A Public Service Announcement: Know Your Place, Serfs

No, they aren't. The banksters wouldn't have the power that the due without access to taxpayer money and the regulatory apparatus provided by The State.
The government doesn't have the authority to audit the Federal Reserve. Interesting? Watch the video. The Inspector General says so.

The Government avoids subjecting itself to audits, bub.

The Federal Reserve System‍—‌also known as the Federal Reserve or simply as the Fed‍—‌is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act...

Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch the unaccountability of the Federal Reserve. I know what it is. Look at the video where they testify that there is practically no oversight of the Federal Reserve. Hopefully some people will read the thread who don't know it all and actually will realize what really is going on....
What is it about FEDERAL Reserve that you don't GROK?
The question is what is it you don't?

I readily admit that I do not GROK how you can go through life in such a painful state of ignorance. But then, being so STOOOPID must prevent you from perceiving how pathetic you are.
Wow... was that warranted? I am not the enemy.... I am not your enemy... what's the hostility is about? You read a book... you read Wiki... now watch the accountability of the Federal Reserve... Maybe you will realize some things you did not know about.
What does your book say , who owns the Fed? (besides that it is comprised of twelve banks etc...etc.. WHO IS THE OWNER>>> who is the person who owns it?)
No, they aren't. The banksters wouldn't have the power that the due without access to taxpayer money and the regulatory apparatus provided by The State.
The government doesn't have the authority to audit the Federal Reserve. Interesting? Watch the video. The Inspector General says so.

The Government avoids subjecting itself to audits, bub.

The Federal Reserve System‍—‌also known as the Federal Reserve or simply as the Fed‍—‌is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act...

Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch the unaccountability of the Federal Reserve. I know what it is. Look at the video where they testify that there is practically no oversight of the Federal Reserve. Hopefully some people will read the thread who don't know it all and actually will realize what really is going on....

So here is how it works if a bank frauds the customer with bogus paperwork. They send you on a ring around the rosey and then afer six months or so they might send you a letter. The letter will tell you that they can't really do anything because they have no authority to enforce the law. Once it becomes obvious and apparent that you are actually a major victim of the bank you will be buried with everything they can shove at you as they hope you'll cave and signoff on a shitty agreement they come up with. That fraud includes buying judges or anyone else they need to buy. This has been going on sine the ninety's and people still think Clinton's are the best thing since icecream.
What is it about FEDERAL Reserve that you don't GROK?
The question is what is it you don't?

I readily admit that I do not GROK how you can go through life in such a painful state of ignorance. But then, being so STOOOPID must prevent you from perceiving how pathetic you are.
Wow... was that warranted? I am not the enemy.... I am not your enemy... what's the hostility is about? You read a book... you read Wiki... now watch the accountability of the Federal Reserve... Maybe you will realize some things you did not know about.
What does your book say , who owns the Fed? (besides that it is comprised of twelve banks etc...etc.. WHO IS THE OWNER>>> who is the person who owns it?)
You just became an enemy as wall street gets ready to crash once again.

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