A Prediction. The Dems will romp in the next election.

You bother to read everything, not just the truncated stuff you are pushing?

Nah, did not think so.
Just pointed out you did not read everything so once again you have something out of context. And ACA will not go away, only be improved. :lol:

border fence is up ... errrr, surf is up ... swim around Juan the rest of the fence is complete.

How stupid do you imagine people are? How hard would it be to put a guard tower at the end of the fence and arrest anyone coming around?

Would make perfect sense! We spend how much on defense???
A path to citizenship will split the party in two.

A lot of people will scream "Amnesty" but cooler heads will prevail.
If the radical anti immigration were so powerful Tom Tancredo would have been the presidential candidate.

What do you consider "radical"?

Build a fence, mine it, turn America into a police state.

Is protecting your borders a police state? If true, we already are a police state.

Protecting the border is not the same as militarizing it. Look at places that have high walls, mines and soldiers trained to shoot. China. North Korea. The old Soviet Union. Is that really what we want here?
Change the law so people who legitimately want to come here to work can. That will cut illegal crossings by a serious magnitude.
No reason we cannot militarize the border to keep out the lawless, AND have crossings where workers can register, and get ID.
Aww, how nice. that Fascist Dictator Obama is FORCING them to get immigration REFORM done. You see folks Obama hasn't learned a gawddam thing with you kicking his party out of the house first and now the Senate. And as if we needed it Reformed just because he says to needs to be. which will turn out like how he REFORMED our heath care

garbage, expensive, Fascism, etc and then Hopefully the people will ROMP out the Democrats from the Presidency and from ALL power over us, NEXT.

so you don't want anything done about immigration , you just wanted to call the POTUS a few talking point names. .. got it.

if the Republicans really wanted to pass immigration legislation they had THE OPPORTUNITY when 43 was the POTUS and the Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress (remember that - lol)

but nooooooooooooo ... what did the idiots do?????? oh yeah, they built a half ass fence that wound up costing taxpayers a billion bucks. At cost like that I can't see this country affording any more Republican immigration legislation myself.

The only reform that needs to be done is streamline the existing process. Seal the border. Deport all who are here illegally. Anything else is an attack on the sovereignty of the USA promulgated by a bunch of corrupt Mexican plutocrats who foist off their problems on us. Mexico is the 5th wealthiest country in the world in terms of mineral wealth and they have a small ruling elite that fuck over campesinos and send them north to relive the pressure.

Fuck that. Let Mexico have a proper revolution and get rid of those scumbags.
What would it cost to deport 11M people? It's about $20k per so do the math. What would we get in exchange? Keep in mnd some people have been deported 2 and 3 times.
Microchip 'em before deportation, jail their asses if they come back.
What do you consider "radical"?

Build a fence, mine it, turn America into a police state.

Is protecting your borders a police state? If true, we already are a police state.

Protecting the border is not the same as militarizing it. Look at places that have high walls, mines and soldiers trained to shoot. China. North Korea. The old Soviet Union. Is that really what we want here?
Change the law so people who legitimately want to come here to work can. That will cut illegal crossings by a serious magnitude.

Um, those walls are used to keep their people in. Not a valid comparison.

It prevents free movement of people, which is a basic conservative principle.
Open borders is not a conservative principle.
I also predict that Repubs will get a mudhole stomped into them after they do what they always do after getting elected :up: servicing the rich
Cut the crap.

Nobody ever serviced the rich like their clean, articulate Negro Barack Obama.

You think the high riding stock market is made up of homeless and jobless people.

Gruber has it right, you Obama supporters are just fuckin' stupid.
Thats not an answer to my question.

OK. What do I think it would cost? Billions less than we spend every year supporting the illegals that are here. Do you think thats a fair trade off?

The cost of illegal immigration is not easily determined. Plenty of sources say we actually come out better. So we would be spending trillions, because we already spend billions, on something that will bring no real benefit.

Studies huh? You're right. Some studies say that illegals are a net gain to the economy. When I hear differing opinions on a problem, I stand back, open my eyes, and let reality sink in.

Know what reality tells me? That if our own poor are a net drag on society, the illegal poor will be as well. Until someone can point out to me how having more uneducated, poor folks in our country is a help, I will continue to let reality be my guide.


Prove that "our own poor" are a "net drag" on the economy.

You're kidding, right? Welfare programs, food stamps, tax breaks, etc. provide a safety net for the poor. As a matter of fact, MOST Americans are a net drain on our "welfare state". The poorer you are the worse it is, obviously.

The "safety net" is in fact a trap.

Dems do not want people out of poverty; if they had any skin in the game, they'd start voting R to keep it.
As the GOP takes control of both Houses, we have a president that is forcing them to get immigration reform done or he will take unilateral action.

My prediction is that the GOP controlled Congress will send Obama a bill he will sign, that will include some kind of path to citizenship for those illegals already here.

In conservative circles, immigration is a hot button issue. If passed a good many people will either break away from the GOP and form a new party to combat the "Democratic Lite" GOP party, or they will refuse to vote for them in 2016. With this type of split, the Dems are virtually guaranteed to win almost every race.

My hope is that the GOP see's this issue as being absolutely crucial to their hold on power, and they don't do what I think they are going to.

The democrats claimed that the republicans were done in 2008 that the party was over and would never win another election. Lets see? How did that work out again?

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