A President and a Charlatan....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell

Si mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
If the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.
So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???
The truth doesn't paint the sort of utopian picture that thankfully -because of the Constitution, liberals can only dream about.
Rejoice! Here is a kindred spirit...

And some balloons...
Last edited:
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell

Si mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
If the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.

What is wrong with telling the truth? Departing from my crypticism for a minute, I'll say its because it doesn't fit the agenda, as you just so eloquently illustrated. But it remains our duty to see that the truth is still told in this great nation of ours.

"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

-George Orwell
So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???
The truth doesn't paint the sort of utopian picture that thankfully -because of the Constitution, liberals can only dream about.

Doesn't it seem to you that he is far too insistent on shifting the blame.....?
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???

Your post won't sit well with the conservatives here at USMB who have come out en masse against President Obama being too mean to the terrorists with his drone program.

1. Blah blah blah
a) blah blah blah blah
1. a)II: Blah blah, blah blah blah

2. Waga......waga....waga......waga....
a) waga....blah...waga....deshou
b) blah.......blah.......fuck me......blah, blah, blah

€¥. hoogivsafukwutdisstoopidbitchhastwosei? BLAH.....BLAH....FUCKING....BLAH.

I answer you with trepidation....

....can't stand another bout of your weeping.......

If I were to weep.....idiots like you would fight one another for a taste of my tears.

We'd be stepping on each other trying to get away from you. Back on ignore you go.
I answer you with trepidation....

....can't stand another bout of your weeping.......

If I were to weep.....idiots like you would fight one another for a taste of my tears.

We'd be stepping on each other trying to get away from you. Back on ignore you go.

Oh noooooooo! Please don't put me on ignore! You especially! I neeeeeeeeed you to read my posts! I measure my worth by your reaction to what I have to say! Please......please.....pleeeeeeeeasse.....reconsider!
So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???
The truth doesn't paint the sort of utopian picture that thankfully -because of the Constitution, liberals can only dream about.

Doesn't it seem to you that he is far too insistent on shifting the blame.....?

Seeing that Obama suffers from the form of mental illness called narcissism... It doesn't surprise me in the least. :D
1. No...not the same. We had a President who said 'Public opinion wins wars.' He meant, of course, that an informed citizenry supports a war effort in a unified manner. And, he knew about winning wars. It was Dwight Eisenhower.

2. Now....the charlatan. The current President knows who has declared war on America, who attacks us at every opportunity...yet he forbids the unvarnished truth revealed to the public.

a. "President Obama jettisoned the use of the phrase “global war on terror,” preferring ‘overseas contingency operation.’ "
Obama?s War on Terror By Some Other Name - Hit & Run : Reason.com

b." The Obama administration has unofficially rebranded "war on terror" phrase that dominated public discourse throughout the Bush administration. The replacement phrase, carefully chosen, is "CVE" -- Countering Violent Extremism.... Countering Violent Extremism is noticeable for two words that aren't there: some variant of "jihad," which is the preferred predicate for counter-terrorism-fighting conservatives, and "war," which is because the administration has put de-radicalization alongside the Predator drones as a primary instrument of combat. No mention of Islam, of course. That's because the administration wants to try and decouple the notion of combating terrorism from the Muslim faith itself."
The New Term for the War on Terror - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

3. Bet you thought the most absurd of all was calling the assassination of unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood 'workplace violence,' when the assassin had his business cards printed with "SoA" (Soldier of Allah), and killed while chanting the Arabic shout of "Allahu Akbar!" Ft. Hood killer's title was 'Soldier of Allah' - NYPOST.com

4. But it has gone further. Now this charlatan-in-chief has not only shielded non-radical Muslims.....which is what his apologists would claim the above was all about....but has shifted the blame from the real enemies....to....well, check this out:

a. First, he speaks of Islamofascists, alQaeda...." Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat. Their remaining operatives spend more time thinking about their own safety than plotting against us. Instead, what we’ve seen is the emergence of various al Qaeda affiliates. From Yemen to Iraq, from Somalia to North Africa, the threat today is more diffuse, with Al Qaeda’s affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula -- AQAP -- the most active in plotting against our homeland. And while none of AQAP’s efforts approach the scale of 9/11, they have continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009." President Obama Speaks on the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy | The White House

So far, so good....he's speaking of the actual culprits. Then, this: "And finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. "
Guess who?

b."Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, a plane flying into a building in Texas, or the extremists who killed 168 people at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, America has confronted many forms of violent extremism in our history." Ibid.

5. "The thing that all three of those cases have in common is that the perps weren’t Muslims. Was the guy who flew a plane into a building in Texas really radicalized? In what ideology exactly?"
Obama?s Confused Self-Contradictory War on Terror Speech | FrontPage Magazine

6. " The president's speech at the National Defense University was most unsatisfying for anyone hoping that at long last Obama would articulate what his purpose is in being commander-in-chief while terrorists continue their efforts to kill and maim Americans and our allies."
Shadow Government | FOREIGN POLICY

So.....what the heck is wrong with simply telling the truth???

Your post won't sit well with the conservatives here at USMB who have come out en masse against President Obama being too mean to the terrorists with his drone program.


Carbine, had you bothered to read the entire thing, she wasn't praising Obama. She was exalting Eisenhower. Why did you take it upon yourself to twist her words? I'm one of those conservatives, and it sat pretty well with me.

Nice Freudian slip there buddy!
I find it very funny that every time a thread pops up which puts Obama in a negative light the same group of Obama fluffers rush to his defense -like the brainwashed drones that they are. As funny as it is, it is also sort of pitiful.
1. Blah blah blah
a) blah blah blah blah
1. a)II: Blah blah, blah blah blah

2. Waga......waga....waga......waga....
a) waga....blah...waga....deshou
b) blah.......blah.......fuck me......blah, blah, blah

€¥. hoogivsafukwutdisstoopidbitchhastwosei? BLAH.....BLAH....FUCKING....BLAH.

I answer you with trepidation....

....can't stand another bout of your weeping.......

Just put him on ignore and be done with it. ;)

I don't put anyone on ignore....

....and that one serves as amusement.

Usually, one has to pay admission to view such antics.

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