A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah a whole 1300 a month instead of over 7500 a month and money left when you croak to leave to your family

Only you would think that's a good option

Again, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 as a reminder of how stupid trusting the Wall Street Casino is.

Meaningless since you didn't lose anything if you didn't cash out at a loss

But you probably did because like I said

You would be mistaken. I have an excellent safety record and my credit rating from work comp attests to that. I've also spent many thousands of dollars fighting frivolous claims to maintain that rating. The last claim I fought was from some one who hurt his back so badly he could barely walk. of course I have video of him playing in a touch football game the night he hurt his back. My sister is going through the same thing at this moment. A waitress at her restaurant didn't show up to work for a week. They took her off the schedule and considered her fired. 2 months later they are notified by work com that she had hurt her back. I won my case and my sister will win hers. Guess what we win, thousands of dollars in legal fees.

So you are proud of screwing over working people injured due to your negligence.

Got it.
Meaningless since you didn't lose anything if you didn't cash out at a loss

But you probably did because like I said

Again, my medical bills needed to be paid. So, um, no.

Point is, you can play the 1%'s rigged game. I refuse to.
You would be mistaken. I have an excellent safety record and my credit rating from work comp attests to that. I've also spent many thousands of dollars fighting frivolous claims to maintain that rating. The last claim I fought was from some one who hurt his back so badly he could barely walk. of course I have video of him playing in a touch football game the night he hurt his back. My sister is going through the same thing at this moment. A waitress at her restaurant didn't show up to work for a week. They took her off the schedule and considered her fired. 2 months later they are notified by work com that she had hurt her back. I won my case and my sister will win hers. Guess what we win, thousands of dollars in legal fees.

So you are proud of screwing over working people injured due to your negligence.

Got it.
No I'm proud of not sitting back and letting some one screw me over. And work comp whole heartedly agrees with me. Work comp is for injured people.
Meaningless since you didn't lose anything if you didn't cash out at a loss

But you probably did because like I said

Again, my medical bills needed to be paid. So, um, no.

Point is, you can play the 1%'s rigged game. I refuse to.
So you cashed out at a loss and paid all the penalties involved in doing so huh?

And the game isn't rigged you just don't understand it
So you cashed out at a loss and paid all the penalties involved in doing so huh?

And the game isn't rigged you just don't understand it

I understand it perfectly well. It's rigged to benefit the rich.

The fact that you are a battered wife conservative who keeps making excuses for them is kind of telling.
So you cashed out at a loss and paid all the penalties involved in doing so huh?

And the game isn't rigged you just don't understand it

I understand it perfectly well. It's rigged to benefit the rich.

The fact that you are a battered wife conservative who keeps making excuses for them is kind of telling.

I hate to tell you this Joey but no rich guy ever stole anything from me but the fucking government sure does

So did you cash out at a loss then pay the taxes and fines or not?
I hate to tell you this Joey but no rich guy ever stole anything from me but the fucking government sure does

So did you cash out at a loss then pay the taxes and fines or not?

No, the government makes you pay your fair share for living in a civilized society.

Actually, I converted the 401K to a CD so I could pay off some medical bills that happened. And, yes, I paid some penalties.

Which is the point. The game is rigged against working people to benefit the rich. The Rich got bailouts, the rest of us paid penalties.
I hate to tell you this Joey but no rich guy ever stole anything from me but the fucking government sure does

So did you cash out at a loss then pay the taxes and fines or not?

No, the government makes you pay your fair share for living in a civilized society.

Actually, I converted the 401K to a CD so I could pay off some medical bills that happened. And, yes, I paid some penalties.

Which is the point. The game is rigged against working people to benefit the rich. The Rich got bailouts, the rest of us paid penalties.

No the 401K laws made by the government are designed to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the middle class.

All the gains are taxed as regular income. The government tells you how much you have to take out every year and if you don't take out enough you get whacked with heavy penalties. This is all by design to maximize government revenue. So you see those penalties you paid had nothing to do with the rich and was the government fucking you over

No other investment accounts have those requirements

I always tell people to only put enough in a 401 as to max out the company match then open a Roth IRA and max that out
No the 401K laws made by the government are designed to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the middle class.

No, they were insisted on by Wall Street to keep people from cashing out quickly while the day traders and speculators manipulate the market making trillions disappear and reappear in a matter of days.

Again- the working class pays penalties and the rich get bailouts and you are all sooo fine with this.

Battered housewife conservatism, everyone.
No the 401K laws made by the government are designed to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the middle class.

No, they were insisted on by Wall Street to keep people from cashing out quickly while the day traders and speculators manipulate the market making trillions disappear and reappear in a matter of days.

Again- the working class pays penalties and the rich get bailouts and you are all sooo fine with this.

Battered housewife conservatism, everyone.

no sorry it's the tax treatment and the required minimum withdrawals that are the government's rules not Wall Street's rules

I can open up any investment accounts I want that are not qualified retirement plans and all the government can tax me on is the gains at the capital gains rates not as regular income and they can't tell me how much to take out every year

Wall Street doesn't care how much or when you take out your money
I hate to tell you this Joey but no rich guy ever stole anything from me but the fucking government sure does

I hate to tell you this, the government is run by "rich guys" and rich women too.

You ever hear of a plutocracy? Check it out. That's the system we live under. A plutocracy.

You don't like it? Become a plutocrat.
I hate to tell you this Joey but no rich guy ever stole anything from me but the fucking government sure does

I hate to tell you this, the government is run by "rich guys" and rich women too.

You ever hear of a plutocracy? Check it out. That's the system we live under. A plutocracy.

You don't like it? Become a plutocrat.

Where did I say I don't like the system
It's you morons whining every single day the some rich guy is stealing from you so by your
logic the government (run by rich guys) must be stealing from you too
Meaningless since you didn't lose anything if you didn't cash out at a loss

But you probably did because like I said

Again, my medical bills needed to be paid. So, um, no.

Point is, you can play the 1%'s rigged game. I refuse to.

The 1% told you to sell high, and buy low.

You sold low and bought high.

The only thing rigged here, is your incompetence.

By your own post, you said you pulled your money out of stocks when they tanked (selling low), and placed them into something safe, likely bonds, which in your own words "never recovered". Of course they didn't recover, because the bonds didn't go down as much to begin with.

If stocks are at $1,000, and they lose 50%, they drop to $500, and you sold them.

Bonds didn't drop 50%. They dropped 10%. From $1,000 to $900.

You sold your stocks when they were on sale, for $500, and bought bonds for $900.

When the market recovered, and it always does, the stocks went back up to $1,000 and so did the bonds. But they didn't recover as much as the stocks did, because they never lost as much as the stocks did. So OF COURSE your investments never recovered. You were stupid, and lost your money.

And you can blame the 1% all you want, but the fact is you ignored what they told you to do, so the fault is 100% yours. The only person you can point your fingers at in accusation, is the man in your mirror. That's where the problem is.
The 1% told you to sell high, and buy low.

You sold low and bought high.

The only thing rigged here, is your incompetence.

One more time, guy. I sold median because I had medical bills that had to be paid RIGHT NOW. It wasn't like I had a choice in the matter.

By your own post, you said you pulled your money out of stocks when they tanked (selling low), and placed them into something safe, likely bonds, which in your own words "never recovered". Of course they didn't recover, because the bonds didn't go down as much to begin with.

Go ahead and learn to read, fucknut. I stated i pulled out of my 401K to pay medical bills. I also had to pull money out of my life insurance policy and go into other debt. And while I was scrambling to keep my ship afloat after the recession your boy Bush caused, the One Percenters got bailouts the rest of us had to pay for because they threatened to sink the entire economy if they didn't.
The 1% told you to sell high, and buy low.

You sold low and bought high.

The only thing rigged here, is your incompetence.

One more time, guy. I sold median because I had medical bills that had to be paid RIGHT NOW. It wasn't like I had a choice in the matter.

By your own post, you said you pulled your money out of stocks when they tanked (selling low), and placed them into something safe, likely bonds, which in your own words "never recovered". Of course they didn't recover, because the bonds didn't go down as much to begin with.

Go ahead and learn to read, fucknut. I stated i pulled out of my 401K to pay medical bills. I also had to pull money out of my life insurance policy and go into other debt. And while I was scrambling to keep my ship afloat after the recession your boy Bush caused, the One Percenters got bailouts the rest of us had to pay for because they threatened to sink the entire economy if they didn't.

So what you are saying, is that you are a liar. You told me you had money moved to "safe" investments, which in your words never recovered. Now you are saying no such thing happened, and you pulled your money out to pay bills.

What lie is it pigeon? Now you are trying to insult me, because I'm shoving your lies back in your face? Pathetic.

And let's say you did pull your money out to pay bills. Whose fault is that? Why didn't have the correct insurance to pay your bills? Who didn't save enough money in a 'rainy day fund' to pay bills out of? I have a minimum of $2,000 in cash, at all times. And then several thousand in a money market account for emergencies.

And by the way stupid.... the 1% didn't get bailed out. You don't know how the bail outs worked. The bailouts didn't pay out to CEOs and the wealthy. It was paid out to the bond holders of the banks. The banks themselves were closed or sold. Countrywide doesn't exist as a seperate company. Their executives are gone. They don't work there anymore.

The people who got bailed out, where the people who bought Countrywide bonds. So who are they? It is entirely possible it was you.

GS Corp.png

The largest buyer of corporate bonds, are insurance companies. You said you had to pull money out of your life insurance policy. It's possible your company, that give you that money, was one of the beneficiaries of the bailout. Not the 1%.

The second largest buyer, are international investors. They don't break down who is in that group, but I wager the makeup is roughly similar.

Then the next largest buyers are House & Non-profits (trust funds for the Red Cross for example), Mutual Funds and ETFs (that's your 401K), and of cousre Pension funds (that's Unions and left-wing 1% blaming idiots like yourself).

The smallest group is Banks and other Financial institutions. Which by the way, includes government.

Take Countrywide Financial. Did you know one of the 4 largest bond holders of Countrywide, was the Federal Reserve Bank of New York? In other words, the government organized a tax payer bailout of..... Government.

So the bailouts didn't go to the top 1%, not by a long shot. Not saying zero of it did... but very little. most went to people like you, who whined and complained the entire time.
So what you are saying, is that you are a liar. You told me you had money moved to "safe" investments, which in your words never recovered. Now you are saying no such thing happened, and you pulled your money out to pay bills.

Said nothing of the sort. SOME of the money I was able to put into a CD. Some of the money paid bills. Some of it I had to pay a penalty on.

I know these complicated math problems confuse you, having gone to Home Skule.
And let's say you did pull your money out to pay bills. Whose fault is that? Why didn't have the correct insurance to pay your bills? Who didn't save enough money in a 'rainy day fund' to pay bills out of? I have a minimum of $2,000 in cash, at all times. And then several thousand in a money market account for emergencies.

I did have the correct insurance. That was the point. And when I got sick, I engaged in a three year battle with Cigna to get them to do what htey promised to do. This involved both fighting the insurance company and my employer, who eventually stopped offering the insurance plan I used to pay some of those bills.

And by the way stupid.... the 1% didn't get bailed out. You don't know how the bail outs worked. The bailouts didn't pay out to CEOs and the wealthy. It was paid out to the bond holders of the banks. The banks themselves were closed or sold. Countrywide doesn't exist as a seperate company. Their executives are gone. They don't work there anymore.

Obviously, you missed THIS part of the story.


WASHINGTON — The American International Group, which has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer bailout money from theTreasury and Federal Reserve, plans to pay about $165 million in bonuses by Sunday to executives in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year.

Word of the bonuses last week stirred such deep consternation inside the Obama administration that Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner told the firm they were unacceptable and demanded they be renegotiated, a senior administration official said. But the bonuses will go forward because lawyers said the firm was contractually obligated to pay them

We got screwed, the 1% got bonuses. And you are perfectly good with that like a good little Battered Wife Conservative. You don't need you no government.
And let's say you did pull your money out to pay bills. Whose fault is that? Why didn't have the correct insurance to pay your bills? Who didn't save enough money in a 'rainy day fund' to pay bills out of? I have a minimum of $2,000 in cash, at all times. And then several thousand in a money market account for emergencies.

I did have the correct insurance. That was the point. And when I got sick, I engaged in a three year battle with Cigna to get them to do what htey promised to do. This involved both fighting the insurance company and my employer, who eventually stopped offering the insurance plan I used to pay some of those bills.

And by the way stupid.... the 1% didn't get bailed out. You don't know how the bail outs worked. The bailouts didn't pay out to CEOs and the wealthy. It was paid out to the bond holders of the banks. The banks themselves were closed or sold. Countrywide doesn't exist as a seperate company. Their executives are gone. They don't work there anymore.

Obviously, you missed THIS part of the story.


WASHINGTON — The American International Group, which has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer bailout money from theTreasury and Federal Reserve, plans to pay about $165 million in bonuses by Sunday to executives in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year.

Word of the bonuses last week stirred such deep consternation inside the Obama administration that Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner told the firm they were unacceptable and demanded they be renegotiated, a senior administration official said. But the bonuses will go forward because lawyers said the firm was contractually obligated to pay them

We got screwed, the 1% got bonuses. And you are perfectly good with that like a good little Battered Wife Conservative. You don't need you no government.

It's ironic that you bring up AIG, because everything the government did, was illegal, and even AIG itself, was against what happened.

Maybe you don't know this but AIG sued the government, and won.


You can read the legal judgement here. The whole thing was wrong. The shareholders of AIG claim the government was wrong. They should have just allowed AIG to go through a normal bankruptcy restructuring, and they would have been fine.

The bailout was forced on AIG by the Federal Reserve.

See, what you call a bailout, was in fact a loan, in exchange for equity. So I'll give you a loan, at 8.5% interest rate, in exchange for your house. So you pay back the loan with 8.5% interest, and when you do pay it back, I still own your house.

That's a "bailout" in your world? Terrible deal for the shareholders of AIG, which is why they are suing and winning.
So what you are saying, is that you are a liar. You told me you had money moved to "safe" investments, which in your words never recovered. Now you are saying no such thing happened, and you pulled your money out to pay bills.

Said nothing of the sort. SOME of the money I was able to put into a CD. Some of the money paid bills. Some of it I had to pay a penalty on.

I know these complicated math problems confuse you, having gone to Home Skule.

That is NOT what you said. Period. You lied. You either lied then, or you lied now, pigeon.

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