A Question for Those that Support Hamas

No, but it was theirs and still is theirs. What changed and who said it was no longer theirs?

A history question for you to put your mind to work.
You do not know what is what, who is who and where is where.

Arabs who invaded the Jewish ancient homeland have the right to all of the Mandate for Palestine (British used that word instead of Israel or Judea in order to humiliate the Jews, as the Romans had done ) are the OWNERS of the Jewish Homeland?

Are Europeans the actual owners of the Americas, and Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand? No.

It does not matter how long the invaders have been there, the indigenous people still have the right to their lands. And it is the same with the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.

Your mind does not want to work at all because it would come to the conclusion that your own mind has been fooling you. Fooling you because it is about Jews.

History lesson:

The Jewish people are the indigenous and rightful owners of the Land of Israel, which included TransJordan which was given by the British to the Hashemite in 1922 to make the Hashemites happy after THEY were kicked out of Arabia by another clan around the time of WWI.

The Hashemites then went to attack and expel all the Jews from their homes and homeland in TransJordan in 1925.

History say that the land never belonged to a nationality called Palestinians, because there was no country, no capital, nothing ever, since the Muslims invaded the area which became a country.

And all of that is testified by the conquering invaders including the Muslims who greeted the indigenous Jewish people when they arrived and even opened Jerusalem back for them in the 7th century.

No Invaders, including the Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans or British ever identified any other indigenous people to that land but the Jewish People, who always lived there, and returned there century after century.

No writers or Historians pre 20th century has ever come in touch with a Palestinian people. Not Mark Twain, not the Ottomans who kept a record of the population, not visitors, not any others who passed by.

So, find me a real Palestinian people and you will have a case.


Arabs do not have the letter P in their alphabet. So, why would they call themselves P...alestinians?

Why would the Palestinian nationality only come to be in 1964 after Arafat went to Moscow and planned it along with the Russian KGB?

I hope you do know how to do research. Take your time.
Human Rights Watch found that Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid through specific acts and policies carried out in certain areas under their control.

Amnesty International says Israel is an apartheid state.

17 Israeli NGOs published a report that stated Israel's actions in the West Bank today meet the criteria of apartheid, as defined in international law.

13 Israeli human rights groups issued a joint statement defending Amnesty International against "vicious attacks" due to its report on apartheid, saying: "Many of us have used the term and/or have made the legal designation of 'apartheid' in relation to various aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinians."

And that's not even a complete list. Don't attack the messenger, just saying that many others disagree, including many Israelis.
Amnesty International is against Jews and Israel and lies to this day about anything .

But believe the anti Israel sources, what will it cost you if you look for sources which tell the truth about Israel ?
When you lockup 2 million people in a concentration camp surrounded by a huge wall and armed guards. Take away all hope to better their lives. There is eventually going to be repercussions.
I don't blame the Palestinians for revolting against those who stole their land and homes, and then imprisoned them for life.
When you lockup 2 million people in a concentration camp surrounded by a huge wall and armed guards. Take away all hope to better their lives. There is eventually going to be repercussions.
I don't blame the Palestinians for revolting against those who stole their land and homes, and then imprisoned them for life.
Stolen land BS again
IMO Hamas is is no different than ISIS imo. What they did on Oct 7th is no different than what Al Queda did on 9/11.
The point is Coyote, warring forces of the world throughout history has done the same thing and hundreds of times worse! You are aware of the many examples that can be attrubuted to your country alone.
That doesn't mean that we should be supportive of any of it.
There is a big difference between supporting the rights of the Palestinians and supporting (or worse, applauding) Hamas and what it did to innocent civilians on 10/7.
That is true.
I can’t understand how someone can support Hamas.
Let me try to help you understand, because I think you're a decent person who may truly want to understand.

Condemning the Zionist apartheid regime is not supporting Hamas!

We don't support what Hamas did but we might support what they stand for. That is, we don't support the opposite of Hamas's mission.


We don't and didn't support Isis, but that doesn't mean that we supported America's war on Iraq and it's resultant loss of Iraqi lives amounting to up to a million.
When you lockup 2 million people in a concentration camp surrounded by a huge wall and armed guards. Take away all hope to better their lives. There is eventually going to be repercussions.
I don't blame the Palestinians for revolting against those who stole their land and homes, and then imprisoned them for life.
Well said!
It's good to stay on message!

Rational counter arguments can be considered.

This forum's spammers with their juvenile crying, 'is not, is not, is not', can safely be ignored.
Amnesty International is against Jews and Israel and lies to this day about anything .

But believe the anti Israel sources, what will it cost you if you look for sources which tell the truth about Israel ?

So all the Israeli groups that agree with that designation are also anti-Israel? That's similar to saying Americans who criticize the US government are bad and evil. When the reality is that true patriots speak out against corruption within government and those who go against the principles it is supposed to stand for.
America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years. Count me in with the rest of the world.

Do we support Hamas?

That's another question that should be asked.

Do we support apartheis and ethnic cleansing by Zionists? ---- NO!

America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years.

They were offered a state. They pouted and whined and stomped their feet.
Meanwhile, the Jews worked to build a state. In 1948, they got one.
And the Arabs continue to whine and pout and stomp their feet.
With no state to show for all the whining, pouting and stomping.
But believe the anti Israel sources,
This is THE to understand the situation.

Just as post diaspora Jews were in tiny, isolated enclaves living within a vast majority of others, Isreal is the lone tiny group of collective Jews living outnumbered on the world stake.

Arabs and Muslims in general VASTLY outnumber Jews, and their antisemitic propagandists take full advantage of that fact

Stupid people believe the voices they hear most often are the ones they can trust. It takes an intelligent person to see past the appeal to popularity to understand the true situation
So all the Israeli groups that agree with that designation are also anti-Israel? That's similar to saying Americans who criticize the US government are bad and evil. When the reality is that true patriots speak out against corruption within government and those who go against the principles it is supposed to stand for.
Yes there are some Israelis and non Israeli groups in Israel which are anti Israel. Haaretz, the newspaper is against Israel.

Since you do not know anything about what actually goes on in Israel, its policies or anything else, what is there for me to answer here.

Betselem and others are not telling the truth. Believe them all you want.
Thee OP should probaably ask Netanyahu this question since it was his strategy to prop up Hamas to prevent a 2 state solution.

Because I don't think anybody here supports Hamas.
The point is Coyote, warring forces of the world throughout history has done the same thing and hundreds of times worse! You are aware of the many examples that can be attrubuted to your country alone.
That doesn't mean that we should be supportive of any of it.

That is true.

Let me try to help you understand, because I think you're a decent person who may truly want to understand.

Condemning the Zionist apartheid regime is not supporting Hamas!

We don't support what Hamas did but we might support what they stand for. That is, we don't support the opposite of Hamas's mission.


We don't and didn't support Isis, but that doesn't mean that we supported America's war on Iraq and it's resultant loss of Iraqi lives amounting to up to a million.
There are Arab Muslims and Christians in the Israeli Knesset, government. How is Israel Apartheid?

There are Muslims, Christians, Bedouin, Bahai, Druze serving in the Israeli Military.
How does that make Israel an apartheid country?


America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years.

They were offered a state. They pouted and whined and stomped their feet.
Meanwhile, the Jews worked to build a state. In 1948, they got one.
And the Arabs continue to whine and pout and stomp their feet.
With no state to show for all the whining, pouting and stomping.
And now the world has woken up to see the injustice of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and deliberate slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

It's all Arab land Todd and it's up to them to grant a part of it to the Jews who came in and tried to steal it.

Can that be our starting point? Seems fair to me if we were to consider foreigners coming into America and claiming a part of it!

My opening negotiating position is not cast in stone. There's room for negotiations.

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