A Question for Those that Support Hamas

I see plenty of people supporting innocent Palestinian people who are being slaughtered as a result of Hamas and Israel.

I don’t see many actually supporting Hamas. But I do see many people pretending that support for Palestinian people or support for a cease fire is the same thing as supporting Hamas
Warmongers can only think in a binary fashion. Either you’re with the Zionist apartheid regime or your with Hamas. That’s the extent of their knowledge.
Warmongers can only think in a binary fashion. Either you’re with the Zionist apartheid regime or your with Hamas. That’s the extent of their knowledge.
There’s no Zionist apartheid regime, and anyone who says there is a lying antisemite.
What could possibly be a lie? I simply referred to the agonizing ways in which HAMAS tortured innocent Jews to death.

I am actually feel sorry the baby that the Muslim monster baked to death was born at all. A few short months of life, and then tortured by vicious, barbaric Jew-haters.
Don’t know ma’am I’m not going to presume to be in somebody’s head. I just asked you if they were possibly laughing at you because of a disagreement about the facts and not laughing at the specifics claimed in your post
I thought we were talking about Slade being an old lady. And of course you have Jew-hate. You’re taking the side of the Muslim monsters over innocent Jews.
I am?! That’s news to me. Can you show any evidence to back up that absurd statement? Of course you can’t
No, all Jew-haters say it. And you’ve revealed yourself to be one of the worst on the forum.
Wow look at you flinging out the antisemite card just like the left flings out the race card. You’re acting just like them. How does it feel?
No fundamental difference .
Both were set up by the US as control opposition and funded accordingly .
If the US is run on a Never Ending Wars philosophy this type of strategy is elementary and necessary .
The questions you should be asking are :-----

whether you approve of such a situation , and ,
why has it been allowed to develop and take control .

And most of all --- why have I not got a clue
You love to murder children
Don’t know ma’am I’m not going to presume to be in somebody’s head. I just asked you if they were possibly laughing at you because of a disagreement about the facts and not laughing at the specifics claimed in your post
That would mean they’re disputing the facts - that HAMAS tortured little Jewish children and babies to death - and that denial is in and of itself a form of support for HAMAS.
Zionists are Jews that wish to reclaim their homeland of over 3,000 years which the rest of the world keeps trying to kick them out of, while seeking to eliminate Jews. :rolleyes:
Gipper doesn‘t even know what a Zionist is. It’s one of the new code words that Democrats have been taught - like apartheid and genocide - to revile Jews and advance antisemitism. All based on lies.
ISIS was born in Camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004.
ISIS is just another name for one of the many Islamic organizations engaging in the destruction of the West, and Israel, in the fulfillment of Muhammad's mandate to convert the whole World to Islam. By FORCE when the target populations fail to convert "willingly".
No fundamental difference .
Both were set up by the US as control opposition and funded accordingly .
If the US is run on a Never Ending Wars philosophy this type of strategy is elementary and necessary .
The questions you should be asking are :-----

whether you approve of such a situation , and ,
why has it been allowed to develop and take control .

And most of all --- why have I not got a clue
Tell us why you Hamas lovers hate homosexuals so much.

That would mean they’re disputing the facts - that HAMAS tortured little Jewish children and babies to death - and that denial is in and of itself a form of support for HAMAS.
Perhaps… who knows… like I said. Presumptions
When you oppose Israel and it's self preservation you support Hamas and all other Islamic Jihad organizations seeking to destroy Israel and eliminate Jews fro the Levant. QED!
Nope. You're making shit up, you freaking liar.

Quote me doing anything resembling that or stop talking outta yer ass.

You ever notice how liars have really bad breath? I bet folks can smell yours from 3 blocks away.

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