A prosecution so crooked it would make Joseph Stalin blush! ALAN DERSHOWITZ reveals the exact courtroom moment he knew Trump was doomed ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
We all knew, and probably before that moment.

But I get it. Dershowitz has been in the legal profession for some 7 decades and so expects the best from them.


In fact, the prosecution didn't tell the court what Trump's other 'crimes' were until their closing arguments on Wednesday – by which point the defense had no opportunity to respond.

And even then, the supposed crimes outlined were vague.

In his closing instructions, Judge Juan Merchan exposed his already apparent bias once more – telling the jurors that they didn't actually have to agree on the specifics of Trump's unlawful behavior.

How could someone defend themselves against such vague allegations?

It was at this moment that I became convinced that the jury would find him guilty.

And that conviction may well mark the beginning of a new era of partisan weaponization of our justice system.

DA Bragg has demonstrated how easy it now is to get a conviction against a political opponent. Other ambitious DA's are likely to follow suit. And the ultimate losers will be the American public.​

We all knew, and probably before that moment.

But I get it. Dershowitz has been in the legal profession for some 7 decades and so expects the best from them.

In fact, the prosecution didn't tell the court what Trump's other 'crimes' were until their closing arguments on Wednesday – by which point the defense had no opportunity to respond.​
And even then, the supposed crimes outlined were vague.​
In his closing instructions, Judge Juan Merchan exposed his already apparent bias once more – telling the jurors that they didn't actually have to agree on the specifics of Trump's unlawful behavior.​
How could someone defend themselves against such vague allegations?​
It was at this moment that I became convinced that the jury would find him guilty.​
And that conviction may well mark the beginning of a new era of partisan weaponization of our justice system.​
DA Bragg has demonstrated how easy it now is to get a conviction against a political opponent. Other ambitious DA's are likely to follow suit. And the ultimate losers will be the American public.​

I wish all of you Trump supporting members of Alt-Right nation would unbunch your panties and stop trying to invoke the case being a Soviet style conviction. If it were, Trump would have already been tried, sentenced, and long since disappeared. That's what the Soviets did. And they didn't do it on camera. They didn't hold mock show trials like you see in Putin's Russia now. They just went straight to disappearing the person. And you wouldn't have known anything about it until it was all over.

Dershowitz is a glorified ambulance chaser. He burned any credibility and goodwill...a LONG time ago. :)
That's exactly right...This is how TDS afflicted progressives have weakened a pillar of our society.

Now, what are we the people going to do about it?

I have confidence that this travesty of our abused justice system will overturn this conviction.

In the meantime we all have to suffer the fools and idiots in here that are still busy showing us the lack of class they have in gloating about this...

These progressive liberals hate everything about this country, and that's a fact...

1. They hate the Constitution
2. They hate that we have rights
3. They hate that there is opposition to their destructive policies
4. They hate that they can't jail all of us

In short, they are anti America, and that's why they're cheering right now, because they've done yet another thing they think won't be used against them...

Fuck em....I hope they all die of ass cancer.
I get to once again note that we are stooping so low as to quote Epstein's best flight buddy to try and defend something.
I wish all of you Trump supporting members of Alt-Right nation would unbunch your panties and stop trying to invoke the case being a Soviet style conviction. If it were, Trump would have already been tried, sentenced, and long since disappeared. That's what the Soviets did. And they didn't do it on camera. They didn't hold mock show trials like you see in Putin's Russia now. They just went straight to disappearing the person. And you wouldn't have known anything about it until it was all over.

Dershowitz is a glorified ambulance chaser. He burned any credibility and goodwill...a LONG time ago. :)
STFU stupid....Study some Russian early days during Stalin...Show trials were the order of the day...Once you retards have gotten tired of that, you'll move on to "disappearing" people....Communists like you always do.
STFU stupid....Study some Russian early days during Stalin...Show trials were the order of the day...Once you retards have gotten tired of that, you'll move on to "disappearing" people....Communists like you always do.
Full of shit as always, eh? Facts seem to escape you.

Here's a fact for you. If Trump was arrested in the old Soviet Union, they may have very well held a show trial because of his stature and fame.
But the result would have been the same. They'd have made an example out of him. He'd be gone. No word, no appeal, no lawyer, no press, just gone.

That didn't happen in NYC. Yes, Skippy was convicted. But as of 6:01PM EDT, he was still a free man, running his mouth and overusing the word "rigged" to the point of I thought he was having a stroke. :)
We all knew, and probably before that moment.

But I get it. Dershowitz has been in the legal profession for some 7 decades and so expects the best from them.

In fact, the prosecution didn't tell the court what Trump's other 'crimes' were until their closing arguments on Wednesday – by which point the defense had no opportunity to respond.​
And even then, the supposed crimes outlined were vague.​
In his closing instructions, Judge Juan Merchan exposed his already apparent bias once more – telling the jurors that they didn't actually have to agree on the specifics of Trump's unlawful behavior.​
How could someone defend themselves against such vague allegations?​
It was at this moment that I became convinced that the jury would find him guilty.​
And that conviction may well mark the beginning of a new era of partisan weaponization of our justice system.​
DA Bragg has demonstrated how easy it now is to get a conviction against a political opponent. Other ambitious DA's are likely to follow suit. And the ultimate losers will be the American public.​

Yep. That was my thought too and I don't have a tiny fraction of the legal knowledge and experience Dershowitz has. Just as soon as I heard the judge say they didn't have to agree on the crime, I knew the fix was in no matter what happened. That is 100% unprecedented and such egregious judicial and unconstitutional error I don't see how the NY Bar cannot discipline Merchan for coming up with that. But hell, they are probably in on the fix too.
That's exactly right...This is how TDS afflicted progressives have weakened a pillar of our society.

Now, what are we the people going to do about it?

I have confidence that this travesty of our abused justice system will overturn this conviction.

In the meantime we all have to suffer the fools and idiots in here that are still busy showing us the lack of class they have in gloating about this...

These progressive liberals hate everything about this country, and that's a fact...

1. They hate the Constitution
2. They hate that we have rights
3. They hate that there is opposition to their destructive policies
4. They hate that they can't jail all of us

In short, they are anti America, and that's why they're cheering right now, because they've done yet another thing they think won't be used against them...

Fuck em....I hope they all die of ass cancer.
The ONLY weapon we have to fight back is to elect Donald Trump President and give him substantial GOP majorities in both the House and Senate. Even if you have to hold your nose to vote.
We all knew, and probably before that moment.

But I get it. Dershowitz has been in the legal profession for some 7 decades and so expects the best from them.

In fact, the prosecution didn't tell the court what Trump's other 'crimes' were until their closing arguments on Wednesday – by which point the defense had no opportunity to respond.​
And even then, the supposed crimes outlined were vague.​
In his closing instructions, Judge Juan Merchan exposed his already apparent bias once more – telling the jurors that they didn't actually have to agree on the specifics of Trump's unlawful behavior.​
How could someone defend themselves against such vague allegations?​
It was at this moment that I became convinced that the jury would find him guilty.​
And that conviction may well mark the beginning of a new era of partisan weaponization of our justice system.​
DA Bragg has demonstrated how easy it now is to get a conviction against a political opponent. Other ambitious DA's are likely to follow suit. And the ultimate losers will be the American public.​

Hey they stole my Joseph Stalin line! :dunno:
Full of shit as always, eh? Facts seem to escape you.

Here's a fact for you. If Trump was arrested in the old Soviet Union, they may have very well held a show trial because of his stature and fame.
But the result would have been the same. They'd have made an example out of him. He'd be gone. No word, no appeal, no lawyer, no press, just gone.

That didn't happen in NYC. Yes, Skippy was convicted. But as of 6:01PM EDT, he was still a free man, running his mouth and overusing the word "rigged" to the point of I thought he was having a stroke. :)
Tell the truth shit for brains, you and your snotty little progressive cock suckers would love to do just that…You probably jerk off to the thought, you anti American bag of shit.
The ONLY weapon we have to fight back is to elect Donald Trump President and give him substantial GOP majorities in both the House and Senate. Even if you have to hold your nose to vote.
I won’t be holding my nose anymore…I’ll gladly vote for Trump over a corrupt diaper wearing, piece of shit like Biden.
Tell the truth shit for brains, you and your snotty little progressive cock suckers would love to do just that…You probably jerk off to the thought, you anti American bag of shit.
I have to say, the reaction of sycophants like you tonight is deeply satisfying. You people are feebs. All of you.
Trump had a trial where he was allowed to put on a defense and was judged by a jury of his peers. Not disappeared like he would have been in the old Soviet Union.
And still you bitch...why? Again, what is it about this man that you feel places him above the law?
I won’t be holding my nose anymore…I’ll gladly vote for Trump over a corrupt diaper wearing, piece of shit like Biden.
You weren't going to vote for Biden anyway...so, who gives a shit again?
And that's Trump's problem. All the people that supported him before his conviction...still support him. They were never going to be Biden supporters.
But some of those independents might come down off the fence and say they don't want to see another four years of the Orange Turd Blossom. :)

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