A Question for Those that Support Hamas

I see plenty of people supporting innocent Palestinian people who are being slaughtered as a result of Hamas and Israel.

I don’t see many actually supporting Hamas. But I do see many people pretending that support for Palestinian people or support for a cease fire is the same thing as supporting Hamas
Make whatever excuse for your ignorance and or blindness, but if one does not speak out against or oppose an aggressor than they are tacitly in support of that aggressor.

Consider the recent example of World War Two and many claimed a neutral position during the 1930's which allowed Nazi Germany to build towards and start that global conflict.

In a universe built on polarities, the "middle ground" neutral position often fertilizes the Negative.
Nope. You're making shit up, you freaking liar.

Quote me doing anything resembling that or stop talking outta yer ass.

You ever notice how liars have really bad breath? I bet folks can smell yours from 3 blocks away.
I'm not going to waste time and energy on a dungheap like you.
You don't back up back up your ad hominems, so I won't both to prove what you deny.
Make whatever excuse for your ignorance and or blindness, but if one does not speak out against or oppose an aggressor than they are tacitly in support of that aggressor.

Consider the recent example of World War Two and many claimed a neutral position during the 1930's which allowed Nazi Germany to build towards and start that global conflict.

In a universe built on polarities, the "middle ground" neutral position often fertilizes the Negative.
I’m not making excuses I’m stating my observations. If you don’t agree with the things I say then post something that shows otherwise
You're a lying shitsack who is now running away when called on your lies.

Go wash that foul pie hole before somebody mistakes it for your ass.
My time spent on websearching troll scum like you starts at $100 per hour. When the check clears I'll waste my time on dregs like you.
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I'm not going to waste time and energy on a dungheap like you.
You don't back up back up your ad hominems, so I won't both to prove what you deny.
It’s not a waste of time to back up the things you claim… it’s a waste of time to make claims you can’t back up. Do better
I've already posted my countering observation. Deal with it.
You didn’t counter one thing that I said. You went off an a rant about neutrality and ww2.
Check your mirror. Apply your own "advice".
Happy to… if there is anything I’ve said that you have questions about or want further explanation of then let me know and I’ll give direct responses. I don’t play the diversion games that you play
You didn’t counter one thing that I said. You went off an a rant about neutrality and ww2.
Happy to… if there is anything I’ve said that you have questions about or want further explanation of then let me know and I’ll give direct responses. I don’t play the diversion games that you play
It's been covered in other threads.
The "Palestinian people" have voted in support of Hamas, helped fund them and provide sanctuary. They are a part of Hamas, and other similar organizations that operate under a variety of names.
The "Palestinian people" are in the plight they find themselves because they, and their "parents" supported Islamic/Arab efforts to destroy Israel and the Jewish people over 75 years ago.

Also, my observation/opinion after years of history study is that there is seldom any REAL "neutral" position in international affairs so long as one is involved in international economics and politics.

You want more from me, put the check in the mail. I don't take orders from those whom don't pay me.
It's been covered in other threads.
The "Palestinian people" have voted in support of Hamas, helped fund them and provide sanctuary. They are a part of Hamas, and other similar organizations that operate under a variety of names.
The "Palestinian people" are in the plight they find themselves because they, and their "parents" supported Islamic/Arab efforts to destroy Israel and the Jewish people over 75 years ago.

Also, my observation/opinion after years of history study is that there is seldom any REAL "neutral" position in international affairs so long as one is involved in international economics and politics.

You want more from me, put the check in the mail. I don't take orders from those whom don't pay me.
You’ve got to earn it if you are to be paid. You have every right to think what you think even if logic and reason don’t apply.

I wonder if you feel like you should be held accountable for Joe Biden’s actions since you elected him as your president.
You're a lying shitsack who is now running away when called on your lies.

Go wash that foul pie hole before somebody mistakes it for your ass.
Assface says what, you stupid shitbag?
You’ve got to earn it if you are to be paid. You have every right to think what you think even if logic and reason don’t apply.

I wonder if you feel like you should be held accountable for Joe Biden’s actions since you elected him as your president.
I did not vote for groper-molester Joe Biden. I also oppose the majority of Biden's actions since the coup that put him in as POTUS.

Assuming the Democrats didn't steal another election, for him, then it would appear that too many Leftist-Socialist/Communist-Fascist-Statist whom oppose the USA Constitution & Bill of Rights did vote in the Obama puppet.
In that brilliant statement you said “what” making you an assface, and then you incorrectly put a ? while calling him stupid. The irony is comical.
That's nice, honey. :itsok:

Are you in this pic?

Well, not with your current handle, anyway. :dunno:

Looks like you should be, if you aren't already. ;)
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I did not vote for groper-molester Joe Biden. I also oppose the majority of Biden's actions since the coup that put him in as POTUS.
But wasn’t the point you just made that support for the Palestinian people is supporting Hamas because they elected Hamas? Why then shouldn’t you be held responsible for electing Biden and his actions? Do you see your conundrum?
But wasn’t the point you just made that support for the Palestinian people is supporting Hamas because they elected Hamas? Why then shouldn’t you be held responsible for electing Biden and his actions? Do you see your conundrum?
He said he didn't vote for Biden, you fucking retard.
I did not vote for groper-molester Joe Biden. I also oppose the majority of Biden's actions since the coup that put him in as POTUS.

Assuming the Democrats didn't steal another election, for him, then it would appear that too many Leftist-Socialist/Communist-Fascist-Statist whom oppose the USA Constitution & Bill of Rights did vote in the Obama puppet.
And you wonder why people think you're a dumbass. :cuckoo:

It's because you're a dumbass, dumbass.
But wasn’t the point you just made that support for the Palestinian people is supporting Hamas because they elected Hamas? Why then shouldn’t you be held responsible for electing Biden and his actions? Do you see your conundrum?
"What do you mean "we" Kimosabe?"

I don't see any conundrum, just usual Lefturd false equivalency on your part.

I take it you are not resident/citizen/voter in the USA.

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