A Question for Rightwingers

Would you support mandated concealed carry?

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ok. you're consistent. fair enough.

now how are you on reproductive choice since we're talking about individual liberty?

I'm all for reproductive choice. You dont want to get pregnant? Use precautions.
How are you on murder? Do you think people have the right to live?

That’s not the issue.

The issue is the states are not authorized to determine when life begins, or compel citizens to abide by such a determination. The individual alone makes the choice – whether to procreate, or own a gun – free from government interference.
But not whether to buy insurance.
hey.. you think it's ok for some rightwingnut to tiptoe through my uterus...

and you're concerned about paying for insurance?

I don't think anything of the sort...Not even a good try at marginalizing me.

But I do object to being forced to foot the bill and pay the consequences for your poor choices....Which is what you're really after.

No, what she's after is that you pay to eliminate the offspring of a population she thinks doesn't have any value.

She doesn't acknowledge that she's ever made a poor choice. But she thinks the children of those who do make poor choices should be offed.

Offing babies is the law of the land. It's a losing proposition to try and talk em out of it.
That’s not the issue.

The issue is the states are not authorized to determine when life begins, or compel citizens to abide by such a determination. The individual alone makes the choice – whether to procreate, or own a gun – free from government interference.

democrats are "pro choice" until they "mandate" :badgrin::badgrin: fucking hypocrites.

You can CHOOSE not to buy health coverage.

Then you'll pay a tax.

It's not really a choice when one alternative is punished by the government, is it?

By that logic, making abortion illegal is still freedom of choice.
There might be an obscure connection to abortion and then maybe not. Other than that I can't imagine why a left winger would ask people if they agree that the government should force them to carry a weapon.
democrats are "pro choice" until they "mandate" :badgrin::badgrin: fucking hypocrites.

You can CHOOSE not to buy health coverage.

Then you'll pay a tax.

It's not really a choice when one alternative is punished by the government, is it?

By that logic, making abortion illegal is still freedom of choice.

It's still a choice, is it not? And considering that the alternative to paying the tax is affordable health care coverage, what's there to really bitch about? Seriously, why are Conservatives so against the individual mandate when it was a Conservative think tank idea?
Why would any leftist goombah be against it?

Y'all think you're the boss of every fucking thing else.

hey.. you think it's ok for some rightwingnut to tiptoe through my uterus...

and you're concerned about paying for insurance?


No. We just care about your children more than you do.

Gee, that's funny. I think setting up a system where our sons and daughters can never be denied health insurance is looking out for them. *shrug* I guess that's the problem with bullshit hyperbole. Doesn't make for great intellectual discussion, does it?
You can CHOOSE not to buy health coverage.

Then you'll pay a tax.

It's not really a choice when one alternative is punished by the government, is it?

By that logic, making abortion illegal is still freedom of choice.

It's still a choice, is it not?
Then you won't mind abortion being made illegal? You still have the choice.
And considering that the alternative to paying the tax is affordable health care coverage, what's there to really bitch about? Seriously, why are Conservatives so against the individual mandate when it was a Conservative think tank idea?
I don't like it no matter whose idea it was. The Federal government has no business telling people they have to buy stuff.
Why would any leftist goombah be against it?

Y'all think you're the boss of every fucking thing else.

hey.. you think it's ok for some rightwingnut to tiptoe through my uterus...

and you're concerned about paying for insurance?


No. We just care about your children more than you do.

really? my son was by choice... after in vitro. and if it were up to you, i wouldn't have been able to have him.

so let's compare notes about how much we care about our kids one of these days.

and if you cared about people's children, you'd be in favor of fiunding head start and WIC and schools and daycare and job training for their moms.

It's not really a choice when one alternative is punished by the government, is it?

By that logic, making abortion illegal is still freedom of choice.

It's still a choice, is it not?
Then you won't mind abortion being made illegal? You still have the choice.
And considering that the alternative to paying the tax is affordable health care coverage, what's there to really bitch about? Seriously, why are Conservatives so against the individual mandate when it was a Conservative think tank idea?
I don't like it no matter whose idea it was. The Federal government has no business telling people they have to buy stuff.

so you shouldn't have to buy auto insurance, unemployment insurance (if you'r an employer) pay tolls,... heck you can always not go to that next state over. right?
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?

According to John Roberts if the government only fined you for not carrying a gun, since the penalty is just money it's a "tax" which apparently there is zero restriction on government for doing and it's OK by the Constitution for the government to do it. So let's go for it, freedom in this country means nothing anymore. Congratulations on that.
hey.. you think it's ok for some rightwingnut to tiptoe through my uterus...

and you're concerned about paying for insurance?


No. We just care about your children more than you do.

Gee, that's funny. I think setting up a system where our sons and daughters can never be denied health insurance is looking out for them. *shrug* I guess that's the problem with bullshit hyperbole. Doesn't make for great intellectual discussion, does it?

See that's where your wrong. Why?

Because one, Obamacare doesnt do that.

Two, our children dont need the government "looking out for them" they need their PARENTS looking out for them.

Three, outsourcing your parental responsibilities tells your children that you dont give a flying crap about them. It tells them you are selfish people who want to rob their neighbors in an effort to pretend you fulfill your responsibilities while completely ignoring them.

I might also point out there is a major difference between actively killing your child and choosing not to rob your neighbor to take care of them.

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