A Question for Those that Support Hamas

There are Arab Muslims and Christians in the Israeli Knesset, government. How is Israel Apartheid?

There are Muslims, Christians, Bedouin, Bahai, Druze serving in the Israeli Military.
How does that make Israel an apartheid country?



You're a mostly useless left-winger, but you're right here.

How does it feel to have more support from the right than from the left on this issue?
I suppose you're technically right.

Then that should mean that a two-state solution is needed in which both sides are acknowledged.

But the obvious problem with that solution is that the Zionist regime is not willing.

World sentiments is going to force them to be willing.

Look at the proportion of land that the Zionists want to claim. Does that seem fair to Americans?

That's why we don't support what Hamas did in revenge, but we support the ideals of what Hamas is trying to accomplish.
There will ONLY be a two State, when the Arab leaders - the current ones - are gone, way gone, all the education of hatred for Israel and Jews and killing Jews is gone.

Hamas did nothing out of revenge but out of Islamic ideology that one can scare one's enemy and eventually take their land, even if little by little.

Hamas got ALL of Gaza in 2005, especially since it took over in 2007. They chose to do what is right for Islam, not what would have been right for its population.

If one does not understand Islam, if one does not understand why they yell "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free", if one does not understand what it means when they yell "Kaybar, Kaybar", .........than what is it really that you and others like you can accept as factual?
Explain the refusal of Arab leaders to accept the 1937 partition while the Jews accepted it.
It wasn't the Jew's land.
Explain the refusal of Arab leaders to accept the 1947 partition while the Jews accepted it.
America refusing a similar land grab is the explanation why it wasn't acceptable.

My opening position is that all the land belongs to the Palestinian people...

But certain concessions aren't entirely off the table. Now go play.
And now the world has woken up to see the injustice of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and deliberate slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

It's all Arab land Todd and it's up to them to grant a part of it to the Jews who came in and tried to steal it.

Can that be our starting point? Seems fair to me if we were to consider foreigners coming into America and claiming a part of it!

My opening negotiating position is not cast in stone. There's room for negotiations.

And now the world has woken up to see the injustice of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and deliberate slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

Ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Gaza are wrong.
How many Jews should move back in?

Deliberate slaughter of civilians? How many?

It's all Arab land

Meh, not so much.

Can that be our starting point? Seems fair to me if we were to consider foreigners coming into America and claiming a part of it!

Foreign Arabs came from Arabia, maybe they should go back?
That's like saying the American people should have revolted against their military when Iraq was invaded on false pretenses.
That is not how America was back then.
But many were incited against the Government over the 2020 election and we have seen the results of that.

Incitement to kill Jews, with the endless kill the Jews education they get is never going to bring Peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Put an end to that "Kill the Jew" mentality" and there will be a treaty one day.
No, but it didn't and doesn't belong to Jews who are supposedly 'chosen'.

Who said it did?

The compromise that is necessary is that it can belong to both Jews and Palestinian people, but the Zionists can't be included because they can't compromise..

And that brings us up to date and to where the sentiments of the world is going to decide!

No, but it didn't and doesn't belong to Jews who are supposedly 'chosen'.

Some of it does now. And some of it now belongs to Arabs.

The compromise that is necessary is that it can belong to both Jews and Palestinian people, but the Zionists can't be included because they can't compromise..

Plenty of Arabs in Israel today. The rest were offered land for peace, several times.
They said no. They fucked themselves over. Because they couldn't compromise.
That is not how America was back then.
But many were incited against the Government over the 2020 election and we have seen the results of that.

Incitement to kill Jews, with the endless kill the Jews education they get is never going to bring Peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Put an end to that "Kill the Jew" mentality" and there will be a treaty one day.
There can be no end to the need to kill apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Thankfully, that doesn't require the killing of any Jews but it obviously means the killing of Zionism's ideals..
It wasn't the Jew's land.

America refusing a similar land grab is the explanation why it wasn't acceptable.

My opening position is that all the land belongs to the Palestinian people...

But certain concessions aren't entirely off the table. Now go play.
It has always been the ancient Jewish homeland. The invading Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans and British who conquered it at different times in history have always know it. Hitler knew that it was the Jewish homeland.

There was no Palestinian Arab people until 1964.

The Mandate for Palestine created "Palestinian" Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouin, etc. Any and all who came to be and live in the Mandate for Palestine.

Keep your childish, ignorant beliefs.

It is exactly because of totally ignorant, uncaring for Jews people like you that Israel exists and will continue to exist.

Muslims and Christians continue to ONLY want to destroy Israel, they will have to deal with the consequences.
It wasn't the Jew's land.

America refusing a similar land grab is the explanation why it wasn't acceptable.

My opening position is that all the land belongs to the Palestinian people...

But certain concessions aren't entirely off the table. Now go play.

It wasn't the Jew's land.

It wasn't the Arab's land.

My opening position is that all the land belongs to the Palestinian people...

Who dat? The renters and squatters on Ottoman land when the Ottomans lost?
There can be no end to the need to kill apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Thankfully, that doesn't require the killing of any Jews but it obviously means the killing of Zionism's ideals..
Kill the two in your brain as they do not exist in Israel.

Stay extremist, it is the only word for what you suffer from, about what Zionism means.

Zionism has existed ever since the Babylonians conquered Israel and the Jews started with the dream of returning to their land, setting it free and living as free people again.

That is what the Jews have since 1948 at great cost since the British totally betrayed their word about the Mandate for the Jewish homeland.

You do not care to know what Zionism is? Tough.
I must add to what is below, that Zionism is the Jewish rebuilding of the Independent Jewish Nation on their own ancient Jewish homeland. Even if only on 20% of its actual size.

Zionism : a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
Zionism: an international movement to oppose the forces arrayed against the Jewish state, something both meaningful and useful – even essential. It did not end when the state was declared; thanks to our enemies, Zionism is a continuing struggle.
Reading your Arab sources again. LOL. LOL. LOL

Nothing funny about your endless lack of knowledge and accusations against Israel , which by they way were debunked a long time ago.
Read Clean Break Strategy and the names on the PNAC letter to Clinton. How can you debunk either? Are you disavowing them out of shame? It's a little late for that.
And now the world has woken up to see the injustice of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and deliberate slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

It's all Arab land Todd and it's up to them to grant a part of it to the Jews who came in and tried to steal it.

Can that be our starting point? Seems fair to me if we were to consider foreigners coming into America and claiming a part of it!

My opening negotiating position is not cast in stone. There's room for negotiations.

More pali's than ever in history.

Worst job of "ethnic cleansing" ever.

Your heroes the Chinese though, they are getting good at it.

Funny how you support them, but lie about Israel.
Kill the two in your brain as they do not exist in Israel.

Stay extremist, it is the only word for what you suffer from, about what Zionism means.

Zionism has existed ever since the Babylonians conquered Israel and the Jews started with the dream of returning to their land, setting it free and living as free people again.

That is what the Jews have since 1948 at great cost since the British totally betrayed their word about the Mandate for the Jewish homeland.

You do not care to know what Zionism is? Tough.
I must add to what is below, that Zionism is the Jewish rebuilding of the Independent Jewish Nation on their own ancient Jewish homeland. Even if only on 20% of its actual size.

Zionism : a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
Zionism: an international movement to oppose the forces arrayed against the Jewish state, something both meaningful and useful – even essential. It did not end when the state was declared; thanks to our enemies, Zionism is a continuing struggle.

Just an FYI, the duck is a Chinese stooge who loves dictatorship.

This is the moron you are addressing.
When you lockup 2 million people in a concentration camp surrounded by a huge wall and armed guards. Take away all hope to better their lives. There is eventually going to be repercussions.
I don't blame the Palestinians for revolting against those who stole their land and homes, and then imprisoned them for life.

You have friends in Hamas?
Read Clean Break Strategy and the names on the PNAC letter to Clinton. How can you debunk either? Are you disavowing them out of shame? It's a little late for that.
And that has to do WHAT with this thread, which you are again, trying to take over with some other topic?

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