits you are forfeiting. No other company would punish you by forcing you to pay premiums, in order to not get benefits.
It's ironic that you bring up AIG, because everything the government did, was illegal, and even AIG itself, was against what happened.

Maybe you don't know this but AIG sued the government, and won.


You can read the legal judgement here. The whole thing was wrong.

No, guy, the only thing that was wrong was that we didn't take the crooks who ran AIG and put htem into the nastiest prisons in the system, with a large black man and a jar of vasoline.

That's the thing that was wrong.

Instead, none of these crooks went to jail and they got to keep their bonuses, while the rest of us ended up with busted 401K' and underwater mortgages.

But being the good "Battered Housewife Conservative" you are, you are all good with this because they are Right With Jesus.

Fucking idiots.

Yeah pigeon. They didn't do anything illegal, but you want to throw them in prison. How left-wing of you. Hitler, Stalin and every other murderous left-wing dictator would be proud of you, their pet pigeon.

You don't know jack, and prove it constantly.
See you don't give anything to anyone you just tell other people what to do

I'm not the one doing the exploiting and the abusing of the poor. That would be the beloved 1 percenters.

But even if I were so inclined, i wouldn't give it to charities, most of which are affliated with religion. Religion is something we need to get rid of.

Finally, the problem with Charities is that they avoid the problem. The problem is inequality. Charity doesn't cure it, it just masks the symptoms.
Here we go again with the rich guys steal from the poor shit.

and FYI not all charities are affiliated with religion.
Yeah pigeon. They didn't do anything illegal, but you want to throw them in prison. How left-wing of you. Hitler, Stalin and every other murderous left-wing dictator would be proud of you, their pet pigeon.

You don't know jack, and prove it constantly.

I'm positive if you sent a prosecutor in there with a thousand investigators, reading every e-mail and sweating the lower-level functionaries, you'd have found plenty to charge these guys with.

And i'm positive if you put these guys in front of a jury of guys who lost their homes and 401K's and jobs in the recession they caused, you'd get a conviction no matter how slick their lawyers are.

So let me get this straight. YOu are fine sending a poor person to prison for stealing a slice off pizza, but guys like AIG should not only not go to prison, but we need to give them bailouts and bonuses the rest of us end up paying for.

Yup. Battered Housewife Conservatism, everyone. Battered Housewife Conservatism.

Here we go again with the rich guys steal from the poor shit.

and FYI not all charities are affiliated with religion.

enough of them are. The rest are scams of some sort or another. The point is, though, they are fixing a problem that shouldn't exist.

We produce enough wealth to give every MAN WOMAN AND CHILD in this country more than enough money to live comfortably. The problem isn't a lack of wealth, it's uneven distirbution of resources.

Now, if you are a truly awful human being, you are generally fine with this. Hey, I gave 1% of my salary to charity and took a tax deduction on Schedule A for it.

If you aren't you realize this is something that needs to actually be fixed.
ANd in all honesty I hope I do die alone that means my wife won't have to mourn for me and I will do anything to spare her pain

You hoping your wife dies first? So you can die alone? That's kinda fucked up. What is it you are willing to do to make that happen? Seeing as how you have a gun and will do anything to spare her pain.

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