A question about I.C.E.

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.
All in the thread, read up, it’s your thread

Nobody has been able to quantity what ICE does.

You mean like seizing 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin in 2017? That's enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in this country.

Do you mean like arresting more than 127,000 aliens in 2017 alone, with criminal convictions or charges such as:

More than 76,000 dangerous drug offenses;

More than 48,000 assault offenses;

More than 11,000 weapon offenses;

More than 5,000 sexual assault offenses;

More than 2,000 kidnapping offenses; and

More than 1,800 homicide offenses.

Do you mean like 4,818 MS-13 and other gang-related arrests in 2017?

Do you mean like arresting human traffickers?

Anyone who feels that we should abolish ICE, is an idiot. Are you really an idiot?
Since no one is responding ............let's continue.

Another reason they don't want to comply with the labor laws of hiring immigrants...........because of the cost.

Under the program they are required to provide Transportation to and from the job and FREE HOUSING..........

aka Man camps and or bunk houses etc...........



• All H-2A workers are entitled to free housing and free daily

transportation to and from the worksite. U.S. workers in corresponding

employment are also entitled to free housing and daily transportation if

they are not “reasonably able” to return home within the same day
Lets continue.............

Federal Programs for low interest loans and GRANTS to build housing for Guest workers...........

Here it is.............


Loan Terms
Loans are for 33 years at 1 percent interest. Grants may cover up to 90 percent of development costs. The balance may be a Farm Labor Housing Program loan.
I hear everyone whine about the poor farmers.............poor poor farmers..................

While I understand the deal of needing cheap labor.............I have ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for them .......They have a legal means to hire workers...............

They have a SWEETHEART DEAL from the Gov't to build housing for illegals.........

90% of costs for the illegals to BUILD HOUSING...........the remainder of the loan to build at 1% interest.

Americans are living on the streets and the Farmers are given the Golden spoon........Again...........I have nothing against Farmers.........but they need to BE LEGAL.

I read a story on Speckles...........built 8 buildings to house 800 farm workers.............Said the cost was 12 million...........but the story didn't say..........that they did or did not get a grant for 90% of the cost...............The story did not say that the loan was at 1%............and it did not say they were CHARGING $100 A MONTH per worker when Federal Guidelines require the workers to stay for free.............

Nice gig they got going there.......
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.
All in the thread, read up, it’s your thread

Nobody has been able to quantity what ICE does.

You mean like seizing 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin in 2017? That's enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in this country.

Do you mean like arresting more than 127,000 aliens in 2017 alone, with criminal convictions or charges such as:

More than 76,000 dangerous drug offenses;

More than 48,000 assault offenses;

More than 11,000 weapon offenses;

More than 5,000 sexual assault offenses;

More than 2,000 kidnapping offenses; and

More than 1,800 homicide offenses.

Do you mean like 4,818 MS-13 and other gang-related arrests in 2017?

Do you mean like arresting human traffickers?

Anyone who feels that we should abolish ICE, is an idiot. Are you really an idiot?


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I hear everyone whine about the poor farmers.............poor poor farmers..................

While I understand the deal of needing cheap labor.............I have ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for them .......They have a legal means to hire workers...............

They have a SWEETHEART DEAL from the Gov't to build housing for illegals.........

90% of costs for the illegals to BUILD HOUSING...........the remainder of the loan to build at 1% interest.

Americans are living on the streets and the Farmers are given the Golden spoon........Again...........I have nothing against Farmers.........but they need to BE LEGAL.

I read a story on Speckles...........built 8 buildings to house 800 farm workers.............Said the cost was 12 million...........but the story didn't say..........that they did or did not get a grant for 90% of the cost...............The story did not say that the loan was at 1%............and it did not say they were CHARGING $100 A MONTH per worker when Federal Guidelines require the workers to stay for free.............

Nice gig they got going there.......

That's pretty much why the Koch Brother have had a falling out with President Trump. They're enjoying their cheap labor.
I hear everyone whine about the poor farmers.............poor poor farmers..................

While I understand the deal of needing cheap labor.............I have ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for them .......They have a legal means to hire workers...............

They have a SWEETHEART DEAL from the Gov't to build housing for illegals.........

90% of costs for the illegals to BUILD HOUSING...........the remainder of the loan to build at 1% interest.

Americans are living on the streets and the Farmers are given the Golden spoon........Again...........I have nothing against Farmers.........but they need to BE LEGAL.

I read a story on Speckles...........built 8 buildings to house 800 farm workers.............Said the cost was 12 million...........but the story didn't say..........that they did or did not get a grant for 90% of the cost...............The story did not say that the loan was at 1%............and it did not say they were CHARGING $100 A MONTH per worker when Federal Guidelines require the workers to stay for free.............

Nice gig they got going there.......

That's pretty much why the Koch Brother have had a falling out with President Trump. They're enjoying their cheap labor.
I simply don't care about them. It is the rule of law in a republic that counts. No business should be allowed to operate outside the laws of this nation..........

We have for too long allowed this to go on................And the thing is they have a gravy train of grants to do these things.........which is paid by the taxpayers................boo hoo..........

This is a biased piece of the plight of illegals...........so don't take it the wrong way........a hit piece by the left.........but in it.........it shows the case of the Sprikles issue...............and the minimum wage for farm workers under Federal Mandates for working..........


Desired for their labor, rejected as neighbors. Farmworkers in California face hostile communities
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

Well, it keeps beer cold.
So what does ICE do?

ICE is made up of three major offices, one of which has overshadowed the others.

Enforcement and Removal Operations, the best-known division of ICE, arrests, detains and deports unauthorized immigrants already inside the United States. The office had about 7,900 full-time employees and a $3.8 billion budget in the 2017 fiscal year, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Under President Barack Obama, the division prioritized removing undocumented immigrants who had committed serious crimes in the United States. Mr. Trump, after taking office, took a more hard-line stance and directed his administration to target anyone in the country illegally.

Beyond Enforcement and Removal Operations is the lesser-known Homeland Security Investigations, which pursues criminals and terrorists involved in drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, cybercrime, financial crimes and identity fraud. It is also the lead government agency for counterproliferation investigations, and targets individuals who illegally try to smuggle military and other high-tech equipment out of the United States.

With 8,300 full-time employees, H.S.I. is larger than E.R.O., although its $2 billion budget is smaller. It operates 26 offices across the country and about 50 internationally.

The Office of the Principal Legal Adviser is the smallest division of ICE. It employs about 1,400 workers who provide legal support to other employees and represent the government in immigration courts.

I imagine that all the screaming would be the worst part of working for them.
If we are going to look at a government agency and see if we are getting a good return on the investment in that agency fine but lets look at all of them not just ICE becuse it's trendy to beat up on them right now.

While it is trendy to beat them up, it is just as trendy to make them out to be the single most important agency in the country. According to on thread on this forum, now even cities cannot be safe unless they are doing what ICE tells them to do.

And yet not a single person on this forum can tell me what they actually do, all I get is a link to their website, which has some great propaganda, but nothing to quantify what they do.
Doing either one is what blind partisans do all I'm saying is don't single ICE out just because it's the trend of he moment. If people want to have a real discussion about government waste and government agencies that have become irrelevant and no longer serve any real purpose fine like I said lets look at all of them.

I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure

There you go again! There is no "Dept of Ed".

My God, you are the consummate dumbass!

There is no Department of Education?

Then why the hell are we paying DeVos so much damn money to run it?

You might want to get ahold of the webmaster of this site and let them know.... Home | U.S. Department of Education

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It is called the Education Department, you boob!

ED is erectile dysfunction! You should know, Mr. Flaccid.
While it is trendy to beat them up, it is just as trendy to make them out to be the single most important agency in the country. According to on thread on this forum, now even cities cannot be safe unless they are doing what ICE tells them to do.

And yet not a single person on this forum can tell me what they actually do, all I get is a link to their website, which has some great propaganda, but nothing to quantify what they do.
Doing either one is what blind partisans do all I'm saying is don't single ICE out just because it's the trend of he moment. If people want to have a real discussion about government waste and government agencies that have become irrelevant and no longer serve any real purpose fine like I said lets look at all of them.

I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure

There you go again! There is no "Dept of Ed".

My God, you are the consummate dumbass!

There is no Department of Education?

Then why the hell are we paying DeVos so much damn money to run it?

You might want to get ahold of the webmaster of this site and let them know.... Home | U.S. Department of Education

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It is called the Education Department, you boob!

ED is erectile dysfunction! You should know, Mr. Flaccid.

Yeah. That is why their website says United States Department of Education” on it, because that is not their name.

Your obsession with my dick has you being even more ignorant than normal.

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So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
Your ignorance of ICE and what they do is truly amazing. Perhaps you should do some research before creating such a thread....
He’s a closet leftist
Doing either one is what blind partisans do all I'm saying is don't single ICE out just because it's the trend of he moment. If people want to have a real discussion about government waste and government agencies that have become irrelevant and no longer serve any real purpose fine like I said lets look at all of them.

I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure

There you go again! There is no "Dept of Ed".

My God, you are the consummate dumbass!

There is no Department of Education?

Then why the hell are we paying DeVos so much damn money to run it?

You might want to get ahold of the webmaster of this site and let them know.... Home | U.S. Department of Education

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It is called the Education Department, you boob!

ED is erectile dysfunction! You should know, Mr. Flaccid.

Yeah. That is why their website says United States Department of Education” on it, because that is not their name.

Your obsession with my dick has you being even more ignorant than normal.

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well in all fairness when 98% of you *is* a dick, what else are we to do?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

See how the far left will rewrite history?

Silly far left drones forget about the INS..

Immigration and Naturalization Service - Wikipedia
Dump ICE, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security. Force the Gov to once again honor the 4th Amendment.

The terrorists won when they forced us to give up our freedom.

Actually, they lost when we forfeited some of out freedoms. Had we not done that, they would be carrying out 9/11-style attacks every week.

No, they won. Their whole goal was to change our way of life, and by handing over our rights and freedoms, they did just that.

Need I remind you of the quote...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Better to have your habits and way of life changed a little, than to die in a terrorist attack. Like was once said: "We sleep soundly in our beds at night only because of rough men (and women) who are willing to do violence on our behalf."

Or something like that.
Shit, people didn’t use to lock their doors! GG fk is just that
I am not pushing for them to go away, just wanted to know how much people on either side knew about what ICE does...the answer is very little indeed.

If I could pick one agency to go away first it would be the Dept of Ed for sure

There you go again! There is no "Dept of Ed".

My God, you are the consummate dumbass!

There is no Department of Education?

Then why the hell are we paying DeVos so much damn money to run it?

You might want to get ahold of the webmaster of this site and let them know.... Home | U.S. Department of Education

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It is called the Education Department, you boob!

ED is erectile dysfunction! You should know, Mr. Flaccid.

Yeah. That is why their website says United States Department of Education” on it, because that is not their name.

Your obsession with my dick has you being even more ignorant than normal.

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well in all fairness when 98% of you *is* a dick, what else are we to do?

Hey, feel free to keep dreaming about my dick all day long, I am not homophobic

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So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

See how the far left will rewrite history?

Silly far left drones forget about the INS..

Immigration and Naturalization Service - Wikipedia

You are not very bright, are you?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
Use to go to bed with doors unlocked. So, times and consequences change. You should move up in time
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

See how the far left will rewrite history?

Silly far left drones forget about the INS..

Immigration and Naturalization Service - Wikipedia

You are not very bright, are you?

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We know you aren’t that’s for fking sure

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