A Question for Those that Support Hamas

Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003. They also agree that it was shaped primarily by a Jordanian jihadist and the eventual head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Jordanian had a dark vision: He wished to fuel a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites and establish a caliphate. Although he was killed in 2006, his vision was realized in 2014—the year isis overran northern Iraq and eastern Syria.

What I hope is now clear to readers is that Anbari’s extremist views, which were later mirrored by isis, were forged before the American invasion of Iraq—and before he met Zarqawi.

According to Abdullah’s biography, Zarqawi arrived in northern Iraq from Afghanistan in the spring of 2002. Anbari met him a month later in Baghdad, where Zarqawi was hosted by an envoy of the Kurdish jihadist group Ansar al-Islam and a friend of Anbari’s. (This is the first time an isis publication has acknowledged that Zarqawi was present in Baghdad before the invasion. Previously, some claimed this chronology was false or politicized—part of the Bush administration’s attempts to justify the war by linking Zarqawi to the Hussein regime.) During this period, Anbari moved back and forth from central to northern Iraq to facilitate jihadist activities. “Preparations for jihad were maturing, in terms of finance, men and arms,” Abdullah’s biography reads. “All this was happening under the rule of the Baath.”

(full article online)

Israel demanded the invasion of Iraq in Clean Break Strategy. The PNAC in 1998 had mostly dual citizens signatories.
I believe that Zionism should be eliminated. It represents apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

There have been none.

Stop blaming Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Israelis.
Yes, you believe that Israel should not exist and the Jews there should be subject to the murderous whims of Arabs.
Lie your head off as an anti Israel person.

And lie your head off as being anti Biden, or anti Democrats in the US.

Exaggerate all you like, gratefully there are people who are not blinded as you are.
America failed for 75 years to represent fairness and a solution for the Palestinian people.

Now the rest of the world is standing up to make it happen. Count me in!
Where do you learn these expressions? "Clean Break Strategy".

Bush wanted to "revenge" Hussein's attempt on his father, and the Republicans wanted cheaper oil.

"I am a War President" he said, as if it was something to be proud of.

That was it.

Lol. Iraqi oil production was nothing until 2013.

The Israelis wanted Saddam Hussein taken out and Syria destabilized.
The numbers are given by Hamas.
The numbers are given by Palestinian Bureau Center for Statistics (PBCS).


UNRWA Situation Report #35 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem​

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
All information is valid as of 20 November 2023 at 22:30 local time
Day 45 of Hostilities

. . . and I do not contest any of what you have said. The first casualty of war, is, of course, the facts and the truth.

Who can trust anything? We all just want to believe what we want to believe, when emotions are running high. Seek out as many sources of information as possible, not just that to which you agree, of course. :113:

But it isn't like we haven't seen this tragedy before. . . and if this isn't treated differently, and a permanent solution, A POLITICAL SOLUTION isn't found, most of us suspect, we will see all this death and violence again in another decade.


Mow the Lawn: Israel’s Strategy For Perpetual War With the Palestinians​

The Inevitable, Ongoing Failure of Israel's Gaza Strategy​

View attachment 861653

"The phrase “mowing the grass” has been the bumper sticker version of Israeli strategy in Gaza for the last decade and a half.

It plays out in the following way: Palestinians, frustrated by the state of the enclave, turn to the likes of Hamas for, if nothing else, vengeance against Israel; Israel imposes restrictions such as the blockade on Gaza, citing security concerns; living conditions in Gaza deteriorate further, and discontent builds; Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others capitalize on the discontent and attack Israel; and Israel responds by “mowing the grass”—killing the perpetrators along with some number of civilians, buying at best a few years of relative peace and fueling further long-term radicalization. And so the cycle continues ad infinitum.

“Mowing the grass” embodies more than just strategic fatalism; it also reflects a large measure of hubris. At its core lies the assumption that Israel can control the rheostat in Gaza, hitting Hamas just hard enough to deter it from attacking Israel but not so hard that Gaza implodes into chaos or explodes into a regional war. As one Israeli defense analyst said of the 2014 Gaza war, “We want to break their bones without putting them in the hospital.”

With strikes targeting rockets and tunnels, the Israeli tactic of ‘mowing the grass’ returns to Gaza​


I am just going by what has happened, over & over again. Folks that don't read, and study what has happened in the past? Tend to not know what is going on.

Added to that, most of us that know what is going on, know that hydrocarbons have been discovered in that area as well.

We suspect, this has nothing to do with religion, Israelis or Palestinians. It has everything to do with power, money and greed.
I believe that Zionism should be eliminated. It represents apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

There have been none.

Stop blaming Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Israelis.
Except that you would not be able to prove Apartheid and ethnic cleansing by Israel.

That leaves you with what?

Just some anti Israel sources you are glued to because to you the truth does not matter.

Learn what Zionism is really about and stay away from anti Israel sources.
Yes, you believe that Israel should not exist and the Jews there should be subject to the murderous whims of Arabs.
America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years. Count me in with the rest of the world.

Do we support Hamas?

That's another question that should be asked.

Do we support apartheis and ethnic cleansing by Zionists? ---- NO!
Lol. Iraqi oil production was nothing until 2013.

The Israelis wanted Saddam Hussein taken out and Syria destabilized.
Reading your Arab sources again. LOL. LOL. LOL

Nothing funny about your endless lack of knowledge and accusations against Israel , which by they way were debunked a long time ago.
The numbers are given by Palestinian Bureau Center for Statistics (PBCS).

View attachment 863379

UNRWA Situation Report #35 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem​

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
All information is valid as of 20 November 2023 at 22:30 local time
Day 45 of Hostilities

. . . and I do not contest any of what you have said. The first casualty of war, is, of course, the facts and the truth.

Who can trust anything? We all just want to believe what we want to believe, when emotions are running high. Seek out as many sources of information as possible, not just that to which you agree, of course. :113:

But it isn't like we haven't seen this tragedy before. . . and if this isn't treated differently, and a permanent solution, A POLITICAL SOLUTION isn't found, most of us suspect, we will see all this death and violence again in another decade.


Mow the Lawn: Israel’s Strategy For Perpetual War With the Palestinians​

The Inevitable, Ongoing Failure of Israel's Gaza Strategy​

View attachment 861653

"The phrase “mowing the grass” has been the bumper sticker version of Israeli strategy in Gaza for the last decade and a half.

It plays out in the following way: Palestinians, frustrated by the state of the enclave, turn to the likes of Hamas for, if nothing else, vengeance against Israel; Israel imposes restrictions such as the blockade on Gaza, citing security concerns; living conditions in Gaza deteriorate further, and discontent builds; Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others capitalize on the discontent and attack Israel; and Israel responds by “mowing the grass”—killing the perpetrators along with some number of civilians, buying at best a few years of relative peace and fueling further long-term radicalization. And so the cycle continues ad infinitum.

“Mowing the grass” embodies more than just strategic fatalism; it also reflects a large measure of hubris. At its core lies the assumption that Israel can control the rheostat in Gaza, hitting Hamas just hard enough to deter it from attacking Israel but not so hard that Gaza implodes into chaos or explodes into a regional war. As one Israeli defense analyst said of the 2014 Gaza war, “We want to break their bones without putting them in the hospital.”

With strikes targeting rockets and tunnels, the Israeli tactic of ‘mowing the grass’ returns to Gaza​


I am just going by what has happened, over & over again. Folks that don't read, and study what has happened in the past? Tend to not know what is going on.

Added to that, most of us that know what is going on, know that hydrocarbons have been discovered in that area as well.

We suspect, this has nothing to do with religion, Israelis or Palestinians. It has everything to do with power, money and greed.
You're trying too hard to put lipstick on the Zionist pig. Their record is established in history and cast in stone.

And the whole world is saying, enough
America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years. Count me in with the rest of the world.

Do we support Hamas?

That's another question that should be asked.

Do we support apartheis and ethnic cleansing by Zionists? ---- NO!
The Arab leaders did not want a Palestinian State. They wanted all of Israel to be part of their State.

Repeat after me:

NO, there is no Apartheid or ethnic cleansing.

How can the population of both Gaza and PA grow if there is ethnic cleansing of Arabs in those areas?

How can there be 2 Million non Jews in Israel if there is ethnic cleansing by Israel?

Try to add that up
The numbers are given by Palestinian Bureau Center for Statistics (PBCS).

View attachment 863379

UNRWA Situation Report #35 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem​

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
All information is valid as of 20 November 2023 at 22:30 local time
Day 45 of Hostilities

. . . and I do not contest any of what you have said. The first casualty of war, is, of course, the facts and the truth.

Who can trust anything? We all just want to believe what we want to believe, when emotions are running high. Seek out as many sources of information as possible, not just that to which you agree, of course. :113:

But it isn't like we haven't seen this tragedy before. . . and if this isn't treated differently, and a permanent solution, A POLITICAL SOLUTION isn't found, most of us suspect, we will see all this death and violence again in another decade.


Mow the Lawn: Israel’s Strategy For Perpetual War With the Palestinians​

The Inevitable, Ongoing Failure of Israel's Gaza Strategy​

View attachment 861653

"The phrase “mowing the grass” has been the bumper sticker version of Israeli strategy in Gaza for the last decade and a half.

It plays out in the following way: Palestinians, frustrated by the state of the enclave, turn to the likes of Hamas for, if nothing else, vengeance against Israel; Israel imposes restrictions such as the blockade on Gaza, citing security concerns; living conditions in Gaza deteriorate further, and discontent builds; Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others capitalize on the discontent and attack Israel; and Israel responds by “mowing the grass”—killing the perpetrators along with some number of civilians, buying at best a few years of relative peace and fueling further long-term radicalization. And so the cycle continues ad infinitum.

“Mowing the grass” embodies more than just strategic fatalism; it also reflects a large measure of hubris. At its core lies the assumption that Israel can control the rheostat in Gaza, hitting Hamas just hard enough to deter it from attacking Israel but not so hard that Gaza implodes into chaos or explodes into a regional war. As one Israeli defense analyst said of the 2014 Gaza war, “We want to break their bones without putting them in the hospital.”

With strikes targeting rockets and tunnels, the Israeli tactic of ‘mowing the grass’ returns to Gaza​


I am just going by what has happened, over & over again. Folks that don't read, and study what has happened in the past? Tend to not know what is going on.

Added to that, most of us that know what is going on, know that hydrocarbons have been discovered in that area as well.

We suspect, this has nothing to do with religion, Israelis or Palestinians. It has everything to do with power, money and greed.
Try non anti Israel sources which will not give an end of days, or whatever they are giving.

Israel does not bother to have information about leaving the north of Gaza in order to end up killing all of those people.

Israel did not make sure that those civilians would have a safe passage south because it wanted to kill people without any restraint.

I have no idea what you are reading, but clearly they are not friendly to Israel and you are accepting everything they say.

And that is on you.

Israel is doing the right thing attacking only Hamas fighters and their infrastracture.

Read the opposite and you will continue in this endless maze you are in.
America and its people believed that a Palestinian state should not exist for over 75 years. Count me in with the rest of the world.

Do we support Hamas?

That's another question that should be asked.

Do we support apartheis and ethnic cleansing by Zionists? ---- NO!
So, you do not support imaginary things and that is why you support Hamas.

Got it.
IMO Hamas is is no different than ISIS imo. What they did on Oct 7th is no different than what Al Queda did on 9/11.

There is a big difference between supporting the rights of the Palestinians and supporting (or worse, applauding) Hamas and what it did to innocent civilians on 10/7.

I can’t understand how someone can support Hamas.
No fundamental difference .
Both were set up by the US as control opposition and funded accordingly .
If the US is run on a Never Ending Wars philosophy this type of strategy is elementary and necessary .
The questions you should be asking are :-----

whether you approve of such a situation , and ,
why has it been allowed to develop and take control .

And most of all --- why have I not got a clue
Taken at face value...Does that excuse what they've done?

How about we take an equal measure of retribution against those who created them?
So, you do not support imaginary things and that is why you support Hamas.

Got it.
I do not believe in imaginary things such as sky fairies.
I don't support Americans' or Hamas's beliefs in imaginary things.

You've lost it again. Go play.
NO, there is no Apartheid

Human Rights Watch found that Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid through specific acts and policies carried out in certain areas under their control.

Amnesty International says Israel is an apartheid state.

17 Israeli NGOs published a report that stated Israel's actions in the West Bank today meet the criteria of apartheid, as defined in international law.

13 Israeli human rights groups issued a joint statement defending Amnesty International against "vicious attacks" due to its report on apartheid, saying: "Many of us have used the term and/or have made the legal designation of 'apartheid' in relation to various aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinians."

And that's not even a complete list. Don't attack the messenger, just saying that many others disagree, including many Israelis.
You're trying too hard to put lipstick on the Zionist pig. Their record is established in history and cast in stone.

And the whole world is saying, enough
You know what? You never post in good faith here.

You always just want to agitate, and get folks to hate each other. Why is that?

The fact is. . . there are good people in Levant.

Good Jewish people, and good Palestinian people, and they have mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, and I really believe, the vast majority of them, just like the world over, would rather live in peace and prosperity.

. . . and somehow, in every thread, you always never take a side, except to throw gasoline and bombs onto the fire. . .

Why IS that?


Quote for me where you denounced the events of Oct. 7th please. . . or that you acknowledge Hamas as a terror organization.
IMO Hamas is is no different than ISIS imo. What they did on Oct 7th is no different than what Al Queda did on 9/11.

There is a big difference between supporting the rights of the Palestinians and supporting (or worse, applauding) Hamas and what it did to innocent civilians on 10/7.

I can’t understand how someone can support Hamas.

I don't understand how anyone can support terrorist groups either. That said, look into how a lot of those groups got started in the first place.


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