A Question for the Liberals.

Fox is not a news outlet.

They are a propaganda arm for the republican right.

Just curious, do you consider MSNBC to be a news outlet?


it's a political outlet.

fake news is a political outlet too.

the difference is fakenews tries to pretend it's actual news

Both embarrassing networks pretend to be news outlets.

Worse, most of their viewers appear to buy that bullshit.

MSNBC doesn't make up BS, they spend all their time trying to keep up with all Fox's BS, so they spend too much time down in the mud. I find it boring, but NOT FOS like Fox.

Still trying to get a straight answer. So Fox is not a news outlet, and MSNBC is, is that correct?


No, MSNBC is talking heads throwing mud too, but they are not FOS like Fox. Fox seems to have more news, but it's slanted and spun, and news Pubs don't like is just not reported. Fox is a disgrace, like Rush, Beck, Savage, Breitbart Inc, The Wash. Times, NY Post and all the other BS orgs, newsrags, institutes, websites and bloggers that flood TV, news print, and the internet with Pubcrappe, and produces the lowest info, highest hate, worst voters in the modern world. A disgrace.
MSNBC doesn't make up BS, they spend all their time trying to keep up with all Fox's BS, so they spend too much time down in the mud. I find it boring, but NOT FOS like Fox.

Still trying to get a straight answer. So Fox is not a news outlet, and MSNBC is, is that correct?


No, MSNBC is talking heads throwing mud too, but they are not FOS like Fox. Fox seems to have more news, but it's slanted and spun, and news Pubs don't like is just not reported. Fox is a disgrace, like Rush, Beck, Savage, Breitbart Inc, The Wash. Times, NY Post and all the other BS orgs, newsrags, institutes, websites and bloggers that flood TV, news print, and the internet with Pubcrappe, and produces the lowest info, highest hate, worst voters in the modern world. A disgrace.

How about some examples of disgraces from the Left?

Just curious, do you consider MSNBC to be a news outlet?


it's a political outlet.

fake news is a political outlet too.

the difference is fakenews tries to pretend it's actual news

Both embarrassing networks pretend to be news outlets.

Worse, most of their viewers appear to buy that bullshit.


you don't see a lot of people here relying on msnbc, though, while fox is constantly cited by the more extremist people on the board. personally, i do love morning joe because you have people who take every possible position (although joe likes talking over people who disagree with him) and rachel maddow is one of the smartest people on tv.

but that should only be part of what one watches or reads.
Do you ever ask yourselves why Fox News is the only News in the USA to cover the Benghazi story?

No. It's a given that FOX will resort to levels of bad behavior that no other network will stoop to. Years of observations confirm that, so we don't need to wonder about their motives.

If you have asked what conclusion have you come to?

I did better. I looked at the facts, and confirmed FOX was lying again.

It's the liberal thing to do, you know, checking out the facts independently of any media outlet. Obviously, you conservatives would not understand.

I could inform you of the facts, but what's the point? You'd just claim any source I used, no matter what it was, was "liberal media", solely because the facts contradicted your cult's beliefs. However, if those facts had happened to agree with your cult, you'd instantly flipflop and proclaim it the most reliable source ever.

Translated to mean you ain't got shit.
Political belief is the religion of the Left, so please don't expect a rational reply. Anyone who disagrees with them is evil and, like killing a vampire with a wooden stake, must be subdued by any means possible.
it's a political outlet.

fake news is a political outlet too.

the difference is fakenews tries to pretend it's actual news

Both embarrassing networks pretend to be news outlets.

Worse, most of their viewers appear to buy that bullshit.


you don't see a lot of people here relying on msnbc, though, while fox is constantly cited by the more extremist people on the board. personally, i do love morning joe because you have people who take every possible position (although joe likes talking over people who disagree with him) and rachel maddow is one of the smartest people on tv.

but that should only be part of what one watches or reads.

So why doesn't MSNBC cover this story? And, that includes Morning Joe, they do talk news, but not this news. Why is that?
Political belief is the religion of the Left, so please don't expect a rational reply. Anyone who disagrees with them is evil and, like killing a vampire with a wooden stake, must be subdued by any means possible.

Well so far none of them have come up with a plausible answer to the question. NOt one of them.
FOX News' sources are from the CIA and DoD, whereas those limp dick liberal media sources are from the White House and State Department.

Hmmmm, who has something to hide???? Oh yeah, Obamination and Hillary....
Still trying to get a straight answer. So Fox is not a news outlet, and MSNBC is, is that correct?


No, MSNBC is talking heads throwing mud too, but they are not FOS like Fox. Fox seems to have more news, but it's slanted and spun, and news Pubs don't like is just not reported. Fox is a disgrace, like Rush, Beck, Savage, Breitbart Inc, The Wash. Times, NY Post and all the other BS orgs, newsrags, institutes, websites and bloggers that flood TV, news print, and the internet with Pubcrappe, and produces the lowest info, highest hate, worst voters in the modern world. A disgrace.

How about some examples of disgraces from the Left?


Nope- the RW is the modern world center of lies, spin, and total BS. GREAT con men for the greedy, idiot rich.
There are plenty of people in the CIA and DoD that don't like Obamination, so they will leak unclass info that is being covered up by Obamination.

Petreaus IMO should resign from the CIA in protest over being told to lie to Congress or else his GOP career down the road is toast.

We all know Panetta is a liberal piece of crap that will lie for his black messiah. It is amazing he is the SECDEF with no military experience, none.
Both embarrassing networks pretend to be news outlets.

Worse, most of their viewers appear to buy that bullshit.


you don't see a lot of people here relying on msnbc, though, while fox is constantly cited by the more extremist people on the board. personally, i do love morning joe because you have people who take every possible position (although joe likes talking over people who disagree with him) and rachel maddow is one of the smartest people on tv.

but that should only be part of what one watches or reads.

So why doesn't MSNBC cover this story? And, that includes Morning Joe, they do talk news, but not this news. Why is that?

again...because it's garbage? :dunno:
OP- short answer? NONE of the Foxcrappe is true on this one. There WAS confusion, no lies. CIA now believes it was a spontaneous terrorist attack (hard to tell in Bengazi where RPGs are everywhere), based on the video that caused embassy protests in 20+ other countries THE SAME DAY.
you don't see a lot of people here relying on msnbc, though, while fox is constantly cited by the more extremist people on the board. personally, i do love morning joe because you have people who take every possible position (although joe likes talking over people who disagree with him) and rachel maddow is one of the smartest people on tv.

but that should only be part of what one watches or reads.

So why doesn't MSNBC cover this story? And, that includes Morning Joe, they do talk news, but not this news. Why is that?

again...because it's garbage? :dunno:

The death of four Americans is garbage? That explains it then.

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