A question about I.C.E.

If we are going to look at a government agency and see if we are getting a good return on the investment in that agency fine but lets look at all of them not just ICE becuse it's trendy to beat up on them right now.

While it is trendy to beat them up, it is just as trendy to make them out to be the single most important agency in the country. According to on thread on this forum, now even cities cannot be safe unless they are doing what ICE tells them to do.

And yet not a single person on this forum can tell me what they actually do, all I get is a link to their website, which has some great propaganda, but nothing to quantify what they do.
Well they are the only agents going after illegals in country. Fact. When that task is complete come back to us.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
Your ignorance of ICE and what they do is truly amazing. Perhaps you should do some research before creating such a thread....
Is it ignorance or another lunitic jumping on the open borders abolish ICE bandwagon.......

America will not support open borders. Period.
“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.
All in the thread, read up, it’s your thread

Nobody has been able to quantity what ICE does.

I’ll play along...I love stupid guy semantics. I’ll pretend you’re actually as ignorant as you sound.
No need to pretend.

Can you ascertain the real ROI of any form of law enforcement?
What's the difference in cost and effectiveness since the implementation of I.C.E and the same activities (carried out by multiple agencies under Customs) before I.C.E? Has the consolidation of agencies reduced duplication of effort and administrative overhead (reduced cost)? Has placing these responsibilities under a single umbrella (DHS) resulted in more effective enforcement?

Given the Federal Governments track record of efficiency and effectiveness I'm guessing the answer is either no or at best "partially".
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
The original purpose for ICE was to track down people who entered on visas and didn't leave and who were potential terrorists, like the 9-11 hijackers, and if anyone is really interested that was not the only terrorist attack done by people who entered as students or something and attacked us while being here illegally overstaying visas. And I'm not so sure that just focusing on high tech skills to choose who gets to come here is really the best test.

But ICE as it originated could call on local cops who are as interested in stopping crimes as anyone. And deporting gang members probably appeals to local cops too. But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

The immigration system is broken, and ICE is just one facet of the failure. Today ICE is just the topic dejour for both political edge groups.
well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

2,059 convicted criminals arrested in ICE nationwide operation

Killer, gang members, rapists among 91 arrested in 5-day sweep across N.J., ICE says

22 MS-13 Members and Associates Charged Federally in ICE’s MS-13 Targeted ‘Operation Raging Bull’ Which Netted a Total of 267 Arrests

Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want the 2nd largest law enforcement division in the united States terminated because they actually do their job - targeting, arresting, and deporting violent, dangerous illegal criminals.

WHY do liberals and snowflakes want terrorists. murderers, human traffickers, drug runners, violent international MS-13 gang members, pedophiles, and violent criminal multiple-repeat offenders protected, allowed to continue to prey on Americans?

WHY do liberals and snowflakes support providing criminally Immigration Law-violating Sanctuary Cities to protect Illegal Pieces of Fecal Matter like THIS:


Cantarero Chicas,
Jose Gregorio

Wanted For: Aggravated homicide


Gonzalez Medina,
Jose Orlando

Wanted For: Aggravated Homicide


Jose Raul

Wanted For: Aggravated Homicide


Quiteros Garay,
Cesar Luis

Wanted For: Membership in terrorist organization (gang)


Ingrid Estela

Wanted For: Membership in terrorist organization (gang)



Wanted For: Murder


Jesus Guillermo Alvarado

Wanted For: Membership in terrorist organization (gang)



Wanted For: Human trafficking and narcotics

Last Known Location: Detroit Michigan



Wanted For: Removal and aggravated DUI

Last Known Location: Champaign, Illinois



Wanted For: Human Trafficking

Last Known Location: Tijuana, Mexico, or San Diego, California
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

Some background:

Referred to by some as former INS[2] and by others as legacy INS, the agency ceased to exist under that name on March 1, 2003, when most of its functions were transferred to three new entities – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – within the newly created Department of Homeland Security, as part of a major government reorganization following the September 11 attacks of 2001.

Immigration and Naturalization Service - Wikipedia

ICE is a legitimate LE Agency, misused by Trump&Co. In that I mean they are there to protect America from the obvious threat of terrorism and criminal gangs; yet are spending, it seems, most of their time pushing Trump's hate and fear agenda by incarcerating children and separating them from their parents.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
Your ignorance of ICE and what they do is truly amazing. Perhaps you should do some research before creating such a thread....

And yet not a one of you can quantify what they do

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
The original purpose for ICE was to track down people who entered on visas and didn't leave and who were potential terrorists, like the 9-11 hijackers, and if anyone is really interested that was not the only terrorist attack done by people who entered as students or something and attacked us while being here illegally overstaying visas. And I'm not so sure that just focusing on high tech skills to choose who gets to come here is really the best test.

But ICE as it originated could call on local cops who are as interested in stopping crimes as anyone. And deporting gang members probably appeals to local cops too. But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

The immigration system is broken, and ICE is just one facet of the failure. Today ICE is just the topic dejour for both political edge groups.

“But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up”

Sooo, the Left and twisted politicians, many of whom are anchor babies and barely American get to decide how our laws are enforced?
They arbitrarily decide this shit?
Are there different levels of “illegal aliens”? A dishwasher or a gardener aren’t quite as illegal as a gang member?
Do you hear how retarded this all sounds?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
The original purpose for ICE was to track down people who entered on visas and didn't leave and who were potential terrorists, like the 9-11 hijackers, and if anyone is really interested that was not the only terrorist attack done by people who entered as students or something and attacked us while being here illegally overstaying visas. And I'm not so sure that just focusing on high tech skills to choose who gets to come here is really the best test.

But ICE as it originated could call on local cops who are as interested in stopping crimes as anyone. And deporting gang members probably appeals to local cops too. But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

The immigration system is broken, and ICE is just one facet of the failure. Today ICE is just the topic dejour for both political edge groups.

“But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up”

Sooo, the Left and twisted politicians, many of whom are anchor babies and barely American get to decide how our laws are enforced?
They arbitrarily decide this shit?
Are there different levels of “illegal aliens”? A dishwasher or a gardener aren’t quite as illegal as a gang member?
Do you hear how retarded this all sounds?

Your first sentence does not ring true. Before I retired, when INS was in operation, when we arrested someone without papers or proof of legal entry in the US, we would call INS and let them know.

In over 90% of the time, we never got a call back. The result being county taxpayers paid the bill for the trail, the defense (public defenders usually), prosecution, detention (food & medical care); if found guilty a pre-sentence report by probation, and if sentenced to St. Prison, the State paid for the incarceration.

Sometimes the INS would come to the county jail and take custody of the individual without any prior notice.

I wonder if ICE has the same attitude of local LE. BTW, the US Marshall Service was great and we worked well together as equals.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
The original purpose for ICE was to track down people who entered on visas and didn't leave and who were potential terrorists, like the 9-11 hijackers, and if anyone is really interested that was not the only terrorist attack done by people who entered as students or something and attacked us while being here illegally overstaying visas. And I'm not so sure that just focusing on high tech skills to choose who gets to come here is really the best test.

But ICE as it originated could call on local cops who are as interested in stopping crimes as anyone. And deporting gang members probably appeals to local cops too. But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

The immigration system is broken, and ICE is just one facet of the failure. Today ICE is just the topic dejour for both political edge groups.

“But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up”

Sooo, the Left and twisted politicians, many of whom are anchor babies and barely American get to decide how our laws are enforced?
They arbitrarily decide this shit?
Are there different levels of “illegal aliens”? A dishwasher or a gardener aren’t quite as illegal as a gang member?
Do you hear how retarded this all sounds?
You want your local sheriff to use local tax dollars to jail people who would be released for a crime they were arrested for if they were not undocumented, you are certainly free to pursue that politically.

But holding undocumented aliens costs local LE money, makes jails less safe, and puts the jails in legal peril. I'm sorry that doesn't fit with your chaffed LOSER ass.

ICE, 17 FL sheriffs announce new enforcement partnership

Some jails find the ICE money worth the effort. Some don't
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
ahh look at the leftist, who doesn't want to be called a leftist supporting the leftists. funny shit dudette. truly funny. I'm more concerned at the 145 million a year for supporting mexicans spending american peoples money.

I want the government to be as small as possible, I am for getting rid the Dept of Edu and combining Labor, Economy and Finance into one department.

I am sorry that I cannot go along with your desire for a bigger and bigger government.

That's difficult, especially since there is no such Department of the Economy nor Department of Finance,

How do you merge imaginary departments?
You want your local sheriff to use local tax dollars to jail people who would be released for a crime they were arrested for if they were not undocumented, you are certainly free to pursue that politically.
Negative - nice try to spin.

'The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) posted the DHS ‘detainer’ report that shamed dozens of noncompliant sanctuary cities announced that more than 200 illegal aliens who had been detained for breaking the law were released from custody from local jails across the United States – in the face of requests from federal officials to briefly hold them.'

Even though the detainer requests only required the criminals to be held for two days or less, hundreds of refusals by local police departments were recorded.

“In these cases, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency asks local police to hold illegal immigrants for up to 48 hours – long enough for ICE officers to pick them up and put them into deportation proceedings”

'local governments sent the message to Washington that they have no intention of abiding by the federally imposed mandate'

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
The original purpose for ICE was to track down people who entered on visas and didn't leave and who were potential terrorists, like the 9-11 hijackers, and if anyone is really interested that was not the only terrorist attack done by people who entered as students or something and attacked us while being here illegally overstaying visas. And I'm not so sure that just focusing on high tech skills to choose who gets to come here is really the best test.

But ICE as it originated could call on local cops who are as interested in stopping crimes as anyone. And deporting gang members probably appeals to local cops too. But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up

The immigration system is broken, and ICE is just one facet of the failure. Today ICE is just the topic dejour for both political edge groups.

“But when it comes to using resources to jail dishwashers and gardeners who got a dui ... well ICE is paying local sheriffs to keep people locked up”

Sooo, the Left and twisted politicians, many of whom are anchor babies and barely American get to decide how our laws are enforced?
They arbitrarily decide this shit?
Are there different levels of “illegal aliens”? A dishwasher or a gardener aren’t quite as illegal as a gang member?
Do you hear how retarded this all sounds?
You want your local sheriff to use local tax dollars to jail people who would be released for a crime they were arrested for if they were not undocumented, you are certainly free to pursue that politically.

But holding undocumented aliens costs local LE money, makes jails less safe, and puts the jails in legal peril. I'm sorry that doesn't fit with your chaffed LOSER ass.

ICE, 17 FL sheriffs announce new enforcement partnership

Some jails find the ICE money worth the effort. Some don't

Good point. One other thing to consider is recruitment, young Latino men can be recruited and "jumped in" while in custody.
Get a dictionary and look up the word “quantify”.
Go onto Google and find out there is no such thing as the Department of The Economy or Department of Finance before you lie - or expose your ignorance - again.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

I would like to see Border patrol, Customs, and ICE all rolled into one organization.

Newsflash: They are! It's called Homeland Security!
If we are going to look at a government agency and see if we are getting a good return on the investment in that agency fine but lets look at all of them not just ICE becuse it's trendy to beat up on them right now.

While it is trendy to beat them up, it is just as trendy to make them out to be the single most important agency in the country. According to on thread on this forum, now even cities cannot be safe unless they are doing what ICE tells them to do.

And yet not a single person on this forum can tell me what they actually do, all I get is a link to their website, which has some great propaganda, but nothing to quantify what they do.
Doing either one is what blind partisans do all I'm saying is don't single ICE out just because it's the trend of he moment. If people want to have a real discussion about government waste and government agencies that have become irrelevant and no longer serve any real purpose fine like I said lets look at all of them.

I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure

There you go again! There is no "Dept of Ed".

My God, you are the consummate dumbass!

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