A Question for Those that Support Hamas

ARABs are from ARABia, the ARABian Peninsula.
They didn't get to be from anywhere else until Big Mo lit a fire under their asses and sent them 1000 miles Pillaging and Raping in every direction.

"So before the creation of the State of Israel, who were the Palestinians?

Until 1950, the name of the Jerusalem Post was THE PALESTINE POST;
the journal of the Zionist Organization of America was NEW PALESTINE;
Bank Leumi was the ANGLO-PALESTINE BANK;
the Israel Electric Company was the PALESTINE ELECTRIC COMPANY;
All these were JEWISH organizations.

In general, the terms Palestine and Palestinian referred to the region of Palestine as it was. Thus "Palestinian Jew" and "Palestinian Arab" are straightforward expressions. "Palestine Post" and "Palestine Philharmonic" refer to these bodies as they existed in a place then known as Palestine.

The adoption of a Palestinian identity by the Arabs of Palestine is a Recent phenomenon.
Until the establishment of the State of Israel, and for another Decade or so, the term Palestinian applied almost Exclusively to the Jews."
- Palestinians - The Peace Faq.

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"Palestinians" [are an] Arab people No one heard of before 1967 before Israeli governments certified this piece of Propaganda... As has been noted many times before, prior to 1948, that is before Jews had begun to call themselves Israelis, the ONLY persons known as "Palestinians" were Jews, with the Arabs much preferrring to identify themselves as part of the great Arab nation.
- David Basch

"...Palestine does not belong to the "Palestinians" and never did. They did not even call themselves Palestinians until the middle 1960s. Before that, the word "Palestinian" meant "Jewish," while the local Arabs called themselves simply "Arabs."
The creation of the PLO by Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1964 was a brilliant ploy to distort the parameters of the dispute, largely for propaganda purposes.
It was inconvenient to have a conflict between 20-odd Arab states with an area 530 times greater than Israel, a population more than 30 times greater than Israel's and enormously richer natural resources.
Far better to invent a "Palestinian" nation that would be the eternal "underdog," - a nation consisting partly of Immigrants from Syria and other Arab countries who came to benefit from the rapidly growing economy Zionist Jews created..."
- westerndefense-org

"There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented!
- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, a local Arab leader, to the Peel Commission, 1937

"There is No language known as Palestinian.
There is No distinct Palestinian culture.
There has Never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians.
Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another Recent Invention),
Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1% of the landmass.
But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough....""
- Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist

The 1947 UN Partition plan (Resolution 181) adopted by the General Assembly designated two states.
One a near 100% Arab one, and the other an app 60-40 JEWISH MAJORITY one.
The Arabs rejected the plan and Attacked to eliminate the newly proclaimed Israeli state and the Jews in it.
They lost.
The rest is also the History I know and you do NOT.

You got everything wrong Yasser!


All the Arabic speaking people in Palestine were called Palestinian Arabs from about 1800. The Jews were a tiny minority. Look at the Ottoman census of 1860.
LOL most of them had just moved there ancestral my ass.

That's a Zionist lie.
Did you also support al qaeda when America was attacked on 9/11?

If not, explain what the difference is between the two terrorist organizations. What Hamas did to Israel is no different than what ISIS did to America. There only place suitable for terrorists is HELL.

There was no ISIS on 9/11.

Al Qaeda was Muslim Brotherhood like Hamas.
LOL most of them had just moved there ancestral my ass.

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2

The census figures didn’t include Bedouins (likely numbering over 100,000[4]) and foreign subjects (i.e. individuals with foreign citizenship, without Ottoman residency status) of which there were about 10,000 Jews.

Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5]
The latest hackneyed meaningless statement to grace our social media:

Israel has the right to defend itself, but......

Always a but, a big BUT.

Thanks to Surada for his incredible contributions to this thread.


If all US voters were as informed as Surada, everything from the I/P issue to those of basic equity would look VERY different.
Palestinians want to return to their ancestral home. I know it's hopeless but there you have it.
They are Arabs. Their ancestral homeland is called the Arabian Peninsula. Always has been, always will be. As Muslims they left Arabia in order to colonize all they could all the way to Spain.

Invading other indigenous people's land and then colonizing it, does not make it their "ancestral" homeland.

Egypt's indigenous people are the Copts.

Morocco's indigenous people are the Berbers.

And many others.

Colonizers are colonizers and that is what Arabs/Muslims have been for the past 1400 years.

Arabs/Muslims have done nothing since the 7th century but to colonize, take over, keep the indigenous people under their thumb.

Just as Europeans have been doing since 1492 with the "New World"

None of that is ever going to change, no matter how much people want to lie for the Arabs/Muslims in order to destroy Israel and get the land back into MUSLIM, not Palestinian hands.
All the Arabic speaking people in Palestine were called Palestinian Arabs from about 1800. The Jews were a tiny minority. Look at the Ottoman census of 1860.
Why do you never give sources.

Everyone......would have been called Palestinian, not only the Arabs, if that was the case.

Just as it was during the Mandate for "Palestine".
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2
The Numbers song.

Everybody, sing it with me.......

The census figures didn’t include Bedouins (likely numbering over 100,000[4]) and foreign subjects (i.e. individuals with foreign citizenship, without Ottoman residency status) of which there were about 10,000 Jews.

Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5]
All of that makes the Arabs "indigenous" how?

There are more Europeans in the Americas, New Zealand and Australia today since the Europeans arrived in those lands.

Have the indigenous people stopped being the indigenous people, OR that only happens when the Jewish people legally acquire the right to rebuild their Nation on their own ancestral homeland.

And for some strange reasons, like the dishonor of a country from keeping its Mandate for that Nation, the Jewish people ended up with 78% less then what they should have.

And being Muslims, the Arabs decided that Jews cannot have any rights to Muslim conquered land.

And there we have it. Nothing but attacks on the Jews since 1920.

And the Arabs are not tired of losing. All for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of any rights to that land which they do not have since.....after all.....when did they ever complain to the Ottoman Empire that the land was theirs and demanded that the Turks FREE PALESTINE ?

I am yet to find one event in history when Arabs got together to topple the Ottoman Empire and reclaim "their" land.

As long as it is in Muslim hands, as is TransJordan, they are ok.
All the Arabic speaking people in Palestine were called Palestinian Arabs from about 1800. The Jews were a tiny minority. Look at the Ottoman census of 1860.
That's your only response to my Categorical Refutation/DESTRUCTION of your Many Wrong and LYING Claims??
Then your whole opinion on the topic were/are all shlt.
You know NOTHING you Clown.

Ottoman Census you say?

How about 1844? I posted this hear a decade ago.

You don't know Shlt about this topic, while I am an Expert.

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jerusalem (After 1291)

"...5. Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

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Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ...The First Official Ottoman Census (abu afak)
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000


They are Arabs. Their ancestral homeland is called the Arabian Peninsula. Always has been, always will be. As Muslims they left Arabia in order to colonize all they could all the way to Spain.

Invading other indigenous people's land and then colonizing it, does not make it their "ancestral" homeland.

Egypt's indigenous people are the Copts.

Morocco's indigenous people are the Berbers.

And many others.

Colonizers are colonizers and that is what Arabs/Muslims have been for the past 1400 years.

Arabs/Muslims have done nothing since the 7th century but to colonize, take over, keep the indigenous people under their thumb.

Just as Europeans have been doing since 1492 with the "New World"

None of that is ever going to change, no matter how much people want to lie for the Arabs/Muslims in order to destroy Israel and get the land back into MUSLIM, not Palestinian hands.

Arabs began leaving the Arabian peninsula in waves over 10,000 years ago because it was growing more arid.

Arabs were in the Levant long before Islam and Judaism.

The Akkadians were from Arabia. Their empire included the Levant. Look at when... 2334 – 2154 BC .

Sargon was Akkadian.

There's more to history than Jewish history.
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Arabs began leaving the Arabian peninsula in waves over 10,000 years ago because it was growing more arid.

Arabs were in the Levant long before Islam and Judaism.

The Akkadians were from Arabia. Their empire included the Levant. Look at when.

Do you ever talk about anything else? Like cooking?

Have you got a herb patch?

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