A question for liberals: Washington State MW=$11 an hour, Texas MW=$7.25 an hour ..

What is the point of the OP? If both states are already paying workers $12/hr, there's no basis for people in those states to complain about the federal minimum wage being increased to $12/hr.

Seattle isn't a state. The minimum wage only applies to the city. Which is why low-wage workers are being forced out.

The point of the post is that without a minimum wage hike, wages are floating on supply and demand, just as every economically literate person understands.

The theory that employers will not pay the value of the labor, without a minimum wage law forcing them to, is wrong.

The theory that without the minimum wage everyone will be poor and impoverished, and with the minimum wage everyone will be making great money, is wrong.

Why would anyone complain if they are already paid more than the minimum wage? Because who the heck are you to demand anything of anyone else? Who the heck do you think you are dictating how others live their lives? You left-wingers are all the same. So self important, thinking we should all be happy with you controlling every aspect of life.

And lastly, of course not everyone is making $12 an hour. No all labor is worth $12 an hour. We have a tiny, one person bakery down the road from here. By one person, I mean literally it's one girl, sitting at a cash register, watching TV and doing her homework from high school. You demand she make $15/hour, and she won't have a job. They are not going to pay someone to do homework and watch TV most of the day.

And this is the problem with you pointing to Seattle. The effects we said would happen, are in fact happening.
The research shows this, the evidence confirms it,

The way you people deny it, is by pointing at a the general economy. Well of course the vast majority of work force makes way more than the minimum wage. We wouldn't expect CEOs of Seattle companies to be unemployed because the minimum wage went up. We wouldn't expect that accountants and welders to be laid off from a higher minimum wage.

What we would expect is that those on the lowest income scale, though few in number, would have adverse effects. Effects that simply because of the limited numbers, wouldn't show up much in the general economy. And that is exactly what we see.

But here is where the total corruption and narcissism of the left-wing shows through. You people don't give a crap about the poor people, the low-wage people. All you care about is pushing through your destructive laws, and feeling good about yourself, no matter how many people you harm.

And this thread is proof. We've shown the evidence in dozens of posts now. All you do is say "Yeah but Seattle isn't a smoking ruins, so it's good!". You don't care about the truth. Just admit it. As long as you get what you want, and feel good about yourself, it doesn't matter how many people are harmed.

I debunked your McDonald's experience laying off 3 then hired 1 full time employee but no rebuttal.
AGAIN ---- here you posted a girl making $15/hour doing her homework behind the counter. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? Since when a business owner or a manager will let that happen? Posting that kind of scenario proves you are inexperience in economic/business 101.

YOU POSTED ABOVE --------- And this is a problem with you pointing Seattle. The effect we said would happen are in fact happening. The research shows, evidence confirms it --------------- What in the world are you talking about idiot? What do you think is happening in Seattle? I've asked you repeatedly ------- for evidence and research. So far you have NOT supply anything but keep you babbling your own opinion.
We deny it by pointing the general economy? So show me a state or a city the adverse effect of the MW hike. The picture I posted $11.50/hour was from here Southern Ca.
This thread did not prove anything ---------- if there is------- show me the evidence.

1. knew the girl personally. We were friends. I'm not making anything.

And I didn't say she was making $15 an hour. I said she was making $8. And that if they made the minimum wage $15, she wouldn't have that job.

2. You have not rebutted anything. Heck you can barely read my posts and respond coherently.

3. I already did post you examples of the adverse effect of the MW hike. Including my own personal experience.

You are simply too dumb to be in this discussion.

1. This shows your inexperience and stupidity. This girl you know personally doing her home work while working. It doesn't matter how much she makes------- It only mean that it's a mismanagement, not a common practice, her manager should be fired. And I cannot believe you have the guts to even mentioned it. This mean only one thing ------- you don't know a bloody lingo what you are talking about. Let alone talking to me about MW.

2. Yes I did ----- you are just in denial. You have NOT posted any single iota to prove your delusional opinion and lies. NONE not even a single piece of french fries.
It's been 2 years since MW was hike ------- Did you hear anybody reduced hours, loss business or jobs due to MW hike? None Nobody. Except from your dumb links and your dumb economist.
Actually most of them even added open 24 drive thru services------- meaning business is good they added more hours. NOT reduced hours dumbshit.
3.1. Your personal experience which is just one dumb person using as a mean of your measurements which is equal to nothing.
3.2. No you did NOT post the REAL adverse effect of MW hike------- just your low inexperienced opinion.

Keep trying.

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