A Prediction. The Dems will romp in the next election.

What I wrote should be pretty self explanatory. If it is not evident to you there is no point continuing the conversation.
Again, an often heard complaint is illegals send millions of dollars back to their home countries. If so how can they be a net drain?
And yes, we should scrap our welfare system. Not today. But yesterday.

I don't see why this is hard to understand. If an illegal gets paid "under the table" for work, he sends the money home. Since the government doesn't know about that money, he gets government help.

Oh, BTW, every dollar he sends home is also a drain on our economy, so its a double whammy.

You understand that with some exceptions illegals are not eligible for government help, right?

Yep. I also understand that an anchor baby changes the picture.

Lets move those goalposts, shall we?

The truth is our immigration system is worthless. It runs at odds to the reality of our economy and creates gross inefficiencies. Businesses that need highly skilled workers from overseas are starved of talent, while agriculture loses money for lack of affordable labor. The system incentivizes cheating and encourages permanent settlement here instead of the temporary residence many immigrants would probably prefer. Start with replacing this crap system and the trillions contemplated for creating a police state will become unnecessary.

In the "old days" you would have a point. Since the dawn of the welfare state, people that get here understand that they live a life not possible "back home".

So they stay. Illegally.

So, I'll ask, replace this "crap" system with what?

We've had a welfare state for probably 30 years or more. It isnt the welfare state that's the problem (although it is a problem).
Replace it with a system of guest worker visas. Anyone wanting to work here can get an ID quickly and cheaply. The ID has biometric information so you know the guy holding it is the same guy. It allows the guy work anywhere legally in the US, pay taxes etc. It also allows a laissez passer over whatever border he came in through.
That would solve about 80% of the problems we have.
As the GOP takes control of both Houses, we have a president that is forcing them to get immigration reform done or he will take unilateral action.

My prediction is that the GOP controlled Congress will send Obama a bill he will sign, that will include some kind of path to citizenship for those illegals already here.

In conservative circles, immigration is a hot button issue. If passed a good many people will either break away from the GOP and form a new party to combat the "Democratic Lite" GOP party, or they will refuse to vote for them in 2016. With this type of split, the Dems are virtually guaranteed to win almost every race.

My hope is that the GOP see's this issue as being absolutely crucial to their hold on power, and they don't do what I think they are going to.

That might work, but I think long term the gop will hold the House for a long time while trading Congress back and forth. The WH is lost for the next 3 cycles
"Hold the House for a long time while trading Congress back and forth?"

What a prime example of American Idol Nation idiocy.

The House is a part of Congress.

Congress is the House of Representatives AND the Senate.

I guess you meant to say trading the Senate back and forth, but, just don't have the knowledge to express yourself.

Very grating on the nerves to read shit like that.
aww, poor baby

PLease except my uncinsear apologiez, after working a 10 hour day i'm a bit off at timez

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