A question about I.C.E.

Dump ICE, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security. Force the Gov to once again honor the 4th Amendment.

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
I'm in favor of getting rid of ICE, only if the entire Department of Homeland Security is dismantled, the Patriot Act is repealed, and all of the trappings that go with it, including the T.S.A. and NDAA with the dragnet on people's data go too.

Hear, Hear! So because the government agencies that were, didn't do their job, Bush made more government agencies with redundancies to not do their jobs, spy on all American citizens, and grope people that use airplane transportation.

Repeal all that crap! Institute a modicum of government efficiency! Bring back the 4th amendment!
If we are going to look at a government agency and see if we are getting a good return on the investment in that agency fine but lets look at all of them not just ICE becuse it's trendy to beat up on them right now.

While it is trendy to beat them up, it is just as trendy to make them out to be the single most important agency in the country. According to on thread on this forum, now even cities cannot be safe unless they are doing what ICE tells them to do.

And yet not a single person on this forum can tell me what they actually do, all I get is a link to their website, which has some great propaganda, but nothing to quantify what they do.
Doing either one is what blind partisans do all I'm saying is don't single ICE out just because it's the trend of he moment. If people want to have a real discussion about government waste and government agencies that have become irrelevant and no longer serve any real purpose fine like I said lets look at all of them.

I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure
I agree on the Dept of Ed that should be something the states handle. The main job of ICE is to enforce U.S. immigration laws and to investigate criminal and terrorist activity of foreign nationals living in America how well they do that likely depends on which way you lean politically my personal opinion they like most if not all government agencise don't live up to expectations.
Dump ICE, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security. Force the Gov to once again honor the 4th Amendment.

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
I'm in favor of getting rid of ICE, only if the entire Department of Homeland Security is dismantled, the Patriot Act is repealed, and all of the trappings that go with it, including the T.S.A. and NDAA with the dragnet on people's data go too.

Hear, Hear! So because the government agencies didn't do their job, Bush made more government agencies with redundacies to not do their jobs and grope people that use airplane transportation.

Repeal all that crap! Institute a modicum of government efficiency!

Actually, they lost when we forfeited some of out freedoms. Had we not done that, they would be carrying out 9/11-style attacks every week.

No, they won. Their whole goal was to change our way of life, and by handing over our rights and freedoms, they did just that.

Need I remind you of the quote...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Better to have your habits and way of life changed a little, than to die in a terrorist attack. Like was once said: "We sleep soundly in our beds at night only because of rough men (and women) who are willing to do violence on our behalf."

Or something like that.

Guess you are not a big fan of Patrick Henry and his silly "give me liberty or give me death".

How do you perceive that my liberty is any less than it was in 1999? Have I been harassed by the man because I don't have any papers? I don't fly, so I've never been patted down by the TSA. Have you?

Has my house been raided in the dark of night by federal agents? Have I ever been rounded up and interrogated by some government agency?

Nope. Actually, I'm enjoying the most amount of liberty and freedom that I ever have, unless you count all the shit that Obama tried to pull on me. I have more guns, more ammunition, more money, more property, the ability to carry a concealed weapon, the right to exercise my freedom of speech, to vote, and not have to cower behind closed doors in fear of a terrorist attack.

Although, I thank Trump for most of that. Trump, and my great Republican Governor. These are the best times we've ever seen as Americans. You can sit and stew all you want to, but I'm having a great time.

So, because your liberty has not been affected, you do not really care about the country as a whole?

You do not care that your government spies on its own citizens, collecting text and phone calls of just about everyone of us?

You do not care that the Executive Branch has been given the power to detain anyone, including citizens of this country, indefinitely without trial or legal representation?

The worst of that was done while Obama was President. He even used the IRS to harass conservatives, and used the FBI to attempt to overthrow a legal Presidential election.

Trump is fixing that shit.
No, they won. Their whole goal was to change our way of life, and by handing over our rights and freedoms, they did just that.

Need I remind you of the quote...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Better to have your habits and way of life changed a little, than to die in a terrorist attack. Like was once said: "We sleep soundly in our beds at night only because of rough men (and women) who are willing to do violence on our behalf."

Or something like that.

Guess you are not a big fan of Patrick Henry and his silly "give me liberty or give me death".

How do you perceive that my liberty is any less than it was in 1999? Have I been harassed by the man because I don't have any papers? I don't fly, so I've never been patted down by the TSA. Have you?

Has my house been raided in the dark of night by federal agents? Have I ever been rounded up and interrogated by some government agency?

Nope. Actually, I'm enjoying the most amount of liberty and freedom that I ever have, unless you count all the shit that Obama tried to pull on me. I have more guns, more ammunition, more money, more property, the ability to carry a concealed weapon, the right to exercise my freedom of speech, to vote, and not have to cower behind closed doors in fear of a terrorist attack.

Although, I thank Trump for most of that. Trump, and my great Republican Governor. These are the best times we've ever seen as Americans. You can sit and stew all you want to, but I'm having a great time.

So, because your liberty has not been affected, you do not really care about the country as a whole?

You do not care that your government spies on its own citizens, collecting text and phone calls of just about everyone of us?

You do not care that the Executive Branch has been given the power to detain anyone, including citizens of this country, indefinitely without trial or legal representation?

The worst of that was done while Obama was President. He even used the IRS to harass conservatives, and used the FBI to attempt to overthrow a legal Presidential election.

Trump is fixing that shit.

Obama was diddling with "Homeland Security" too. Their shirts weren't brown, but black. But yeah, he did something with Homeland Security. That agency could vaporize tomorrow and the country would be better off for it.
No, they won. Their whole goal was to change our way of life, and by handing over our rights and freedoms, they did just that.

Need I remind you of the quote...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Better to have your habits and way of life changed a little, than to die in a terrorist attack. Like was once said: "We sleep soundly in our beds at night only because of rough men (and women) who are willing to do violence on our behalf."

Or something like that.

Guess you are not a big fan of Patrick Henry and his silly "give me liberty or give me death".

How do you perceive that my liberty is any less than it was in 1999? Have I been harassed by the man because I don't have any papers? I don't fly, so I've never been patted down by the TSA. Have you?

Has my house been raided in the dark of night by federal agents? Have I ever been rounded up and interrogated by some government agency?

Nope. Actually, I'm enjoying the most amount of liberty and freedom that I ever have, unless you count all the shit that Obama tried to pull on me. I have more guns, more ammunition, more money, more property, the ability to carry a concealed weapon, the right to exercise my freedom of speech, to vote, and not have to cower behind closed doors in fear of a terrorist attack.

Although, I thank Trump for most of that. Trump, and my great Republican Governor. These are the best times we've ever seen as Americans. You can sit and stew all you want to, but I'm having a great time.

So, because your liberty has not been affected, you do not really care about the country as a whole?

You do not care that your government spies on its own citizens, collecting text and phone calls of just about everyone of us?

You do not care that the Executive Branch has been given the power to detain anyone, including citizens of this country, indefinitely without trial or legal representation?

The worst of that was done while Obama was President. He even used the IRS to harass conservatives, and used the FBI to attempt to overthrow a legal Presidential election.

Trump is fixing that shit.

The NSA spying started before Obama was POTUS and the the power to detain anyone indefinitely was given to the Ex Branch by congress in which 40 out of 46 GOP and 45 out of 51 Dems voted for it in the senate.

This is not a "one party" thing, this is something they do together and Trump is not doing shit to fix it, he just signed the re-up of the FISA courts and the NSA spying on us.
I know one thing, I gotta change my party affiliation. I'll be damned if I'm gonna vote for some asshole that wants to tax bullets. The Democrat platform this year is total wackadoodle doo. I suppose the last good Democrat was Bob Graham. At least his daughter isn't airing the wacky stuff. I'm not voting for her, either, no Democrats. The Democrat party died when Bob Graham left office as far as I'm concerned.

Excuse the rant, I've been seeing the TV ads. :cuckoo:
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So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
ahh look at the leftist, who doesn't want to be called a leftist supporting the leftists. funny shit dudette. truly funny. I'm more concerned at the 145 million a year for supporting mexicans spending american peoples money.

I want the government to be as small as possible, I am for getting rid the Dept of Edu and combining Labor, Economy and Finance into one department.

I am sorry that I cannot go along with your desire for a bigger and bigger government.
Then why not take the fbi? CIA? Why not ATF? Why have any government? We evolved as a country. Get rid of all illegals and have at it. There’d be no need for them. You’re on the wrong end!
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.
All in the thread, read up, it’s your thread
Quite frankly I don’t care if the abolish ice. As long as they enforce the border they could call them “Trumps bitches” for all I care

I agree, I just keep reading theses post and threads about ICE and one would think that the country could not survive without it
Well we know the cops in sanctuary cities won’t do anything and I bet the Americans in those cities would say you’re a fkn nut!
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

I’ll play along...I love stupid guy semantics. I’ll pretend you’re actually as ignorant as you sound.
ICE fights / slows the invasion of foreign filth.
Can you ascertain the real ROI of any form of law enforcement?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.
All in the thread, read up, it’s your thread

Nobody has been able to quantity what ICE does.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
ahh look at the leftist, who doesn't want to be called a leftist supporting the leftists. funny shit dudette. truly funny. I'm more concerned at the 145 million a year for supporting mexicans spending american peoples money.

I want the government to be as small as possible, I am for getting rid the Dept of Edu and combining Labor, Economy and Finance into one department.

I am sorry that I cannot go along with your desire for a bigger and bigger government.
Then why not take the fbi? CIA? Why not ATF? Why have any government? We evolved as a country. Get rid of all illegals and have at it. There’d be no need for them. You’re on the wrong end!

I see no reason to have the ATF and the FBI, those two could easily merge.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

what did we do about immigration before this? and if we're going to pick post 9/11 agencies to question, we can do better than ice.

homeland security and all the reasons we now have to spy on americans w/o consequence. we can thank bush for that. this upsets me far more than creating a new group to handle immigration.

intelligence reform in general. you ok with how they're doing it? you ok if trump takes a page or two from obama's spy book and does the same thing with warrants and uncovering people like obama did? i'm not ok with *any* president doing this cause i know for a fact if "my side" does it the other side will as soon as they can and of course, kick it up a notch.

overall -

"Some 1,271 U.S. government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence. They are located in about 10,000 different locations across the United States."

Top 10 U.S. Government Changes Since 9/11 - Toptenz.net

but let's get mad at ICE.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

HS should have never been created. We had agencies that could enforce immigration law before HS. The return on money. I wouldn't limit ICE in your sights. Look at the rest of our out of control govt spending.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

what did we do about immigration before this? and if we're going to pick post 9/11 agencies to question, we can do better than ice.

homeland security and all the reasons we now have to spy on americans w/o consequence. we can thank bush for that. this upsets me far more than creating a new group to handle immigration.

intelligence reform in general. you ok with how they're doing it? you ok if trump takes a page or two from obama's spy book and does the same thing with warrants and uncovering people like obama did? i'm not ok with *any* president doing this cause i know for a fact if "my side" does it the other side will as soon as they can and of course, kick it up a notch.

overall -

"Some 1,271 U.S. government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence. They are located in about 10,000 different locations across the United States."

Top 10 U.S. Government Changes Since 9/11 - Toptenz.net

but let's get mad at ICE.

Try reading the thread before responding, makes you sound much less silly.

But it is sort of cute how you think Trump is not spying on us!

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