A Question for Those that Support Hamas

Jews weren't abused by the Arabs. Mostly they prospered in Muslim countries until Zionists arrived in Palestine.

There's no reason the Jewish refugees couldn't have made their lives alongside Arab speaking Christians and Muslims, but that was NEVER the goal of Zionism.

Jews weren't abused by the Arabs.

Did Mohammad abuse any Jews?
Jews were buying land as soon as the Ottomans started selling land in the 1850s. Learn history. That was BEFORE Herzl and Zionism.

Not to count all the Jews who kept coming back to their homeland EVERY century before that.

You really do NOT care to understand the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Accord and the Mandate for Palestine.

Your loss.

This....is the truth about Arab feelings about Jews.
Hard to see how ALL Arabs got along with Jews before WWI. Especially how easily Al Hussaini pushed the Arab buttons against the Jews from 1920 on.

Jews owned 7% of the land in 1948. They were still a tiny minority in the 1860 Ottoman census.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine was written in July 1920. You should read it. By 1935 the population had doubled with European immigrants. Imagine that. They looked down on the Arabs..thinking themselves superior.
Jews owned 7% of the land in 1948. They were still a tiny minority in the 1860 Ottoman census.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine was written in July 1920. You should read it. By 1935 the population had doubled with European immigrants. Imagine that. They looked down on the Arabs..thinking themselves superior.
Indigenous Jews returning to their ancient homeland due to persecution is not a crime. It is their right.

All you post is lies on how Jews treated the Arabs and others on the land. One or two Jews saying something negative about the Arabs does not all Jews make.

And if the Arabs were so kin on making peace with the indigenous Jews, they would not have started telling lies about the Jews, which started riots against the Jews, which killed Jews.....for being Jews.

The only one having a sense of superiority is YOU.
Indigenous Jews returning to their ancient homeland due to persecution is not a crime. It is their right.

All you post is lies on how Jews treated the Arabs and others on the land. One or two Jews saying something negative about the Arabs does not all Jews make.

And if the Arabs were so kin on making peace with the indigenous Jews, they would not have started telling lies about the Jews, which started riots against the Jews, which killed Jews.....for being Jews.

The only one having a sense of superiority is YOU.
Your right?

What about the rights of Arabic speaking Muslims and Christians?
They tried to kill Muhammad.

This will answer your question.
The claim originates in Islamic texts, known as hadith, which describe the life of Mohammed and were written in the centuries following his death in 632 AD.

Though some Muslims regard the hadith as entirely correct they are generally regarded by Muslim scholars as being of varying reliability, and some hadith contradict others.

The Hadith of Bukhari claims that a Jewish woman attempted to poison Mohammed to test whether he was a real prophet. The attempt failed but is thought to have contributed to his later death.

Jewish and Muslim scholars have questioned the motives for the Huffington Post story. Mohammed Amin, co-chair of the Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester said he was unable to vouch for the reliability of the original hadith text. “I am crystal clear that the actions of one Jewish woman, even if that story happens to be correct, have no relevance for the way Muslims should relate to Jews in the generality, since each person deserves to be respected as an individual,” he said.

(full article online)

Questionable, but to you......no questions.
Just repeat it because it is there.
Indigenous Jews returning to their ancient homeland due to persecution is not a crime. It is their right.

All you post is lies on how Jews treated the Arabs and others on the land. One or two Jews saying something negative about the Arabs does not all Jews make.

And if the Arabs were so kin on making peace with the indigenous Jews, they would not have started telling lies about the Jews, which started riots against the Jews, which killed Jews.....for being Jews.

The only one having a sense of superiority is YOU.
Arab belief that the Balfour Declaration implied a denial of the right of self-determination and their fear that the establishment of a National Home would mean a great increase in Jewish immigration and would lead to their economic and political subjection to the Jews.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
1920 Nebi Musa riots - Wikipedia
Your right?

What about the rights of Arabic speaking Muslims and Christians?
No one was going to have their rights taken. Stop repeating, parroting Jew hating worthless conspiracy theories.

Why would Jews give jobs to Arabs and others?

Why would Arab clans know that allowing the Jews to rebuild their ancient Nation on their ancient homeland would only bring progress to all Arabs and others?

I know you cannot help yourself but to repeat the worse you find about Jews and Israelis, never mind wha the truth was or is.
The claim originates in Islamic texts, known as hadith, which describe the life of Mohammed and were written in the centuries following his death in 632 AD.

Though some Muslims regard the hadith as entirely correct they are generally regarded by Muslim scholars as being of varying reliability, and some hadith contradict others.

The Hadith of Bukhari claims that a Jewish woman attempted to poison Mohammed to test whether he was a real prophet. The attempt failed but is thought to have contributed to his later death.

Jewish and Muslim scholars have questioned the motives for the Huffington Post story. Mohammed Amin, co-chair of the Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester said he was unable to vouch for the reliability of the original hadith text. “I am crystal clear that the actions of one Jewish woman, even if that story happens to be correct, have no relevance for the way Muslims should relate to Jews in the generality, since each person deserves to be respected as an individual,” he said.

(full article online)

Questionable, but to you......no questions.
Just repeat it because it is there.
No one was going to have their rights taken. Stop repeating, parroting Jew hating worthless conspiracy theories.

Why would Jews give jobs to Arabs and others?

Why would Arab clans know that allowing the Jews to rebuild their ancient Nation on their ancient homeland would only bring progress to all Arabs and others?

I know you cannot help yourself but to repeat the worse you find about Jews and Israelis, never mind wha the truth was or is.
So that justifies what they did?
^^^ Here we have a leftist supporting HAMAS by saying Israel ”caused” the Muslim savages to burn little kids too death, saw off heads, bake babies, and rape women until they died from yhe trauma.

And anyone who calls the Muslim terrorists “freedom fighters” is supporting HAMAS.

And to answer Aye’s question as to the difference, it has to do antisemitism.
My my account, there are many dozens of Hamas supporters here,

Their unwillingness to stand up and take ownership of what they actually support is just part and parcel of the kind of foul creature that would support sub humans like Hamas in the first place,
Arab belief that the Balfour Declaration implied a denial of the right of self-determination and their fear that the establishment of a National Home would mean a great increase in Jewish immigration and would lead to their economic and political subjection to the Jews.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
1920 Nebi Musa riots - Wikipedia
Stuff it.

Arabs are very happy and enjoying their rights like anyone else in Israel, being doctors, lawyers, being in the government, etc.

Nothing you bring up proves what you are saying.

The Arabs, Bedouins, Druze, etc who enjoy all the rights everyone else does in Israel is how 100 % of the Mandate would have been.

Instead, there are Arabs who are Palestinians because they were forced to be Palestinians......in Jordan not being allowed to be citizens, or getting good jobs, etc. The same thing in Lebanon and Syria.

Jews treat Arabs in Israel better then Arabs treat other Arabs in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Jews owned 7% of the land in 1948. They were still a tiny minority in the 1860 Ottoman census.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine was written in July 1920. You should read it. By 1935 the population had doubled with European immigrants. Imagine that. They looked down on the Arabs..thinking themselves superior.

Jews owned 7% of the land in 1948.

So that's double what the Arabs owned? Triple?

They were still a tiny minority in the 1860 Ottoman census.

What were they in the 2020 census?

By 1935 the population had doubled with European immigrants. Imagine that.

How many more Arabs were there, compared to 1860?

They looked down on the Arabs..thinking themselves superior.

Looking at the Arabs today, maybe they were right?
The Arabs were there long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile. The Akkadian Empire was from Arabia and they predate Abraham.
ARABs are from ARABia, the ARABian Peninsula.
They didn't get to be from anywhere else until Big Mo lit a fire under their asses and sent them 1000 miles Pillaging and Raping in every direction.

They have always been called Palestinian Arabs because that's where they are from.
"So before the creation of the State of Israel, who were the Palestinians?

Until 1950, the name of the Jerusalem Post was THE PALESTINE POST;
the journal of the Zionist Organization of America was NEW PALESTINE;
Bank Leumi was the ANGLO-PALESTINE BANK;
the Israel Electric Company was the PALESTINE ELECTRIC COMPANY;
All these were JEWISH organizations.

In general, the terms Palestine and Palestinian referred to the region of Palestine as it was. Thus "Palestinian Jew" and "Palestinian Arab" are straightforward expressions. "Palestine Post" and "Palestine Philharmonic" refer to these bodies as they existed in a place then known as Palestine.

The adoption of a Palestinian identity by the Arabs of Palestine is a Recent phenomenon.
Until the establishment of the State of Israel, and for another Decade or so, the term Palestinian applied almost Exclusively to the Jews."
- Palestinians - The Peace Faq.

- - - - - - -

"Palestinians" [are an] Arab people No one heard of before 1967 before Israeli governments certified this piece of Propaganda... As has been noted many times before, prior to 1948, that is before Jews had begun to call themselves Israelis, the ONLY persons known as "Palestinians" were Jews, with the Arabs much preferrring to identify themselves as part of the great Arab nation.
- David Basch

"...Palestine does not belong to the "Palestinians" and never did. They did not even call themselves Palestinians until the middle 1960s. Before that, the word "Palestinian" meant "Jewish," while the local Arabs called themselves simply "Arabs."
The creation of the PLO by Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1964 was a brilliant ploy to distort the parameters of the dispute, largely for propaganda purposes.
It was inconvenient to have a conflict between 20-odd Arab states with an area 530 times greater than Israel, a population more than 30 times greater than Israel's and enormously richer natural resources.
Far better to invent a "Palestinian" nation that would be the eternal "underdog," - a nation consisting partly of Immigrants from Syria and other Arab countries who came to benefit from the rapidly growing economy Zionist Jews created..."
- westerndefense-org

"There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented!
- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, a local Arab leader, to the Peel Commission, 1937

"There is No language known as Palestinian.
There is No distinct Palestinian culture.
There has Never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians.
Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another Recent Invention),
Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1% of the landmass.
But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough....""
- Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist

You can't erase these people. Zionism is such a stupid idea to begin with. Trying to make Jewish state where the Majority was Muslim and Christian Arabs is insane .You gonna kill them all?

Didn't you learn anything from that Hitler monster?

The 1947 UN Partition plan (Resolution 181) adopted by the General Assembly designated two states.
One a near 100% Arab one, and the other an app 60-40 JEWISH MAJORITY one.
The Arabs rejected the plan and Attacked to eliminate the newly proclaimed Israeli state and the Jews in it.
They lost.
The rest is also the History I know and you do NOT.

You got everything wrong Yasser!

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Stuff it.

Arabs are very happy and enjoying their rights like anyone else in Israel, being doctors, lawyers, being in the government, etc.

Nothing you bring up proves what you are saying.

The Arabs, Bedouins, Druze, etc who enjoy all the rights everyone else does in Israel is how 100 % of the Mandate would have been.

Instead, there are Arabs who are Palestinians because they were forced to be Palestinians......in Jordan not being allowed to be citizens, or getting good jobs, etc. The same thing in Lebanon and Syria.

Jews treat Arabs in Israel better then Arabs treat other Arabs in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Palestinians want to return to their ancestral home. I know it's hopeless but there you have it.

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