A Pulse Night Club massacre survivor Luis Ruiz says that he has “found Jesus"

Yeah, well, my imagination tends to balk at ignoring reality to that extent
Yes, you are repeating yourself. But clearly it seems to be easy for many people. A more rational person than you would quickly realize that you either lack the will or the imagination to get it. But then again, when religion enters the picture, abandon all reason , morals, and ethics....
Yeah, well, my imagination tends to balk at ignoring reality to that extent
Yes, you are repeating yourself. But clearly it seems to be easy for many people. A more rational person than you would quickly realize that you either lack the will or the imagination to get it. But then again, when religion enters the picture, abandon all reason , morals, and ethics....

You mistake me. I don't actually aspire to be so ignorant and delusional that I can easily pretend reality doesn't exist.

And of course I'm repeating myself. That's what one does when trying to get lower lifeforms to understand something.
There were 50 others at the club that night that wish Jesus was there with them. I guess he was too busy planning how to save one nightclub goer from homosexuality instead. Saving people from lethal bullets low on the agenda
Yeah. Where the fuck was Jesus for......... Christ's sake? :dunno:

Gay Night Club Score:

Jesus -1
Allah - 50
I don't actually aspire to be so ignorant and delusional that I can easily pretend reality doesn't exist.
Of course you do, you are a religious nutball. You believe ridiculous shit that would embarrass a 5th grader.

"You're ignorant because you disagree with me!" No, you've just proven that YOU'RE ignorant. And a bigot. Congratulations.
The idea that an LGBT lifestyle can be compatible with Christianity. That's a pretty wild imagin
Jesus was always with the sinners, if you consider gayness a sin.

There's a difference between loving sinners, and approving of their sin. Something all too many people can't grasp any more than you can.

Tell me, do you require all your friends and relatives to applaud everything you do and tell you that you're perfect?
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.
You're ignorant because you disagree with me!" N
I didn't call you ignorant. I am just making fun of you for thinking your little narrow, immoral paradigm is"normal'

The fact is, you are a religious freak with no real morality. Following a code out of fear is not morality. It also requires zero intelligence. But that's not what is actually happening.

Oh no, let's be clear. You are simply a bigot , and your fucked up morality emanates from your own colon. You then try to ascribe some sort of divine moral authority to your embarrassing nastiness by warping your religious garbage to suit your nauseating fetishes and neuroses. That's embarrassing.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

The idea that "homosexuality is one of the biggest sins in Christianity" is a straw man you've set up to argue against, so that you won't have to address anything real.

Call me when you're not posting empty nonsense to "debate" things no one except the voices in your head have said.
You're ignorant because you disagree with me!" N
I didn't call you ignorant. I am just making fun of you for thinking your little narrow, immoral paradigm is"normal'

The fact is, you are a religious freak with no real morality. Following a code out of fear is not morality. It also requires zero intelligence. But that's not what is actually happening.

Oh no, let's be clear. You are simply a bigot , and your fucked up morality emanates from your own colon. You then try to ascribe some sort of divine moral authority to your embarrassing nastiness by warping your religious garbage to suit your nauseating fetishes and neuroses. That's embarrassing.

I'm afraid I'm unimpressed by the alleged difference in one insult or another for the "eeeevil" of disagreeing with you.

The fact is, you are a bigot, automatically kneejerking to "religion = wrong" without ever bothering to pay attention to what's being said.

You'll have to tell me at what point it was that I eagerly sought your input on morality. But thank you SO much for including an unsolicited, undesired, and unvalued sermon on how to be "moral" by the standards of someone I view with utter contempt and disdain.

Let's be clear. YOU are a bigot, and your fucked-up hypocrisy is equal parts repugnant and laughable. You proudly proclaim yourself "too smart for" and "above" religion, and then in the next breath you start lecturing people on how to practice the religion you scorn, and THEN you try to wrap your twisted "anything I like is automatically okay" justifications in the Bible while simultaneously heaping disdain on the very same book.

Don't aspire to be "embarrassed" on my behalf, Chuckles. Focus more on being alarmed by how utterly insane you are.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

The idea that "homosexuality is one of the biggest sins in Christianity" is a straw man you've set up to argue against, so that you won't have to address anything real.

Call me when you're not posting empty nonsense to "debate" things no one except the voices in your head have said.

It's been you and your ilk who have been actively and aggressively marketing this crap against your fellow human beings, fellow Christians, and fellow Americans. Not me. I am not responsible in any way for your derangement. You falsely believe that you are the "Christianity" police. You cannot deny other people their own faith, regardless of sexual orientation or anything else. This is between these individual souls and the Powers That Be, Upstairs. The matter is way beyond you and your individual self and imagination.
Pulse Nightclub Survivor Shares Story: I've Found Jesus And I'm No Longer Gay

A Pulse Night Club massacre survivor Luis Javier Ruiz says that he has “found Jesus as his personal savior and is no longer gay” Ruiz is set to speak at an upcoming event for Freedom March on May 5 in Washington, D.C. "The event bills itself as a 'celebration of freedom from homosexuality and transgenderism,'"

That has got to make the Left Wingers mad
Even though he isn't gay anymore, I hear he makes a yucky face whenever he sees tits.
You're ignorant because you disagree with me!" N
I didn't call you ignorant. I am just making fun of you for thinking your little narrow, immoral paradigm is"normal'

The fact is, you are a religious freak with no real morality. Following a code out of fear is not morality. It also requires zero intelligence. But that's not what is actually happening.

Oh no, let's be clear. You are simply a bigot , and your fucked up morality emanates from your own colon. You then try to ascribe some sort of divine moral authority to your embarrassing nastiness by warping your religious garbage to suit your nauseating fetishes and neuroses. That's embarrassing.

I'm afraid I'm unimpressed by the alleged difference in one insult or another for the "eeeevil" of disagreeing with you.

The fact is, you are a bigot, automatically kneejerking to "religion = wrong" without ever bothering to pay attention to what's being said.

You'll have to tell me at what point it was that I eagerly sought your input on morality. But thank you SO much for including an unsolicited, undesired, and unvalued sermon on how to be "moral" by the standards of someone I view with utter contempt and disdain.

Let's be clear. YOU are a bigot, and your fucked-up hypocrisy is equal parts repugnant and laughable. You proudly proclaim yourself "too smart for" and "above" religion, and then in the next breath you start lecturing people on how to practice the religion you scorn, and THEN you try to wrap your twisted "anything I like is automatically okay" justifications in the Bible while simultaneously heaping disdain on the very same book.

Don't aspire to be "embarrassed" on my behalf, Chuckles. Focus more on being alarmed by how utterly insane you are.

Fags are always blaming something else for their mental illness and compulsive sicko behaviors. Pay them no mind. They are just here to lie, and promote their sicko 'movement', started by a Communist pedophile.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

The idea that "homosexuality is one of the biggest sins in Christianity" is a straw man you've set up to argue against, so that you won't have to address anything real.

Call me when you're not posting empty nonsense to "debate" things no one except the voices in your head have said.

She also thinks Wicca is a religion. lol lol lol

In any case, people have known homos are nasty public menaces for thousands and thousands of years, and that has nothing at all to do with Christianity, but Burb Brats can't accept that, they can only go by fashion. These idiots were only recently the main peddlers of' Islam is tolerant and accepts homos!!!', only to see them getting joyfully tossed off of buildings to cheering crowds on TV by their favorite and most beloved Jew killing Heroes. Naturally they're all confused and looking around for some more idiotic drivel to replace the last PR disasters they're having. They're just spammers and liars and peddling rubbish.
This idea that homosexuality is one of the biggest "sins" in Christianity and "hate the sin, love the sinner" stuff is a pile of crap that serves only to cater to somebody's sexual insecurities. Even assuming the notion that the Supreme Being wrote the bible and that it (King James version) is inerrant and infallible, very little is said in it about same-sex relationships, and nothing at all is said about same-sex relationships between women. So much of what people say about Christianity is entirely made up. Moreover, certain advancements in human knowledge and understanding have been made in the thousands of years since each of the writings included in it were written.

Of course one can be a Christian and be LGBT at the same time. Shoot, the local LGBT newspaper even has a section giving the days and times that religious services, both Christian and not, are being held, and many LGBTs have served in the clergy.

lol rubbish. Because something isn't mentioned in the NT, it's okay???? lol lol lol. Meth heads are hilarious when they try to fake being educated on anything. And we know all about the spin and fakes pretending to be homo pastors and 'churches'. That's a joke, too. If all those Xians or so icky, then why do these assorted deviants and fetishists spend so much time trying to ape and mimic their cultural practices if they're so evul n stuff??? lol loll lol just hilarious idiocy, and big fails as well.

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