A Prayer for the Wicked: Modern Christianity*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It seems that the 'complications' of new age capitalism invokes images about 'creative spiritualism' so here's a modernism-omen inspired by the offbeat film The Devil's Advocate (Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves).

I'm a follower of Catholicism, so I leaned towards relevant sacrament-oriented storytelling/folklore.



Anna was a forlorn woman. She was raped by her abusive father when she was growing up in Virginia in the 1950s. Then, her husband raped her before himself being killed in a drunk-driving accident in 1983. Anna decided to pray to Satan for a demon-knight child, the offspring of the rape-incident involving her deceased husband. Satan granter her wish and gave her an 'anti-hero' child named Keanu who was born in 1984. Keanu was perfect in every way, but he was a 'prince of darkness.' Anna decided to become a 'Satanic nun,' dressing in Catholic robes but praying continually secretly to Satan/Lucifer.


As Satan continued to listen to Anna's unusual prayers, Keanu grew to become something of a 'prophet' and iconic 'American anti-hero.' Keanu worked on Wall Street and was a big advocate of the Clinton Administration in the 1990s. Keanu dated airline stewardesses, since he had a strange fascination with airplanes. Keanu decided to become a 'democracy vigilante,' tweaking the gears and machinery of the new age Wall Street 'system' to create strange new 'dominions' of liberty-oriented capitalism. Keanu was a true 'prince of darkness.'


KEANU: I am my mother's son/hero!
LUCIFER: You're an ideal 'diplomat' for the AntiChrist...
KEANU: I want to revolutionize capitalism.
LUCIFER: Your mother worried and fumed, which is why you're so passionate!
KEANU: I know my mission...
LUCIFER: Remember you'll be lured by the archangel Michael.
KEANU: Nah, I'm a comic book fan, Lucifer --- e.g., Constantine (DC Comics).
LUCIFER: Well, I suspect Michael reads comics too --- e.g., Batman (DC Comics).
KEANU: America is a 'negotiation.'
LUCIFER: We have to sort out the sinister from the Machiavellian.
KEANU: I agree; Anna (my mother) was a 'ministress' of fear and pain.
LUCIFER: She had a challenged life; you must redeem her prayers!
KEANU: I've met an airline stewardess named Elsa whom I'd like to marry...
LUCIFER: Elsa will beget a son for you...the AntiChrist!
KEANU: What? My son is to be the AntiChrist?
LUCIFER: Yes, Keanu; your mom made a deal with me; you belong to me.
KEANU: My mission is entirely my own, Satan!
LUCIFER: Wrong; you belong to me; I want you to work with Elsa closely.
KEANU: What do you want us to do?
LUCIFER: I want you to create a powerful Wall Street distraction to confuse Michael.
KEANU: So you can make war with Michael and elevate the Antichrist...
LUCIFER: Precisely, Keanu; you'll be the Bill Clinton I dreamed of in the 1990s.
KEANU: What about Elsa? Will she be like my mother, Anna?
LUCIFER: Elsa will be cared for, I promise you; the AntiChrist will bring a message of intrigue.
KEANU: Perhaps 'intrigue' is just what America needs...
LUCIFER: The destruction of the World Trade Center will hail a new era of mysteries.
KEANU: I foresee a great energy regarding commerce and debate; and the return of Jesus!



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