A Question for Those that Support Hamas

Allow me to just add the final word for my enthusiastic audience: It doesn't matter much what Americans think of the situation anymore.

The rest of the world has come to realize the injustice of apartheid and ethnic cleansing by the evil Zionist regime.

There's never been greater hope that justice will finally be done for the Palestinian people!
Netaniahu did not "prop up" Hamas. Hamas gave the impression that it would accept the status quo.

The only ones preventing a two state solution have been the Arab leaders since 1937.

Look it up.
And before.

The two most influential Abab clans that existed before the "Palestinias" were invented were the Nashashibi Clan and the al Husseini clan. The Nashashibis wanted to create a state for the Arabs that din not live in the Jordanian portion portion of the British mandate. The al Husseinis wanted to kill Jews.

Guess which clan prevailed? For bonus points, name the most prominent member of the al Husseini clan in the sixties?
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Allow me to just add the final word for my enthusiastic audience: It doesn't matter much what Americans think of the situation anymore.

The rest of the world has come to realize the injustice of apartheid and ethnic cleansing by the evil Zionist regime.

There's never been greater hope that justice will finally be done for the Palestinian people!
You seem to think that throwing out buzzwords that only appeal to children while resorting to an appeal to popularity based up these children is all you need.
Yeah, right !

You live in Israel.
You actually read the news.
You actually know what is what in Israel.

Oh, wait, you really do not any of those things.

Oh, well.
I do get news from Israel daily. Haaretz and the Jerusalem Times.

Unlike you, I am informed.
Allow me to just add the final word for my enthusiastic audience: It doesn't matter much what Americans think of the situation anymore.

The rest of the world has come to realize the injustice of apartheid and ethnic cleansing by the evil Zionist regime.

There's never been greater hope that justice will finally be done for the Palestinian people!

I agree, the Palestinians should move to Iran, where their brother muslims will give them justice, land and love.
No, the blame on the Zionist regime is what cause Hamas to fight back.

The entire world has sympathy for Jewish people but no sympathy for the zionists.

It's as simple as counting up the score over 75 years, for determining which side is fighting for their freedom.

You mention nothing specific on which to comment.

What do you suppose that nature could be?

More to the truth, dozens oppose the slaughter of the Palestinian people. The entire world has turned against the Zionist regime.

Hopefully we all can have a rational and grownup discussion on the issues?
^^^ Here we have a leftist supporting HAMAS by saying Israel ”caused” the Muslim savages to burn little kids too death, saw off heads, bake babies, and rape women until they died from yhe trauma.

And anyone who calls the Muslim terrorists “freedom fighters” is supporting HAMAS.

And to answer Aye’s question as to the difference, it has to do antisemitism.
I believe that Zionism should be eliminated. It represents apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

There have been none.

Stop blaming Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Israelis.
You’re so driven by your antisemitism that you don’t know what Zionism means.

And yes, anyone who says HAMAS is fighting for a “just cause” - which is to wipe Israel and her 9 million Jews off the face of the Earth - is a Nazi-like antisemite.
The point is Coyote, warring forces of the world throughout history has done the same thing and hundreds of times worse! You are aware of the many examples that can be attrubuted to your country alone.
That doesn't mean that we should be supportive of any of it.
Agree. We have a lot to answer for.

But in my opinion, deliberately targeting civilians (killing, raping, torturing) takes it to a new level. It’s no different than the brutality Myanmar inflicted on the Rohinga or The Russian Federation on Ukraine.

Condemning it and acting to prevent it from occurring again (eradicating or degrading Hamas) does not mean supporting or ignoring the underlying issues. In fact, it is forcing us to.

That is true.

Let me try to help you understand, because I think you're a decent person who may truly want to understand.

Condemning the Zionist apartheid regime is not supporting Hamas!

We don't support what Hamas did but we might support what they stand for. That is, we don't support the opposite of Hamas's mission.


I get the point you are making. There is an ongoing and deliberate effort to blur the distinction between supporting Palestinian rights and supporting Hamas.

But there are a couple of other points here. You can also support the rights of the Jewish people to their state and the right of that state to defend it’s civilian population (a right every single state has) without supporting the policies and actions of the government (past and ongoing) that contributed to this.

In terms of the larger picture of the IP conflict, nothing is black and white. In terms of what Hamas did however, it is very black and white to me.

And that brings up another point. Supporting what Hamas represents.

What exactly DOES Hamas represent? Is it Palestinian rights?

Hamas has said the intention behind the brutality of the attack was to stir up a much larger regional conflict, perhaps a religious war. Hamas absolutely had to know what Israel’s response would be…and what the casualties would be for the Palestinians. They embed themselves in civilian structures like schools and hospitals. They torture and murder dissenters to their regime. What exactly do they represent?

We don't and didn't support Isis, but that doesn't mean that we supported America's war on Iraq and it's resultant loss of Iraqi lives amounting to up to a million.

Those not in the 'war zone' (not Gaza, but West Bank) support Hamas' Oct/7 atrocities even more.
As to "who" polled . It is Arabs themselves -
"the Arab World for Research and Development."

View attachment 863403

Were the polls taken before or after the death toll in Gaza went into the thousands, many of whom were children? Current estimates 14,500 dead civilians, 6,000 of whom were children. Seeing entire families slaughtered tends to change opinions whether it’s the Israeli’s uncovering the extent of Hamas’ atrocities or the Gazan’s unable to escape the relentless bombings.
You do not know what is what, who is who and where is where.

Arabs who invaded the Jewish ancient homeland have the right to all of the Mandate for Palestine (British used that word instead of Israel or Judea in order to humiliate the Jews, as the Romans had done ) are the OWNERS of the Jewish Homeland?

Are Europeans the actual owners of the Americas, and Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand? No.

It does not matter how long the invaders have been there, the indigenous people still have the right to their lands. And it is the same with the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.

Your mind does not want to work at all because it would come to the conclusion that your own mind has been fooling you. Fooling you because it is about Jews.

History lesson:

The Jewish people are the indigenous and rightful owners of the Land of Israel, which included TransJordan which was given by the British to the Hashemite in 1922 to make the Hashemites happy after THEY were kicked out of Arabia by another clan around the time of WWI.

The Hashemites then went to attack and expel all the Jews from their homes and homeland in TransJordan in 1925.

History say that the land never belonged to a nationality called Palestinians, because there was no country, no capital, nothing ever, since the Muslims invaded the area which became a country.

And all of that is testified by the conquering invaders including the Muslims who greeted the indigenous Jewish people when they arrived and even opened Jerusalem back for them in the 7th century.

No Invaders, including the Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans or British ever identified any other indigenous people to that land but the Jewish People, who always lived there, and returned there century after century.

No writers or Historians pre 20th century has ever come in touch with a Palestinian people. Not Mark Twain, not the Ottomans who kept a record of the population, not visitors, not any others who passed by.

So, find me a real Palestinian people and you will have a case.


Arabs do not have the letter P in their alphabet. So, why would they call themselves P...alestinians?

Why would the Palestinian nationality only come to be in 1964 after Arafat went to Moscow and planned it along with the Russian KGB?

I hope you do know how to do research. Take your time.

The Arabs were there long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile. The Akkadian Empire was from Arabia and they predate Abraham.

Your argument is ridiculous. Palestinians, Jews and Phoenicians are descended from Canaanites and they have all been there 4000 years.

They have always been called Palestinian Arabs because that's where they are from.

You can't erase these people. Zionism is such a stupid idea to begin with. Trying to make Jewish state where the majority was Muslim and Christian Arabs is insane .You gonna kill them all?

Didn't you learn anything from that Hitler monster?
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The Arabs were there long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile. The Akkadian Empire was from Arabia and they predate Abraham.

Your argument is ridiculous. Palestinians, Jews and Phoenicians are descended from Canaanites and they have all been there 4000 years.

They have always been called Palestinian Arabs because that's where they are from.

You can't erase these people. Zionism is such a stupid idea to begin with. Trying to make Jewish state where the majority was Muslim and Christian Arabs is insane .You gonna kill them all?

Didn't you learn anything from that Hitler monster?
You have learned plenty.
Lie about the Jews. No matter how small, and there will be thousands of Christians and Muslims who will be ready to attack Jews anywhere, for any reason.

Jews have learned plenty from extremist Christians and Muslims. Which is exactly why Israel exists.
Did you also support al qaeda when America was attacked on 9/11?

If not, explain what the difference is between the two terrorist organizations. What Hamas did to Israel is no different than what ISIS did to America. There only place suitable for terrorists is HELL.
Hamas and ISIS are two distinct Islamist militant organizations, but they differ significantly in terms of their origins, goals, strategies, and areas of operation. Here are some key differences between Hamas and ISIS:

1. Origins: Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, was established in 1987 during the First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. It primarily operates in the Palestinian territories, particularly Gaza. On the other hand, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State or Daesh, emerged in 2013 out of the remnants of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Initially, it sought to establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

2. Territorial Ambitions: Hamas primarily aims to resist Israeli occupation, establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and promote Palestinian self-determination. Its focus is more on Palestinian national aspirations and self-governance rather than acquiring territory beyond historical Palestine. In contrast, ISIS sought to establish a transnational caliphate, expanding its territory beyond Iraq and Syria, often through military conquest.

3. Means and Tactics: Hamas engages in both political and armed resistance against what it perceives as Israeli aggression. It combines guerilla warfare tactics, rocket attacks, and suicide bombings with social projects, political participation, and governance in the territories it controls. ISIS, on the other hand, is notorious for its extreme violence, including mass killings, beheadings, and genocide. It also utilizes terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, and territorial control to consolidate power.

4. Ideological Differences: While there are shared elements of Islamist ideology, Hamas, considered an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, is primarily focused on Palestinian nationalism and resistance against Israeli occupation. It mixes Islamist principles with elements of pan-Arabism to appeal to a broader audience. Meanwhile, ISIS promotes a radical and distorted interpretation of Sunni Islam, aimed at creating an exclusive Islamic caliphate based on its self-declared harsh interpretation of Islamic law.

5. International Relations: Hamas has maintained relations and received support from several Arab and Muslim nations, like Iran, Qatar, and Turkey, in addition to backing from some Palestinian factions. It has participated in Palestinian politics and secured a majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006. In contrast, ISIS was widely condemned globally, facing military interventions and opposition from both regional and international actors, including airstrikes by a coalition led by the United States.

These are just some of the key differences between Hamas and ISIS, highlighting their distinct origins, objectives, strategies, and international relations.

Edit : I do not support Hamas because I'm not Muslim or Palestinian. But I understand why they did anything to Israel. Actually, America always makes tons of money out of conflicts around the globe( arms sales ). That's not good? lol. :)

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the United States is the largest arms seller in the world. The U.S. has consistently held this position for many years, with a significant share of global arms exports. Other major arms exporters include Russia, France, China, and Germany.

Sources :

1. Infographic: The World's Biggest Arms Exporters

2. https://www.axios.com/2023/03/14/global-arms-sales-us-dominates-russia
Allow me to just add the final word for my enthusiastic audience: It doesn't matter much what Americans think of the situation anymore.

The rest of the world has come to realize the injustice of apartheid and ethnic cleansing by the evil Zionist regime.

There's never been greater hope that justice will finally be done for the Palestinian people!

The whole Board knows you are a liar now.

Chinese stooge

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