A Pulse Night Club massacre survivor Luis Ruiz says that he has “found Jesus"

Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???
Ah, so now you think we SHOULD stone people to death for eating seafood.

Just you.
Wrong. Clearly you took issue with the argument of something not being in the New testament being some sort of justification for giving it a pass. Since you are a rabid little guy and don't think out your posts before vomiting them, you did not pause to consider that you might be saying something very stupid that would paint you into a corner.

As usual.
Thousands of men and women that fell for the fad of being gay but really are not gay (they are lonely) have changed their lives through prayer and consultation...
That's not to say that gay men and women don't exist but just not at the numbers we see while we are in a time where gay is hip and cool...
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

lol rubbish. Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???? lol lol lol. Meth heads are hilarious when they try to fake being educated on anything. And we know all about the spin and fakes pretending to be homo pastors and 'churches'. That's a joke, too. If all those Xians or so icky, then why do these assorted deviants and fetishists spend so much time trying to ape and mimic their cultural practices if they're so evul n stuff??? lol loll lol just hilarious idiocy, and big fails as well.

"We all know" exactly what? Just who are you and what do you want? Maybe you are the deviant. Nothing stands in the way of an individual human being and whom they perceive as the Creator/Supreme Being. Who they send their prayers out to. The communication and cooperation between the two have absolutely nothing to do with you and your big nose. If you get to worship as you want, so does everyone else. Go and insult people because of their religion, but this will follow you. A church, synagogue, mosque, temple, a sacred outdoor space, are filled with people who are praying to a Higher Being. They do not need your permission to do so.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

lol rubbish. Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???? lol lol lol. Meth heads are hilarious when they try to fake being educated on anything. And we know all about the spin and fakes pretending to be homo pastors and 'churches'. That's a joke, too. If all those Xians or so icky, then why do these assorted deviants and fetishists spend so much time trying to ape and mimic their cultural practices if they're so evul n stuff??? lol loll lol just hilarious idiocy, and big fails as well.

"We all know" exactly what? Just who are you and what do you want? Maybe you are the deviant. Nothing stands in the way of an individual human being and whom they perceive as the Creator/Supreme Being. Who they send their prayers out to. The communication and cooperation between the two have absolutely nothing to do with you and your big nose. If you get to worship as you want, so does everyone else. Go and insult people because of their religion, but this will follow you. A church, synagogue, mosque, temple, a sacred outdoor space, are filled with people who are praying to a Higher Being. They do not need your permission to do so.
It's the former homo's claim.
She also thinks Wicca is a religion
It is, indeed, a religion, and no less absurd a religion than the one you people subscribe to, with your zombie King and end time nonsense.

Recharge your butt plug. You're babbling now.
You can always spot the self-loathing closet gays, because they are the ones most obsessed with gay sex .

Yes, you are gay.

Oh my, how original, the old reverse psychology idiocy. We're impressed. lol what a gimp you are.

No kids would play with you growing up, obviously. Must have been the copies of the Barbie Doll outfits you kept wearing to school.
Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???
Ah, so now you think we SHOULD stone people to death for eating seafood.


Ah, so now you want to lecture us on the "correct" way to practice a religion you were just telling us was "absurd"?


Well, they're mentally ill, and all they have to say is what their media tells them to say. It's just not fair to ask them to show evidence of having their own original thoughts on anything; that's what the propaganda they always repeat is for.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

lol rubbish. Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???? lol lol lol. Meth heads are hilarious when they try to fake being educated on anything. And we know all about the spin and fakes pretending to be homo pastors and 'churches'. That's a joke, too. If all those Xians or so icky, then why do these assorted deviants and fetishists spend so much time trying to ape and mimic their cultural practices if they're so evul n stuff??? lol loll lol just hilarious idiocy, and big fails as well.

"We all know" exactly what? Just who are you and what do you want? Maybe you are the deviant. Nothing stands in the way of an individual human being and whom they perceive as the Creator/Supreme Being. Who they send their prayers out to. The communication and cooperation between the two have absolutely nothing to do with you and your big nose. If you get to worship as you want, so does everyone else. Go and insult people because of their religion, but this will follow you. A church, synagogue, mosque, temple, a sacred outdoor space, are filled with people who are praying to a Higher Being. They do not need your permission to do so.

Keep widening that giant hole in your head. It is doing wonders for your arguments in favor of idiot fantasies generated by mentally ill grade school dropouts.
Good for him. I hope he finds solace and peace in his renewed faith. He may think that other gays can change their sexuality, but that isn’t the case for me and a great deal of many others.
yeah, must be real hard to look at a naked women and get ill just looking at it, while looking at a man's hairy pimply ass and say " damn that looks good". Liberalism is a mental disorder...

Assuming this is your colorful description of someone who finds men rather than women attractive...do you think all women are liberals? :eusa_think:
Of course, you like any other liberal, will twist my words in your attempt to bring the Rules for Radicals in use.

I heard this in a movie.

Why are women, beautiful but dumb...They are beautiful so they can attract a man, but dumb enough to stay with him.*

*(note) this does apply to Conservative women, because on the liberal side, there aren't too many beautiful women that a man wants.


What words did I "twist"? I asked a question. Also, I'm not a liberal.

Was your description limited to gay men? If so, why do you think their tastes are so much different than straight women?

Of course, if you honestly believe that political affiliation is a determining factor in attractiveness, I doubt there's much point to talking about this with you. :p
Real women want a man(who could be ugly as hell) who will provide and protect them. Gay men want another man's penis up his ass, because it FEELs good, until it kills him with HIV.... Big fucking difference there...

Way to go there,,, loving your neighbour...
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

lol rubbish. Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???? lol lol lol. Meth heads are hilarious when they try to fake being educated on anything. And we know all about the spin and fakes pretending to be homo pastors and 'churches'. That's a joke, too. If all those Xians or so icky, then why do these assorted deviants and fetishists spend so much time trying to ape and mimic their cultural practices if they're so evul n stuff??? lol loll lol just hilarious idiocy, and big fails as well.

"We all know" exactly what? Just who are you and what do you want? Maybe you are the deviant. Nothing stands in the way of an individual human being and whom they perceive as the Creator/Supreme Being. Who they send their prayers out to. The communication and cooperation between the two have absolutely nothing to do with you and your big nose. If you get to worship as you want, so does everyone else. Go and insult people because of their religion, but this will follow you. A church, synagogue, mosque, temple, a sacred outdoor space, are filled with people who are praying to a Higher Being. They do not need your permission to do so.

Keep widening that giant hole in your head. It is doing wonders for your arguments in favor of idiot fantasies generated by mentally ill grade school dropouts.

So you are telling me that a belief in Jesus of Nazareth is an "idiot" fantasy "generated by mentally ill grade school dropouts"?

You seem simply to parrot whatever rubbish that some barking monkey like jeffress or dobson or graham says. What goes on in someone else's spiritual life definitely is none of your business. Your mockery of other people's faith is duly noted.
And yet you're eager to claim that the "absurd" Christianity ACTUALLY supports your arguments
No I'm not....where do you get this nonsense? You are quite skilled at making stuff up to soothe yourself. I would never defer to that steaming pile of stupid bullshit for anything, ever.

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