A question for fellow Catholics on Pope kissing the Koran

For crying out loud! I said the kiss made me uncomfortable. I explained why. With all due respect, get over yourself.

Ummm....I'm explaining why it did not make me uncomfortable. This should not be construed as invalidating your feelings, or anyone elses. It is simply two perspectives from two different Catholics. Hence, there is no need for me "to get over myself."
Oh really? When you proclaimed, " I am not second-guessing the Pope's intent and saying it was something it was not." That was validating my feelings?!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't realize how condescending you appear.
Oh really? When you proclaimed, " I am not second-guessing the Pope's intent and saying it was something it was not." That was validating my feelings?!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't realize how condescending you appear.

That's very considerate of you. We are simply conversing from two different perspectives. Clarifying my position and the approach I am taking has nothing to do with you and your approach. All I meant is that I start from the perspective that the Pope never intended any disrespect to God, or that he was okay with the idea there is more than one God--and therefore he was fine with bowing to another.

The Pope truly prayed for world peace and held hopes that differing faiths might find some common ground. He was not a Pope who would hold these beliefs as the standard for other religious leaders, but not himself.
Oh really? When you proclaimed, " I am not second-guessing the Pope's intent and saying it was something it was not." That was validating my feelings?!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't realize how condescending you appear.

That's very considerate of you. We are simply conversing from two different perspectives. Clarifying my position and the approach I am taking has nothing to do with you and your approach. All I meant is that I start from the perspective that the Pope never intended any disrespect to God, or that he was okay with the idea there is more than one God--and therefore he was fine with bowing to another.

The Pope truly prayed for world peace and held hopes that differing faiths might find some common ground. He was not a Pope who would hold these beliefs as the standard for other religious leaders, but not himself.
Uh huh. Thanks for sharing.
Speaking from a gut level, I am uncomfortable with the Pope kissing a Koran.

During Mass, after the Gospel reading, the priest kisses the Bible. It's one of those Catholic traditions that acknowledge that the Word of God is a big deal.

There are many ways to express respect to others. When the Pope chose to gave the Koran the same reverence as to the Bible, at the very least, he cheapened the honor that a simple kiss used to signify.
Yet, a kiss of peace has long been a part of Catholic liturgy and heritage. I believe it was Tertullian who wrote of a pagan's objection to his Christian wife exchanging a kiss of peace. I agree this kiss was generally exchanged between fellow Christians, but I don't see that such a kiss was not to be extended to outsiders.

In this particular case, the kiss was a sign of respect during a time where peace was sought between Abrahamic religions in that area of great unrest in the world. There is no reason to misinterpret or reinterpret the Pope's intent. Undoubtedly, the Christian minority in the country the Pope was visiting understood the gesture much more clearly than the Western world's armchair quarterbacks.

Sorry, kissing the Koran was wrong. He should have accepted the gift and shook their hands and left it at that. Let's remember, the Koran blasphemes God and claims that Jesus is NOT our savior. And the Pope kisses this abomination? Do you think Jesus would have kissed such a book? I mean the whole reason Jesus came to Earth and died a horrific death was to save us from books like the Koran, which has led BILLIONS of people away from Jesus. That was a mistake, a BIG mistake, in my view. I GUARANTEE Jesus would NOT have kissed that book. He probably would have rejected it and then preached to them the truth.
Correct. In their mind, all religions are bogus so one religion is as good as the next and just "tolerate" everyone else's belief system and "coexist".

As opposed to going to war to prove that "my God is better than your God!"

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