A question for Democrats

Rick Perry

He is an American

Yup Rick Perry. As Cruz is not eligible.

and the current presidunce was not eligible either, but you fucking libertraitors put the muslime mulatto in the Whitehouse to fuck the U.S.A. over by "fundamentally changing America". :up:

proud of yourselves for putting this traitorous Constitution hating asshole in the oval office ?

If those two were the only choices I would be joining the massive protests rather than casting a vote for either one of those fascist assholes.

It is a tough decision

Should we vote for a Canadian or someone in prison?
We should not vote if neither candidate is acceptable.

Nothing stopping you from casting a write in ballot for your preferred candidate.
The question is ridiculous and perhaps a wet dream of conservatives where there is only one party in power, theirs. It's already sort of like that where we only get two flavors of corporate neo-cons.
If those two were the only choices I would be joining the massive protests rather than casting a vote for either one of those fascist assholes.

It is a tough decision

Should we vote for a Canadian or someone in prison?
We should not vote if neither candidate is acceptable.

Nothing stopping you from casting a write in ballot for your preferred candidate.
The question is ridiculous and perhaps a wet dream of conservatives where there is only one party in power, theirs. It's already sort of like that where we only get two flavors of corporate neo-cons.

I agree that the OP premise is ludicrous. And yes, We the People are no longer represented in Congress because Congress only represents "Corporations are People" now.

Until We the People stop voting against our own best interests this situation will continue indefinitely.
Not a Democrat but unless there's a nuclear holocaust and these two are the only ones left alive, there's no such thing as an election with "only two choices".

We have effectively "only two choices" as it is, who are barely distinguishable without a freaking electron microscope. Why do you want to narrow the stream even further?

Remember the old cowboy adage: "never drink downstream from the herd".

Wildman "disagrees" with this post. So he believes in drinking downstream from the herd.

Actually --- that explains a LOT. :2up::alcoholic::blahblah:
If the only two choices you had for President in 2016 were Rick Perry, or Ted Cruz, who would you vote for? ..Why?


I wouldn't vote.

I would pack up everything we owned and move to another country.
Cruz is an egomaniac who has zero chance of ever becoming president.

Perry is a loon, but I would certainly choose him over Cruz.

However, America is not ready for another president from Texass.
Cruz is an egomaniac who has zero chance of ever becoming president.

Perry is a loon, but I would certainly choose him over Cruz.

However, America is not ready for another president from Texass.
I wana be a bigot too... So I'll add "America is not ready for another President that is black."

Because if you're black you fall into the failure category thanks to Obama, and all Black people are the same... Just like all people from Texas are the same and stupid because Bush is from Texas and stupid..
Presidents from Texas

Cruz? Perry?

Haven't we learned anything?
Cruz is an egomaniac who has zero chance of ever becoming president.

Perry is a loon, but I would certainly choose him over Cruz.

However, America is not ready for another president from Texass.
I wana be a bigot too... So I'll add "America is not ready for another President that is black."

Because if you're black you fall into the failure category thanks to Obama, and all Black people are the same... Just like all people from Texas are the same and stupid because Bush is from Texas and stupid..

Let's begin by making it abundantly clear that it was you who said "Bush is from Texas and stupid."

Perry just did something incredibly stupid by trying to bribe the DA in charge of investigating government corruption in Texas. And that isn't the first time he has done something stupid. He tried to send the national guard to the border. We are not talking about a great political intellect here by any measure.

Cruz is a whole lot smarter than both Perry and Bush but he gives sleazy lawyers a bad name. He panders shamelessly to the low information crowd for his own partisan political gain and doesn't care if he hurts the American people in the process.

Lastly, let me just add that I don't believe that Bush is stupid myself. I believe that he was naive enough to trust those around him and his trust was betrayed when he was lied to by his closest advisers. That is not stupidity in my book.
Presidents from Texas

Cruz? Perry?

Haven't we learned anything?
Just yesterday I was test driving a SUV and the guy from the shop was there with me and my wife. I asked where he was from, he said Chicago... I said "Chicago has been going through some rough times" he said "Chicago has been going through Obama." He then said "I wasted a couple votes."

He was black. He brought up the politics. He was the only one to say Obama's name. This is reality, not some partisan crap we get from you trolls on the internet.
:lmao: Some USMB progressives running from being called Democrats
Rick Perry

He is an American

Yup Rick Perry. As Cruz is not eligible.


While I appreciate this line of thinking, both the U.S. Constitution and the Nationality Act disagree with you.

In regards to your question, OP, it would be Perry. Even though he's a bigot, he's the bigot that would still support our only ally in the world, Israel, regardless of his opinions on other matters. To him, mindlessly, unflinchingly supporting Israel is second nature. That is what we need in a President. Cruz would only give us another round of brink diplomacy, indefinite government shutdowns, increased rates of unemployment and poverty, and a North Korean-tier isolationist foreign policy.
Presidents from Texas

Cruz? Perry?

Haven't we learned anything?
Just yesterday I was test driving a SUV and the guy from the shop was there with me and my wife. I asked where he was from, he said Chicago... I said "Chicago has been going through some rough times" he said "Chicago has been going through Obama." He then said "I wasted a couple votes."

He was black. He brought up the politics. He was the only one to say Obama's name. This is reality, not some partisan crap we get from you trolls on the internet.

Oh. A personal anecdote heared in a taxi.

Well why didn't you bring this up earlier? Damn, that's powerful. Well done. This ... is... HUUUUGE! :eusa_clap:

Well this changes everything. I for one am impressed and will write my Congresscritter forthwith to beckon immeidate impeachment, drawing and quartering of the Muslim Kenyan usurper bastard.

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