A question for parents

nucular said:
Biology says that we should have sex starting at puberty. To behave otherwise is unnatural. Waiting for ten or fifteen years after puberty to have sex defies nature (or the creator if you prefer).

That's funny, I didn't know Biology had a mouth to "say" anything...

More importantly, however, is my beat-stick that says my kids will not engage in sexual activity until their instructed to do so on their respective wedding nights...
nucular said:
Biology says that we should have sex starting at puberty. To behave otherwise is unnatural. Waiting for ten or fifteen years after puberty to have sex defies nature (or the creator if you prefer).
BTW: :link: :link: :link: :link: :link:
nucular said:
Biology says that we should have sex starting at puberty. To behave otherwise is unnatural. Waiting for ten or fifteen years after puberty to have sex defies nature (or the creator if you prefer).

So you think kids should start having sex at age 9?
nucular said:
Excuse me, but what is puberty if not a signal from our bodies to start mating?

Ya know.. it wouldn't be so bad - but MORONS like this are absolutely not worth the time of day trying to REASON to...

I bet he's a child molester.... why else would he be up for kids having sex at 8 or 9?
nucular said:
Excuse me, but what is puberty if not a signal from our bodies to start mating?
It is a signal that you're body is entering a stage where it could bear a child. Some girls start their periods at 9 or 10 but are in no way fit to conceive. Hell, my dog just went into heat and I was wanting to breed her but the vet told us to wait at least another year because her body isn't ready. You're an idiot if you think that just because somebody is entering puberty they are ready to pro-create. One's physical state is not the only indicator of ability or readiness.

You know, here I am wasting my time debating an issue which is so ludicrous it is ridiculous... Why am I doing this???

Gawd I wish I could find a forum devoid of idiots like you that offer nothing to the discussion!!!!!

HELP! I am going to lose it very soon! I need mental stimulation.... not stagnation!
freeandfun1 said:
It is a signal that you're body is entering a stage where it could bear a child. Some girls start their periods at 9 or 10 but are in no way fit to conceive. Hell, my dog just went into heat and I was wanting to breed her but the vet told us to wait at least another year because her body isn't ready. You're an idiot if you think that just because somebody is entering puberty they are ready to pro-create. One's physical state is not the only indicator of ability or readiness.

You know, here I am wasting my time debating an issue which is so ludicrous it is ridiculous... Why am I doing this???

Gawd I wish I could find a forum devoid of idiots like you that offer nothing to the discussion!!!!!

HELP! I am going to lose it very soon! I need mental stimulation.... not stagnation!

LOL - just ignore him and gabby and read the rest of ours... :p
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-Cp said:
Ya know.. it wouldn't be so bad - but MORONS like this are absolutely not worth the time of day trying to REASON to...

I bet he's a child molester.... why else would he be up for kids having sex at 8 or 9?

Follow the quotes, knucklehead. Someone else suggested that I am in favor of sex at 8 or 9. I only said that puberty is a biological cue to start mating. This is a scientific fact. I am not in favor of sex at 8 or 9 and accusing me of being a child molester is ridiculous. Your mind is in the gutter!
freeandfun1 said:
It is a signal that you're body is entering a stage where it could bear a child. Some girls start their periods at 9 or 10 but are in no way fit to conceive. Hell, my dog just went into heat and I was wanting to breed her but the vet told us to wait at least another year because her body isn't ready. You're an idiot if you think that just because somebody is entering puberty they are ready to pro-create. One's physical state is not the only indicator of ability or readiness.

You know, here I am wasting my time debating an issue which is so ludicrous it is ridiculous... Why am I doing this???

Gawd I wish I could find a forum devoid of idiots like you that offer nothing to the discussion!!!!!

HELP! I am going to lose it very soon! I need mental stimulation.... not stagnation!
Good news..church tomorrow night...get refreshed.. ;)
-Cp said:
LOL - just ignore him and gabby and read the rest of ours... :p
You're right and I have already considered that... that iggy function is kinda nice, but it still doesn't help if everybody else keeps replying to the idiots! lol When replying to them they are not engaging in the substantive discussions that COULD be taking place!
Way off topic-- but this is the six hundreth and sixty sixth thread on this board, thought it was worth noting-- please resume your discussion.
deaddude said:
Way off topic-- but this is the six hundreth and sixty sixth thread on this board, thought it was worth noting-- please resume your discussion.

And we're talking about what-might-lead-to-pre-marital-sex. Spooky.

-Cp is really Satan. Afterall, he started the thread. :funnyface
deaddude said:
Way off topic-- but this is the six hundreth and sixty sixth thread on this board, thought it was worth noting-- please resume your discussion.
No wonder satan popped his head in and started rambling about sex with kids....
Said1 said:
And we're talking about what-might-lead-to-pre-marital-sex. Spooky.

-Cp is really Satan. Afterall, he started the thread. :funnyface
None of these folks have had pre-marital sex..remember the poll I posted...heheehehehehe
Their all pure as the first snow.
Yep... :dev2:
Mr. P said:
None of these folks have had pre-marital sex..remember the poll I posted...heheehehehehe
Their all pure as the first snow.
Yep... :dev2:

I sure did...tons of it. And now, I'm paying the price. I see what tons of pre-martial sex can do to a future long-term relationships. Not from a health standpoint so much as from a 'levels of expectation' stand point. At least in part.
-Cp said:
I'm saying that I'd really like it if my 5 kids would all work w/ myself and their mother in helping them during the whole "finding a spouse" process... :p

Ok, I've only read this far and have a couple pages to go. Gotta ask, how old are your kids?

Mine are 19, 22, and 24. Thank g, none are or have been or made someone pregnant. No STD's that I know of. No signs of alcohol or drug abuse.

I also teach middle school and have taught in high school, part time.

My take:

Middle school=age 15 tops, should NOT be dating. School dances, group movie or malls with parental pick up/co-shopping, ok. The kids need to know, with parental/chaperone supervision how to say 'yes' or 'no' to accepting/rejecting dances, overtures without being hurtful, appropriate hand placement :rolleyes:

Freshmen/Sophomores=for the most part this means 'no cars.' Harder to deal with daughters here, as they often catch the eye of upper classmen. My way of dealing with this was 'no dating' but in groups. I had to meet the 'group.' Only possible on Fri/Sat nights. 10:30 curfew, with grounding if late.

Junior/Seniors=stuck with curfew/grounding, but curfew changed to 11:30, with extension to 12, with phone call and talking with parents that I knew. Mostly they were still 'group dates.' Often ended up at someone's home, often mine, with 8 'couples' watching videos.

Only 'stuck in throat moment' was with daughter, natch! Senior year she started dating a 23 year old. Creepo. The more I got upset, the more she liked him. Suddenly, she didn't. He started stalking. Police and everything. Good luck!

She is the 24 year old. Still dating, but now she 'gets it.' She will tell me about 'good dates' and 'bad dates' but she can handle herself.

I don't think I could 'arrange' my kids 'partners', heck I couldn't arrange my own! I do know that I raised my kids to treat others with respect and to expect the same in return.
-=d=- said:
I sure did...tons of it. And now, I'm paying the price. I see what tons of pre-martial sex can do to a future long-term relationships. Not from a health standpoint so much as from a 'levels of expectation' stand point. At least in part.
I know. Good thing we just don't marry for the sex, huh? Or do we? :rolleyes:

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