A Question for Those that Support Hamas


Any poster that blames Israel for the attack is supporting Hamas by absolving them of the responsibility for it.
No, the blame on the Zionist regime is what cause Hamas to fight back.
Any poster who shows absolutely no sympathy for Jewish victims while doing nothing but attacking Israel is supporting Hamas.
The entire world has sympathy for Jewish people but no sympathy for the zionists.
Any poster who offers the hackneyed moral relativism via the "One man's freedom fighter....." trope is supporting Hamas.
It's as simple as counting up the score over 75 years, for determining which side is fighting for their freedom.
Any poster who prattles on with all the propaganda created BY Hamas is supporting Hamas.
You mention nothing specific on which to comment.
Any poster who denies the very nature and objectives of Hamas are supporting Hamas.
What do you suppose that nature could be?
Hamas has dozens and dozens of supporters, here.
More to the truth, dozens oppose the slaughter of the Palestinian people. The entire world has turned against the Zionist regime.

Hopefully we all can have a rational and grownup discussion on the issues?
Nope, not at all.

The word you are looking for is REASONING.
While I do agree, that Israel has the right to defend itself, and does need to destroy Hamas. This? Is a given.

I also, have been listening to strategists and many experts on this issue. I also agree with the concept of. . "blow back."

There are many, on this issue, and indeed, on this forum, that make no distinction, between Hamas members, and the Palestinian population. They have no problem advocating for the complete extermination or removal of the entire five million population of the Palestinian people within greater Israel.

There is a problem with this. The Palestinian people have indicated, they would rather die than move. And the western nations, along with the Arab nations, have indicated that they will recognize Israel for doing, exactly what that will be, ethnic cleansing, or yes, a genocide, if Israel goes forward with such a plan.

So? If the IDF, is not more, how shall we say. . strategic, in the actually killing, elimination, or capture of real Hamas militants, rather than women, elderly, & children? In the long run, even if they do manage to eliminate all of Hamas. . . if they kill 25,000 to 50,000 women, children, and elderly along the way?

In another decade? Don't you see?


Neither Israel, nor the world, will have solved a stinkin' thing.

All of this will just rear its ugly head again, like it always does. Because all of this death and violence just serves to make another generation of militants -- unless, a permanent political solution is offered.

Which means the next generation after us will have to deal with this all over again.
What do you suppose that nature could be?

Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology​

". . . The most relevant of the document’s 36 articles can be summarized as falling within four main themes:
  1. The complete destruction of Israel as an essential condition for the liberation of Palestine and the establishment of a theocratic state based on Islamic law (Sharia),
  2. The need for both unrestrained and unceasing holy war (jihad) to attain the above objective,
  3. The deliberate disdain for, and dismissal of, any negotiated resolution or political settlement of Jewish and Muslim claims to the Holy Land, and
  4. The reinforcement of historical anti-Semitic tropes and calumnies married to sinister conspiracy theories.. . . "
All of this will just rear its ugly head again, like it always does. Because all of this death and violence just serves to make another generation of militants -- unless, a permanent political solution is offered.

Which means the next generation after us will have to deal with this all over again.
Yes, because Hamas represents an idea with a cause.

Is Hamas representing a just cause?
911 did predate ISIS, and if the US had never invaded Iraq, there never would have been such. .. .

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003. They also agree that it was shaped primarily by a Jordanian jihadist and the eventual head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Jordanian had a dark vision: He wished to fuel a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites and establish a caliphate. Although he was killed in 2006, his vision was realized in 2014—the year isis overran northern Iraq and eastern Syria.

What I hope is now clear to readers is that Anbari’s extremist views, which were later mirrored by isis, were forged before the American invasion of Iraq—and before he met Zarqawi.

According to Abdullah’s biography, Zarqawi arrived in northern Iraq from Afghanistan in the spring of 2002. Anbari met him a month later in Baghdad, where Zarqawi was hosted by an envoy of the Kurdish jihadist group Ansar al-Islam and a friend of Anbari’s. (This is the first time an isis publication has acknowledged that Zarqawi was present in Baghdad before the invasion. Previously, some claimed this chronology was false or politicized—part of the Bush administration’s attempts to justify the war by linking Zarqawi to the Hussein regime.) During this period, Anbari moved back and forth from central to northern Iraq to facilitate jihadist activities. “Preparations for jihad were maturing, in terms of finance, men and arms,” Abdullah’s biography reads. “All this was happening under the rule of the Baath.”

(full article online)

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While I do agree, that Israel has the right to defend itself, and does need to destroy Hamas. This? Is a given.

I also, have been listening to strategists and many experts on this issue. I also agree with the concept of. . "blow back."

There are many, on this issue, and indeed, on this forum, that make no distinction, between Hamas members, and the Palestinian population. They have no problem advocating for the complete extermination or removal of the entire five million population of the Palestinian people within greater Israel.

There is a problem with this. The Palestinian people have indicated, they would rather die than move. And the western nations, along with the Arab nations, have indicated that they will recognize Israel for doing, exactly what that will be, ethnic cleansing, or yes, a genocide, if Israel goes forward with such a plan.

So? If the IDF, is not more, how shall we say. . strategic, in the actually killing, elimination, or capture of real Hamas militants, rather than women, elderly, & children? In the long run, even if they do manage to eliminate all of Hamas. . . if they kill 25,000 to 50,000 women, children, and elderly along the way?

In another decade? Don't you see?


Neither Israel, nor the world, will have solved a stinkin' thing.

All of this will just rear its ugly head again, like it always does. Because all of this death and violence just serves to make another generation of militants -- unless, a permanent political solution is offered.

Which means the next generation after us will have to deal with this all over again.
Why do you exaggerate so much about the deaths in Gaza?

The numbers are given by Hamas. Not verified. Without ever giving the number of Hamas members and forced human shields, or those who wanted to be human shields.

It will take the end of this war to get all the real numbers, since Hamas has no intention of giving them .

None of you has any idea of what is going to happen once Israel destroys Hamas ability to send rockets into Israel for good, or invade Israel.

The IDF is a very precise military. It targets the terrorists and not the civilians. Too many Hamas are dressed as civilians, and let us not forget the not forced and forced civilians they put in danger so that Israel will not target them.

Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology​

Both sides in war have a genocidal ideology.

With this conflict the Zionist regime has taken it to another level with their slaughter of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

Therein lies the reason for America's loss of reputation and credibility.

And that's the reason why Biden was forced to take the defensive to save what's left.
Did you also support al qaeda when America was attacked on 9/11?

If not, explain what the difference is between the two terrorist organizations. What Hamas did to Israel is no different than what ISIS did to America. There only place suitable for terrorists is HELL.
Great question.
No, the blame on the Zionist regime is what cause Hamas to fight back.

The entire world has sympathy for Jewish people but no sympathy for the zionists.

It's as simple as counting up the score over 75 years, for determining which side is fighting for their freedom.

You mention nothing specific on which to comment.

What do you suppose that nature could be?

More to the truth, dozens oppose the slaughter of the Palestinian people. The entire world has turned against the Zionist regime.

Hopefully we all can have a rational and grownup discussion on the issues?
Let us say that England totally got out of Ireland. Is it England's fault if some Irish decide to continue to attack the English?

This is not a total comparison because the Jews have lived in Gaza for about 4000 years. The first time they were none in that area was when there was a riot in 1920 and the British had them leave for "security" purposes. The Jews never got to return to their homes.

After 1967 Jews were allowed to return.

In 2005 the Israeli government forced all the Jews to leave Gaza hoping that the Palestinians would stop attacking and build Gaza into what they wanted it to be, being free of Jews.

It did not happen. Hamas took over, rockets started to fly more frequently towards Israel and have not stopped.

So, what does Israel have to do with Hamas decision to not turn Gaza into a great place for tourism and a great place for its population to be proud of?

Israel is not "slaughtering" Palestinians in Gaza, it is going only after Hamas members, fighting with them in the streets of Gaza.

Hamas gives very exagerated numbers, none verifiable numbers and anti Israel people start yelling "genocide", "slaughter".

That is not the truth of what is happening, no matter that some anti Israel people will never come to believe it.
The UN, the streets of America, the Universities of America.

The real question is, why haven't there been formal charges of war crimes and human rights abuses levied against Hamas?
When the war is over, there will be. Israel will be putting all of the arrested ones on trial.
Both sides in war have a genocidal ideology.

With this conflict the Zionist regime has taken it to another level with their slaughter of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

Therein lies the reason for America's loss of reputation and credibility.

And that's the reason why Biden was forced to take the defensive to save what's left.
Lie your head off as an anti Israel person.

And lie your head off as being anti Biden, or anti Democrats in the US.

Exaggerate all you like, gratefully there are people who are not blinded as you are.
Bush was president. Attacking Iraq was Clean Break Strategy.
Where do you learn these expressions? "Clean Break Strategy".

Bush wanted to "revenge" Hussein's attempt on his father, and the Republicans wanted cheaper oil.

"I am a War President" he said, as if it was something to be proud of.

That was it.

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